Articles in journal, book chapters
X. He,
M.A. Desai,
L. Huang,
and F. Dörfler.
Cross-Forming Control and Fault Current Limiting for Grid-Forming Inverters.
March 2025.
Keyword(s): Nonlinear Control Design,
Power Electronics Control.
G. Belgioioso,
D. Liao-McPherson,
M. Hudoba de Badyn,
S. Bolognani,
R. Smith,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Online Feedback Equilibrium Seeking.
January 2024.
Keyword(s): Online optimization,
Game Theory.
M. Chen,
D. Zhou,
A. Tayyebi,
E. Prieto,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Blaabjerg.
On Power Control of Grid-Forming Converters: Modeling, Controllability, and Full-State Feedback Design.
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,
Keyword(s): Power Electronics Control,
Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems.
F. Dörfler,
Z. He,
G. Belgioioso,
S. Bolognani,
J. Lygeros,
and M. Muehlebach.
Towards a Systems Theory of Algorithms.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
January 2024.
Keyword(s): Online optimization.
R. Delabays,
G. De Pasquale,
F. Dörfler,
and Y. Zhang.
Hypergraph reconstruction from dynamics.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Algebraic Graph Theory,
System Identification.
E. Elokda,
S. Bolognani,
A. Censi,
F. Dörfler,
and E. Frazzoli.
Dynamic Population Games: A Tractable Intersection of Mean-Field Games and Population Games.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
March 2024.
Keyword(s): Game Theory.
M.W. Fisher,
G. Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Approximation by Simple Poles -- Part I: Density and Geometric Convergence Rate in Hardy Space.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
V. Häberle,
X. He,
L. Huang,
E. Prieto,
and F. Dörfler.
Optimal Dynamic Ancillary Services Provision Based on Local Power Grid Perception.
January 2024.
Note: To appear. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2024.3447410.
Keyword(s): Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks,
Linear Control Design,
System Identification.
S. Hall,
D. Liao-McPherson,
G. Belgioioso,
and F. Dörfler.
Stability Certificates for Receding Horizon Games.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Game Theory,
Linear Control Design.
S. Hall,
F. Micheli,
G. Belgioioso,
A. Radovanovic,
and F. Dörfler.
Carbon-Aware Computing for Data Centers with Probabilistic Performance Guarantees.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Optimal Transport,
Power Networks.
Y. Han,
G. Chen,
F. Dörfler,
and W. Mei.
The Continuous-Time Weighted-Median Opinion Dynamics.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Social Networks.
A. Hauswirth,
Z. He,
S. Bolognani,
G Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Optimization Algorithms as Robust Feedback Controllers.
Annual Reviews in Control,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Power Flow Optimization,
Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization.
Z. He,
S. Bolognani,
J. He,
F. Dörfler,
and X. Guan.
Model-Free Nonlinear Feedback Optimization.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
July 2024.
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Data-Driven Control.
Z. He,
S. Bolognani,
M. Muehlebach,
and F. Dörfler.
Gray-Box Nonlinear Feedback Optimization.
April 2024.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Data-Driven Control,
Nonlinear Optimization.
X. He and F. Dörfler.
Passivity and Decentralized Stability Conditions for Grid-Forming Converters.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
October 2024.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
X. He,
J. Duarte,
V. Häberle,
and F. Dörfler.
Aggregate Grid-Forming Control of Heterogeneous Distributed Energy Resources.
Note: Submitted.Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks.
X. He,
L. Huang,
I. Subotic,
V. Häberle,
and F. Dörfler.
Quantitative Stability Conditions for Grid-Forming Converters With Complex Droop Control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
October 2024.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
L. Huang,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Robust and Kernelized Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,
Note: DOI 10.1109/TCST.2023.3329334.
Keyword(s): Nonlinear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Power Electronics Control.
N. Lanzetti,
A. Terpin,
and F. Dörfler.
Dynamic Programming in Probability Spaces via Optimal Transport.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
Keyword(s): Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
N. Lanzetti,
A. Terpin,
and F. Dörfler.
Variational Analysis in the Wasserstein Space.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
A. Martin,
L. Furieri,
F. Dörfler,
J. Lygeros,
and G. Ferrari-Trecate.
Regret Optimal Control for Uncertain Stochastic Systems.
European Journal of Control,
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control.
W. Mei,
J.M. Hendrickx,
G. Chen,
F. Bullo,
and F. Dörfler.
Convergence, Consensus and Dissensus in the Weighted-Median Opinion Dynamics.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
pp 6700-6714,
Keyword(s): Social Networks.
G. Panagiotis,
G. Belgioioso,
C. Cenedese,
M. Fochesato,
J. Lygeros,
and F Dörfler.
BIG Hype: Best Intervention in Games via Distributed Hypergradient Descent.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
December 2024.
Keyword(s): Online optimization,
Bilevel Optimization.
M. Schneeberger,
S. Mastellone,
and F. Dörfler.
Advanced safety filter based on SOS Control Barrier and Lyapunov Functions.
January 2024.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Power Electronics Control.
B. Sprenger,
G. De Pasquale,
R. Soloperto,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Control Strategies for Recommendation Systems in Social Networks.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Social Networks,
Online Optimization.
H. Taghavian,
F. Dörfler,
and M. Johansson.
Optimal control of continuous-time symmetric systems with unknown dynamics and noisy measurements.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
Linear Control Design.
X. Wang,
F. Zhao,
A. Jürisson,
F. Dörfler,
and R. Smith.
Unified Aeroelastic Flutter and Loads Control via Data-Enabled Policy Optimization.
Note: Submitted.Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control,
System Identification,
Online Optimization.
F. Zhao,
F. Dörfler,
A. Chiuso,
and K. You.
Data-Enabled Policy Optimization for Direct Adaptive Learning of the LQR.
January 2024.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
Linear Control Design,
Online Optimization.
M. Bianchi and F. Dörfler.
A Stability Condition for Online Feedback Optimization without Timescale Separation.
In .
Note: Submitted.Keyword(s): Online Optimization.
M. Bianchi,
P. Grontas,
C. Dirren,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Contractivity and linear convergence in bilinear saddle-point problems: An operator-theoretic approach.
In .
Note: Submitted.Keyword(s): Online Optimization.
J. Eising and F. Dörfler.
On analysis of open optimization algorithms.
In .
Note: Submitted.Keyword(s): Online Optimization.
J. Authier,
R. Haider,
A. Annaswamy,
and F/ Dörfler.
Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Power Systems.
September 2023.
Note: To appear. Available at
Keyword(s): AC optimal power flow,
Power Flow Optimization,
Power Networks.
J. Björk,
K.H. Johansson,
and F. Dörfler.
Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Design for Fast Frequency Reserves: Coordinating Hydro and Wind.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
September 2023.
Keyword(s): Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
J.S. Brouillon,
F. Dörfler,
and G. Ferrari-Trecate.
Regularization for distributionally robust state estimation and prediction.
Keyword(s): Optimal Transport,
Linear Control Design.
J.S. Brouillon,
E. Fabbiani,
P. Nahata,
K. Moffat,
F. Dörfler,
and G. Ferrari-Trecate.
Bayesian Error-in-Variables Models for the Identification of Power Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
System Identification.
J.S. Brouillon,
G. Ferrari-Trecate,
K. Moffat,
and F. Dörfler.
Power Grid Parameter Estimation Without Phase Measurements: Theory and Empirical Validation.
September 2023.
Note: To appear. Available at
Keyword(s): AC optimal power flow,
System Identification,
Power Networks.
J.S. Brouillon,
A. Martin,
J. Lygeros,
F. Dörfler,
and G. Ferrari-Trecate.
Distributionally Robust Infinite-horizon Control: from a pool of samples to the design of dependable controllers.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Optimal Transport,
Linear Control Design.
E. Cahard,
F. Dörfler,
J. Lygeros,
and L. Seward.
Institutes in control: NCCR Automation in Switzerland.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine,
J. Coulson,
H.J. van Waarde,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
A quantitative notion of persistency of excitation and the robust fundamental lemma.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory,
Linear Control Design.
F. Dörfler.
Data-Driven Control: Part One of Two: A Special Issue Sampling from a Vast and Dynamic Landscape.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine,
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
System Identification.
F. Dörfler.
Data-Driven Control: Part Two of Two: Hot Take: Why not go with Models?.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine,
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
System Identification.
F. Dörfler,
J. Coulson,
and I. Markovsky.
Bridging direct & indirect data-driven control formulations via regularizations and relaxations.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
January 2023.
Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control,
Bilevel Optimization.
F. Dörfler and D. Gross.
Control of Low-Inertia Power Systems.
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems,
May 2023.
Keyword(s): Power Electronics Control,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
F. Dörfler,
P. Tesi,
and C. De Persis.
On the Certainty-Equivalence Approach to Direct Data-Driven LQR Design.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control.
M.A. Desai,
X. He,
L. Huang,
and F. Dörfler.
Saturation-Informed Current-Limiting Control for Grid-Forming Converters.
September 2023.
Note: To appear. Available at
Keyword(s): Nonlinear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks.
E. Elokda,
S. Bolognani,
A. Censi,
F Dörfler,
and E. Frazzoli.
A self-contained Karma economy for the dynamic allocation of common resources.
Dynamic Games and Applications,
pp 1-33,
April 2023.
Keyword(s): Game Theory.
E. Elokda,
C. Cenedese,
K. Zhang,
J. Lygeros,
E. Frazzoli,
and F. Dörfler.
CARMA: Fair and efficient bottleneck congestion management via non-tradable karma credits.
Note: In press. Available at
Keyword(s): Game Theory,
C. Feng,
L. Huang,
X. He,
Y. Wang,
F. Dörfler,
and Q. Chen.
Joint Oscillation Damping and Inertia Provision Service for Converter-Interfaced Generation.
September 2023.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Game Theory,
Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems.
V. Häberle,
L. Huang,
X. He,
E. Prieto-Araujo,
and F. Dörfler.
Dynamic Ancillary Services: From Grid Codes to Transfer Function-Based Converter Control.
September 2023.
Note: To appear. Available at
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks.
V. Häberle,
E. Prieto,
A. Tayyebi,
and F. Dörfler.
Grid-Forming and Spatially Distributed Control Design of Dynamic Virtual Power Plants.
August 2023.
Note: In press. Available at
Keyword(s): Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
X. He,
V. Häberle,
I. Subotic,
and F Dörfler.
Nonlinear Stability of Complex Droop Control in Converter-Based Power Systems.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
L. Huang,
Z. Jianzhe,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Robust Data-Enabled Predictive Control: Tractable Formulations and Performance Guarantees.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
May 2023.
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Power Electronics Control.
L. Huang,
D. Wang,
H. Xin,
P. Ju,
X. Wang,
K.H. Johansson,
and F. Dörfler.
Gain and Phase: Decentralized Stability Conditions for Power Electronics-Dominated Power Systems.
Note: In press. DOI 10.1109/TPWRS.2024.3380528.
Keyword(s): Power Electronics Control,
Linear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Networks.
I. Markovsky and F. Dörfler.
Identifiability in the Behavioral Setting.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control,
System Identification.
I. Markovsky,
L. Huang,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-driven control based on behavioral approach: From theory to applications in power systems.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine,
Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control,
System Identification.
A. Martin,
L. Furieri,
F. Dörfler,
and G. Ferrari-Trecate.
On the Guarantees of Minimizing Regret in Receding Horizon.
Note: In press. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3464013.
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design.
K. Moffat,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Nullspace Power Balance and Nullspace Power Flow Linearization.
September 2023.
Note: Submitted.Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Power Flow Optimization,
Complex Polynomial Networks.
D. T.A. Nguyen,
M. Bianchi,
F. Dörfler,
D. Nguyen,
and Nedich A..
Nash equilibrium seeking over digraphs with row-stochastic matrices and network-independent step-sizes.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Online optimization,
Game Theory.
L. Ortmann,
S. Bolognani,
F. Dörfler,
F. Böhm,
F. Klein-Helmkamp,
and A. Ulbig.
Tuning and Testing an Online Feedback Optimization Controller to Provide Curative Distribution Grid Flexibility.
September 2023.
Note: To appear. Available at
Keyword(s): AC optimal power flow,
Power Flow Optimization,
Power Networks,
Online Optimization.
H. Ossareh and F Dörfler.
Formula for Estimating the Frequency Response of LTI Systems from Noisy Finite-Length Datasets.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
M. Picallo,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Predictive-sensitivity: Beyond Singular Perturbation for Control Design on Multiple Time Scales.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
April 2023.
Keyword(s): Bilevel Optimization,
Online Optimization.
S. Shafieezadeh-Abadeh,
L. Aolaritei,
F. Dörfler,
and D. Kuhn.
New Perspectives on Regularization and Computation in Optimal Transport-Based Distributionally Robust Optimization.
June 2023.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
M.K. Singh,
S. Dhople,
F Dörfler,
and G.B. Giannakis.
Time-domain Generalization of Kron Reduction.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Algebraic Graph Theory.
A. Tayyebi,
A. Anta,
and F. Dörfler.
Hybrid Angle Control and Almost Global Stability of Grid-Forming Power Converters.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
July 2023.
Keyword(s): Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Power Networks.
A. Tayyebi,
D. Vettoretti,
A. Anta,
and F. Dörfler.
Grid-Forming Hybrid Angle Control: Behavior, Stability, Variants and Verification.
July 2023.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Power Networks.
A.M. Eds. Annaswamy,
K.H. Johansson,
and G.J. Pappas.
Control for Societal-Scale Challenges Roadmap 2030.
In A. M. Annaswamy,
K. H. Johansson,
and G. J. Pappas, editors, IEEE Control Systems Society Publication.
L. Aolaritei,
N. Lanzetti,
C. Hongruyu,
and F. Dörfler.
Distributional Uncertainty Propagation via Optimal Transport.
April 2022.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
L. Aolaritei,
S. Shafieezadeh-Abadeh,
and F. Dörfler.
The Performance of Wasserstein Distributionally Robust M-Estimators in High Dimensions.
June 2022.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
P. Carlet,
Favato. A.,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-Driven Continuous-Set Predictive Current Control for Synchronous Motor Drives.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
Power Electronics Control.
P. Carlet,
Favato. A.,
R. Torchio,
F. Toso,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Real-Time Feasibility of Data-Driven Predictive Control for Synchronous Motor Drives.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Keyword(s): Data-Driven Control,
Power Electronics Control.
G. Chen,
W. Mei,
N. Friedkin,
and F Dörfler.
Structural Balance and Interpersonal Appraisals Dynamics: Beyond All-to-All and Two-Faction Networks.
M. Chen,
D. Zhou,
A. Tayyebi,
E. Prieto,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Blaabjerg.
Generalized Multivariable Grid-Forming Control Design for Power Converters.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
Keyword(s): Power Electronics Control,
Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems.
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Data-Enabled Predictive Control.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory,
Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
M.W. Fisher,
G. Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Approximation by Simple Poles -- Part II: System Level Synthesis Beyond Finite Impulse Response.
Note: In press. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3462517.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
V. Häberle,
M.W. Fisher,
E. Prieto,
and F. Dörfler.
Control Design of Dynamic Virtual Power Plants: An Adaptive Divide-and-Conquer Approach.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
September 2022.
Keyword(s): Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
X. He,
V. Häberle,
and F Dörfler.
Complex-Frequency Synchronization of Converter-Based Power Systems.
August 2022.
Note: To appear. Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
L. Huang,
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Decentralized Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Power System Oscillation Damping.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,
May 2022.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Data-Driven Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory,
Power Electronics Control.
N. Lanzetti,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
First-order Conditions for Optimization in the Wasserstein Space.
Note: In press. Available at
Keyword(s): Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
B. Marinescu,
O. Gomis,
F. Dörfler,
H. Schulte,
and L. Sigrist.
Dynamic Virtual Power Plant: a New Concept for Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources.
IEEE Access,
Keyword(s): Dynamic Virtual Power Plants,
Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
I. Markovsky and F. Dörfler.
Data-driven dynamic interpolation and approximation.
Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control.
I. Markovsky,
E. Prieto,
and F. Dörfler.
On the persistency of excitation.
Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control,
System Identification.
W. Mei,
G. Chen,
F. Bullo,
and F Dörfler.
Rethinking the micro-foundation of opinion dynamics: Rich consequences of an inconspicuous change of an inconspicuous change.
Physical Review Research,
June 2022.
Keyword(s): Social Networks.
L. Ortmann,
J. Maeght,
P. Panciatici,
F. Dörfler,
and S. Bolognani.
Online Feedback Optimization for Transmission Grid Operation.
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Nonlinear Control Design.
M. Picallo,
D. Liao-McPherson,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Cross-layer design for real-time grid operation: Estimation, optimization and power flow.
Electric Power Systems Research,
ISSN: 0378-7796.
Keyword(s): AC optimal power flow,
Dynamic State Estimation,
Online Optimization,
Voltage regulation.
M. Picallo,
L. Ortmann,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Adaptive real-time grid operation via Online Feedback Optimization with sensitivity estimation.
Electric Power Systems Research,
ISSN: 0378-7796.
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Real-time AC Optimal Power Flow,
Recursive estimation,
Voltage regulation.
I. Subotic,
A. Hauswirth,
and F. Dörfler.
Quantitative Sensitivity Bounds for Nonlinear Programming and Time-varying Optimization.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
June 2022.
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization.
A. Tayyebi,
A. Magdaleno,
D. Vettoretti,
M. Chen,
E. Prieto-Araujo,
A. Anta,
and F. Dörfler.
System-level performance and robustness of the grid-forming hybrid angle control.
Electric Power Systems Research,
ISSN: 0378-7796.
Keyword(s): Grid-forming control design,
Low-inertia power system.
A. Zanardi,
G. Zardini,
S. Srinivasan,
A. Censi,
F. Dörfler,
and E. Frazzoli.
Posetal Games: Efficiency, Existence, and Refinement of Equilibria in Games with Prioritized Metrics.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,
Keyword(s): Game Theory,
Robotic Coordination.
E. Elokda,
S. Bolognani,
A. Censi,
E. Frazzoli,
and F. Dörfler.
Dynamic population games.
Note: Available at Game Theory,
V. Häberle,
A. Hauswirth,
L. Ortmann,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Non-convex Feedback Optimization with Input and Output Constraints.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Nonlinear Control Design.
A. Hauswirth,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Projected Dynamical Systems on Irregular Non-Euclidean Domains for Nonlinear Optimization.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization.
A. Hauswirth,
S. Bolognani,
G Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Corrigendum to: Timescale Separation in Autonomous Optimization.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Nonlinear Control Design.
A. Hauswirth,
S. Bolognani,
G Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Timescale Separation in Autonomous Optimization.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
February 2021.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Power Flow Optimization,
Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization.
F. Liu,
S. Cui,
W. Mei,
F. Dörfler,
and M. Buss.
Interplay Between Homophily-Based Appraisal Dynamics and Influence-Based Opinion Dynamics: Modeling and Analysis.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
January 2021.
I. Markovsky and F. Dörfler.
Behavioral systems theory in data-driven analysis, signal processing, and control.
Annual Reviews in Control,
Keyword(s): Behavioral Systems Theory,
Data-Driven Control,
Bilevel Optimization,
System Identification.
N. Pagan,
W. Mei,
Li C.,
and F. Dörfler.
A meritocratic network formation model for the rise of social media influencers.
Nature Communications,
Keyword(s): Social Networks,
Game Theory.
I. Subotic,
D. Gross,
M. Colombino,
and F. Dörfler.
A Lyapunov framework for nested dynamical systems on multiple time scales with application to converter-based power systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
December 2021.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
D. Alpago,
F. Dörfler,
and J. Lygeros.
An Extended Kalman Filter for Data-enabled Predictive Control.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
October 2020.
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
C. Arghir and F. Dörfler.
The electronic realization of synchronous machines: model matching, angle tracking and energy shaping techniques.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
April 2020.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control.
A. Hauswirth,
F. Dörfler,
and A. Teel.
Anti-Windup Approximations of Oblique Projected Dynamics for Feedback-Based Optimization.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Nonlinear Control Design.
A. Hauswirth,
F. Dörfler,
and A. Teel.
On the Differentiability of Projected Trajectories and the Robust Convergence of Non-convex Anti-Windup Gradient Flows.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
July 2020.
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Nonlinear Control Design.
L. Huang,
H. Xin,
and F. Dörfler.
$H_\infty$-Control of Grid-Connected Converters: Design, Objectives and Decentralized Stability Certificates.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
September 2020.
Keyword(s): Power Electronics Control,
Linear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Networks.
L. Ortmann,
A. Hauswirth,
I. Caduff,
F. Dörfler,
and S. Bolognani.
Experimental validation of feedback optimization in power distribution grids.
Electric Power Systems Research,
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Nonlinear Control Design.
M. Picallo,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Closing the loop: Dynamic state estimation and feedback optimization of distribution grids.
Electric Power Systems Research,
Keyword(s): Power Flow Optimization,
Power Networks,
Online Optimization.
B. K. Poolla,
S. Bolognani,
N. Li,
and F. Dörfler.
A Market Mechanism for Virtual Inertia.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
July 2020.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Frequency Control,
Game Theory.
E. Sanchez,
D. Gross,
E. Prieto,
F. Dörfler,
and O. Gomis.
Optimal Multivariable MMC Energy-Based Control for DC Voltage Regulation in HVDC Applications.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
April 2020.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
B. K. Poolla,
N. Monshizadeh,
and F. Dörfler.
Input-Output Performance of Linear-Quadratic Saddle-Point Algorithms with Application to Distributed Resource Allocation Problems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
May 2020.
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Distributed Control Algorithms.
A. Tayyebi,
D. Gross,
A. Anta,
F. Kupzog,
and F. Dörfler.
Frequency Stability of Synchronous Machines and Grid-Forming Power Converters.
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,
June 2020.
Keyword(s): Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Power Networks.
M. Colombino,
D. Gross,
J.S. Brouillon,
and F. Dörfler.
Global phase and magnitude synchronization of coupled oscillators with application to the control of grid-forming power inverters.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
64(11):4496 - 4511,
February 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
R. Delabays,
P. Jacquod,
and F. Dörfler.
The Kuramoto Model on Oriented and Signed Graphs.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks.
E. Elokda,
J. Coulson,
P. Beuchat,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Quadcopters.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
Note: In press. DOI
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Robotic Coordination,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
D. Gross,
M. Colombino,
J.S. Brouillon,
and F. Dörfler.
The effect of transmission-line dynamics on grid-forming dispatchable virtual oscillator control.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
September 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
Y. Khayat,
Q. Shafiee,
R. Heydari,
T. Dragicevic,
M. Naderi,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
M. Fathi,
F. Blaabjerg,
and H. Bevrani.
On the Secondary Control Architectures of AC Microgrids: A Survey.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control,
Voltage Control,
Power Electronics Control.
N. Pagan and F. Dörfler.
Game theoretical inference of human behavior in social networks.
Nature Communications,
Keyword(s): Social Networks,
Game Theory.
B. K. Poolla,
D. Gross,
and F. Dörfler.
Placement and Implementation of Grid-Forming and Grid-Following Virtual Inertia and Fast Frequency Response.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
34(4):3035 - 3046,
January 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Frequency Control.
G. Weiss,
F. Dörfler,
and Y. Levron.
A stability theorem for networks containing synchronous generators.
Systems & Control Letters,
E.R.A. Weitenberg,
Y. Jiang,
C. Zhao,
E. Mallada,
C. De Persis,
and F. Dörfler.
Robust Decentralized Secondary Frequency Control in Power Systems: Merits and Trade-Offs.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
October 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control.
Y. Xiao,
F. Dörfler,
and M. van der Schaar.
Incentive Design in Peer Review: Rating and Repeated Endogenous Matching.
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,
Keyword(s): Social Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Game Theory.
A. Mesanovic,
X. Wu,
S. Schuler,
U. Münz,
F. Dörfler,
and R. Findeisen.
Optimal Design of Distributed Controllers for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems,
pages 181-210.
Springer International Publishing,
ISBN: 978-3-030-13050-3.
Keyword(s): Wide-Area Control,
Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
L. Aolaritei,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Hierarchical and Distributed Monitoring of Voltage Stability in Distribution Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
June 2018.
Keyword(s): Voltage Control,
Complex Polynomial Networks,
Power Networks.
C. Arghir,
T. Jouini,
and F. Dörfler.
Grid-forming Control for Power Converters based on Matching of Synchronous Machines.
September 2018.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control.
F. Dörfler,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
and F. Bullo.
Electrical Networks and Algebraic Graph Theory: Models, Properties, and Applications.
Proceedings of the IEEE,
106(5):977 - 1005,
May 2018.
Keyword(s): Algebraic Graph Theory,
Complex Polynomial Networks,
DC Grids,
Power Networks.
C. De Persis,
E.R.A. Weitenberg,
and F. Dörfler.
A power consensus algorithm for DC microgrids.
February 2018.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
DC Grids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Complex Polynomial Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design.
D. Gross,
C. Arghir,
and F. Dörfler.
On the steady-state behavior of a nonlinear power system model.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design.
A. Hauswirth,
S. Bolognani,
G Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Generic Existence of Unique Lagrange Multipliers in AC Optimal Power Flow.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Power Flow Optimization,
Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization.
L. Huang,
H. Xin,
W. Dong,
and F. Dörfler.
Impacts of Grid Structure on PLL-Synchronization Stability of Converter-Integrated Power Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control,
Low-Inertia Systems.
M. Todescato,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
R. Carli,
and F. Bullo.
Online Distributed Voltage Stress Minimization by Optimal Feedback Reactive Power Control.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
July 2018.
Keyword(s): Complex Polynomial Networks,
Power Networks,
Voltage Control.
S. Bolognani,
E. Arcari,
and F. Dörfler.
A Fast Method for Real-Time Chance-Constrained Decision with Application to Power Systems.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
1(1):152 - 157,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Voltage Control,
Power Flow Optimization.
T. Borsche and F. Dörfler.
On Placement of Synthetic Inertia with Explicit Time-Domain Constraints.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
Note: Submitted. Available at
Keyword(s): Low-Inertia Systems,
Wide-Area Control,
Power Networks,
Frequency Control.
F. Dörfler and S. Grammatico.
Gather-and-broadcast frequency control in power systems.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Frequency Control,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Game Theory.
M. Fazlyab,
F. Dörfler,
and V. M. Preciado.
Optimal network design for synchronization of coupled oscillators.
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks.
D. Molzahn,
F. Dörfler,
H. Sandberg,
S. H. Low,
S. Chakrabarti,
R. Baldick,
and J. Lavaei.
A Survey of Distributed Optimization and Control Algorithms for Electric Power Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
Keyword(s): Power Flow Optimization,
Power Networks,
Wide-Area Control,
Frequency Control,
Voltage Control,
Online Optimization.
B. K. Poolla,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Optimal Placement of Virtual Inertia in Power Grids.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
December 2017.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Frequency Control.
J. Schiffer,
F. Dörfler,
and E. Fridmann.
Robustness of Distributed Averaging Control in Power Systems: Time Delays & Dynamic Communication Topology.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Frequency Control.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Bullo.
Voltage Stabilization in Microgrids via Quadratic Droop Control.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
3(62):1239 - 1253,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Complex Polynomial Networks,
DC Grids,
Voltage Control.
M. Sinha,
F. Dörfler,
B. Johnson,
and S. Dhople.
Uncovering Droop Control Laws Embedded Within the Nonlinear Dynamics of Van der Pol Oscillators.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
2(4):347 - 358,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
F. Dörfler,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
and F. Bullo.
Breaking the Hierarchy: Distributed Control & Economic Optimality in Microgrids.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control.
B. Johnson,
M. Sinha,
N. Ainsworth,
F. Dörfler,
and S. Dhople.
Synthesizing Virtual Oscillators to Control Islanded Inverters.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
31(8):6002 - 6015,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Bullo.
Voltage Collapse in Complex Power Grids.
Nature Communications,
February 2016.
Keyword(s): Complex Polynomial Networks,
Power Networks,
Voltage Control.
X. Wu,
F. Dörfler,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Input-output analysis and decentralized optimal control of inter-area oscillations in power systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
31(3):2434 - 2444,
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Wide-Area Control,
Power Networks.
D. Mehta,
N. Daleo,
F. Dörfler,
and J. D. Hauenstein.
Algebraic Geometrization of the Kuramoto Model: Equilibria and Stability Analysis.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science,
January 2015.
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks,
Complex Polynomial Networks.
F. Pasqualetti,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Bullo.
Control-Theoretic Methods for Cyber-Physical Security.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine,
February 2015.
Keyword(s): Secure Control Systems,
Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Linear Control Design.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Bullo.
On Resistive Networks of Constant Power Devices.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Complex Polynomial Networks,
DC Grids,
Voltage Control.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
Q. Shafiee,
F. Dörfler,
J. M. Vasquez,
J. M. Guerrero,
and F. Bullo.
Secondary Frequency and Voltage Control of Islanded Microgrids via Distributed Averaging.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
62(15):7025 - 7038,
November 2015.
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control,
Voltage Control,
Power Electronics Control.
J. Zhao and F. Dörfler.
Distributed Control and Optimization in DC Microgrids.
61:18 - 26,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
DC Grids.
F. Dörfler and F. Bullo.
Synchronization in Complex Oscillator Networks: A survey.
June 2014.
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks.
F. Dörfler,
M. R. Jovanovic,
M. Chertkov,
and F. Bullo.
Sparsity-Promoting Optimal Wide-Area Control of Power Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
September 2014.
Keyword(s): Wide-Area Control,
Linear Control Design,
Power Networks.
S. Dhople,
B. Johnson,
F. Dörfler,
and A. Hamadeh.
Synchronization of Nonlinear Circuits in Dynamic Electrical Networks with General Topologies.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,
September 2014.
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks,
Algebraic Graph Theory,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
F. Dörfler and F. Bullo.
Kron Reduction of Graphs with Applications to Electrical Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,
January 2013.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Algebraic Graph Theory.
F. Dörfler,
M. Chertkov,
and F. Bullo.
Synchronization in Complex Oscillator Networks and Smart Grids.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
February 2013.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Complex Oscillator Networks.
F. Dörfler,
F. Pasqualetti,
and F. Bullo.
Continuous-Time Distributed Observers with Discrete Communication.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,
April 2013.
Keyword(s): Distributed Control Algorithms,
Secure Control Systems,
Linear Control Design.
F. Pasqualetti,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Bullo.
Attack Detection and Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
November 2013.
Keyword(s): Secure Control Systems,
Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Linear Control Design.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Bullo.
Synchronization and Power Sharing for Droop-Controlled Inverters in Islanded Microgrids.
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control,
Power Electronics Control.
F. Dörfler and F. Bullo.
Synchronization and Transient Stability in Power Networks and Non-Uniform Kuramoto Oscillators.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Complex Oscillator Networks.
F. Dörfler and F. Bullo.
On the Critical Coupling for Kuramoto Oscillators.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Complex Oscillator Networks.
F. Dörfler and B. Francis.
Geometric Analysis of the Formation Problem for Autonomous Robots.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
October 2010.
Keyword(s): Distributed Control Algorithms,
Robotic Coordination,
Nonlinear Control Design.
F. Dörfler,
J. K. Johnsen,
and F. Allgöwer.
An Introduction to Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control in Process Engineering.
Journal of Process Control,
October 2009.
Keyword(s): Nonlinear Control Design,
Process Control.
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Last modified: Mon Jan 6 10:35:21 2025
Author: Florian Dorfler.
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