Publications of year 2016
Articles in journal, book chapters
F. Dörfler,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
and F. Bullo.
Breaking the Hierarchy: Distributed Control & Economic Optimality in Microgrids.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control.
B. Johnson,
M. Sinha,
N. Ainsworth,
F. Dörfler,
and S. Dhople.
Synthesizing Virtual Oscillators to Control Islanded Inverters.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
31(8):6002 - 6015,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
and F. Bullo.
Voltage Collapse in Complex Power Grids.
Nature Communications,
February 2016.
Keyword(s): Complex Polynomial Networks,
Power Networks,
Voltage Control.
X. Wu,
F. Dörfler,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Input-output analysis and decentralized optimal control of inter-area oscillations in power systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
31(3):2434 - 2444,
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Wide-Area Control,
Power Networks.
C. Arghir,
D. Gross,
and F. Dörfler.
On the steady-state behavior of a nonlinear power network model.
In 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems,
pages 61-66,
September 2016.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks.
S. Bolognani and F. Dörfler.
Fast Scenario-Based Decision Making in Unbalanced Distribution Networks.
In Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC),
pages 1-7,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Power Flow Optimization.
F. Dörfler and S. Grammatico.
Amidst centralized and distributed frequency control in power systems.
In American Control Conference,
Boston, MA,
pages 5909-5914,
July 2016.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control.
C. De Persis,
N. Monshizadeh,
J. Schiffer,
and F. Dörfler.
A Lyapunov approach to control of microgrids with a network-preserved differential-algebraic model.
In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pages 2595-2600,
December 2016.
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Power Networks,
Frequency Control,
Voltage Control.
A. Hauswirth,
S. Bolognani,
G Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Projected Gradient Descent on Riemannian Manifolds with Applications to Online Power System Optimization.
In Allerton Conf. on Communications, Control and Computing,
pages 1-8,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Power Flow Optimization,
Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization.
T. Jouini,
C. Arghir,
and F. Dörfler.
Grid-Friendly Matching of Synchronous Machines by Tapping into the DC Storage.
In 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems,
pages 192-197,
September 2016.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control.
F. Kottmann,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
A Separation Principle for Optimal IaaS Cloud Computing Distribution.
In European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),
pages 1393-1397,
August 2016.
Keyword(s): Cloud Control,
Distributed Control Algorithms.
B. Li,
G. Sansavini,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Linear Implicit AC PF Cascading Failure Analysis with Power System Operations and Automation.
In IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting,
Boston, MA,
pages 1-5,
July 2016.
Keyword(s): Power Networks.
B. K. Poolla,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Placing Rotational Inertia in Power Grids.
In American Control Conference,
Boston, MA,
pages 2314-2320,
July 2016.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Frequency Control.
J. Schiffer and F. Dörfler.
On Stability of a Distributed Averaging PI Frequency and Active Power Controlled Differential-Algebraic Power System Model.
In European Control Conference,
pages 1487-1492,
June 2016.
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control,
Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
B. K. Poolla,
N. Monshizadeh,
and F. Dörfler.
Quadratic Performance of Primal-Dual Methods with Application to Secondary Frequency Control of Power Systems.
In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pages 1840-1845,
December 2016.
Keyword(s): Frequency Control,
Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Online Optimization.
M. Sinha,
F. Dörfler,
B. Johnson,
and S. Dhople.
Synchronization of Lienard-type oscillators in Uniform Electrical Networks.
In American Control Conference,
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Networks,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
X. Wu,
F. Dörfler,
and M. R. Jovanovic.
Topology identification and design of distributed integral action in power networks.
In American Control Conference,
Boston, MA,
July 2016.
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Wide-Area Control,
Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control.
L. Aolaritei,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
A distributed voltage stability margin for power distribution networks,
December 2016.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Voltage Control,
Complex Polynomial Networks.
F. Dörfler and S. Grammatico.
Gather-and-broadcast frequency control in power systems,
May 2016.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Frequency Control,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Game Theory.
C. De Persis,
E.R.A. Weitenberg,
and F. Dörfler.
A power consensus algorithm for DC microgrids,
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
DC Grids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Nonlinear Control Design.
M. Fazlyab,
F. Dörfler,
and V. M. Preciado.
Optimal network design for synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators,
February 2016.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks.
D. Gross,
C. Arghir,
and F. Dörfler.
On the steady-state behavior of a nonlinear power system model,
July 2016.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design.
B. K. Poolla,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Optimal Placement of Virtual Inertia in Power Grids,
January 2016.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Frequency Control.
J. Schiffer,
F. Dörfler,
and E. Fridmann.
Cyber-Physical Aspects of Distributed Averaging Control in Power Systems: Time Delays & Dynamic Communication Topology,
July 2016.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Frequency Control.
M. Todescato,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
R. Carli,
and F. Bullo.
Voltage stress minimization by optimal reactive power control,
February 2016.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Complex Polynomial Networks,
Power Networks,
Voltage Control.
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Most articles are also available via my Google Scholar profile.
Last modified: Mon Jan 6 10:35:21 2025
Author: Florian Dorfler.
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