Publications of year 2019
Articles in journal, book chapters
M. Colombino,
D. Gross,
J.S. Brouillon,
and F. Dörfler.
Global phase and magnitude synchronization of coupled oscillators with application to the control of grid-forming power inverters.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
64(11):4496 - 4511,
February 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
R. Delabays,
P. Jacquod,
and F. Dörfler.
The Kuramoto Model on Oriented and Signed Graphs.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems,
Keyword(s): Complex Oscillator Networks.
E. Elokda,
J. Coulson,
P. Beuchat,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Quadcopters.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
Note: In press. DOI
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Robotic Coordination,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
D. Gross,
M. Colombino,
J.S. Brouillon,
and F. Dörfler.
The effect of transmission-line dynamics on grid-forming dispatchable virtual oscillator control.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems,
September 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
Y. Khayat,
Q. Shafiee,
R. Heydari,
T. Dragicevic,
M. Naderi,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
F. Dörfler,
M. Fathi,
F. Blaabjerg,
and H. Bevrani.
On the Secondary Control Architectures of AC Microgrids: A Survey.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Keyword(s): Microgrids,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control,
Voltage Control,
Power Electronics Control.
N. Pagan and F. Dörfler.
Game theoretical inference of human behavior in social networks.
Nature Communications,
Keyword(s): Social Networks,
Game Theory.
B. K. Poolla,
D. Gross,
and F. Dörfler.
Placement and Implementation of Grid-Forming and Grid-Following Virtual Inertia and Fast Frequency Response.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
34(4):3035 - 3046,
January 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Frequency Control.
G. Weiss,
F. Dörfler,
and Y. Levron.
A stability theorem for networks containing synchronous generators.
Systems & Control Letters,
E.R.A. Weitenberg,
Y. Jiang,
C. Zhao,
E. Mallada,
C. De Persis,
and F. Dörfler.
Robust Decentralized Secondary Frequency Control in Power Systems: Merits and Trade-Offs.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
October 2019.
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control.
Y. Xiao,
F. Dörfler,
and M. van der Schaar.
Incentive Design in Peer Review: Rating and Repeated Endogenous Matching.
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,
Keyword(s): Social Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Game Theory.
A. Mesanovic,
X. Wu,
S. Schuler,
U. Münz,
F. Dörfler,
and R. Findeisen.
Optimal Design of Distributed Controllers for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems,
pages 181-210.
Springer International Publishing,
ISBN: 978-3-030-13050-3.
Keyword(s): Wide-Area Control,
Power Networks,
Linear Control Design.
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-Enabled Predictive Control: In the Shallows of the DeePC.
In European Control Conference,
pages 307-312,
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Robotic Coordination,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Regularized and distributionally robust data-enabled predictive control.
In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pages 2696-2701,
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Robotic Coordination,
Behavioral Systems Theory,
Distributional Robustness,
Optimal Transport.
F. Dörfler,
S. Bolognani,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
and S. Grammatico.
Distributed control and optimization for autonomous power grids.
In European Control Conference,
pages 2436-2453,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Frequency Control,
Online Optimization,
Power Electronics Control,
Power Flow Optimization.
D. Gross and F. Dörfler.
Projected grid-forming control for current-limiting of power converters.
In Allerton Conf. on Communications, Control and Computing,
pages 326-333,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control.
L. Huang,
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Power Converters.
In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pages 8130-8135,
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Power Electronics Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
T. Jouini,
D. Gross,
and F. Dörfler.
Local Synchronization of Two DC/AC Converters Via Matching Control.
In European Control Conference,
pages 2996-3001,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control.
M. Picallo and F. Dörfler.
Sieving out Unnecessary Constraints in Scenario Optimization with an Application to Power Systems.
In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pages 6100-6105,
Keyword(s): Power Flow Optimization,
Power Networks,
Online Optimization.
B. K. Poolla,
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
N. Monshizadeh,
and F. Dörfler.
Quadratic Performance Analysis of Secondary Frequency Controllers.
In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pages 7492-7497,
Keyword(s): Frequency Control,
Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Online Optimization.
G. Seo,
I. Subotic,
B. Johnson,
M. Colombino,
D. Gross,
and F. Dörfler.
Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator Control for Decentralized Inverter-Dominant Power Systems -- Analysis of Droop Characteristic and Verification.
In Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC),
pages 561-566,
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Virtual Oscillator Control,
Power Electronics Control.
G. Weiss,
F. Dörfler,
and Y. Levron.
Two stability theorems concerning power networks.
In IEEE Joint 19th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 7th International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Sciences and Robotics,
pages 15-20,
Keyword(s): Power Networks.
C. Arghir and F. Dörfler.
The electronic realization of synchronous machines: model matching, angle tracking and energy shaping techniques,
March 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control.
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Regularized and distributionally robust data-enabled predictive control,
March 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Robotic Coordination,
Behavioral Systems Theory,
Optimal Transport.
A. Crivellaro,
A. Tayyebi,
C. Gavriluta,
D. Gross,
A. Anta,
F. Kupzog,
and F. Dörfler.
Beyond low-inertia systems: Massive integration of grid-forming power converters in transmission grids,
November 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Networks,
Power Electronics Control.
A. Hauswirth,
S. Bolognani,
G Hug,
and F. Dörfler.
Timescale Separation in Autonomous Optimization,
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Power Flow Optimization,
Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization.
L. Huang,
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-Driven Wide-Area Control,
November 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Data-Driven Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
L. Huang,
J. Coulson,
J. Lygeros,
and F. Dörfler.
Data-Enabled Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Power Converters,
March 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Linear Control Design,
Data-Driven Control,
Power Electronics Control,
Behavioral Systems Theory.
L. Huang,
H. Xin,
and F. Dörfler.
$H_\infty$-Control of Grid-Connected Converters: Design, Objectives and Decentralized Stability Certificates,
June 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Electronics Control,
Linear Control Design,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Networks.
L. Huang,
H. Xin,
W. Dong,
and F. Dörfler.
Impacts of Grid Structure on PLL-Synchronization Stability of Converter-Integrated Power Systems,
March 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Power Electronics Control,
Low-Inertia Systems.
T Jouini and F. Dörfler.
Parametric local stability condition of a multi-converter system,
April 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Networks,
Power Electronics Control.
W. Mei,
F. Bullo,
C. Ge,
and F. Dörfler.
Occam's Razor in Opinion Dynamics: The Weighted-Median Influence Process,
September 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Social Networks.
L. Ortmann,
A. Hauswirth,
I. Caduff,
F. Dörfler,
and S. Bolognani.
Experimental Validation of Feedback Optimization in Power Distribution Grids,
October 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Online Optimization,
Nonlinear Optimization,
Nonlinear Control Design.
M. Picallo,
S. Bolognani,
and F. Dörfler.
Closing the loop: Dynamic state estimation and feedback optimization of distribution grids,
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Flow Optimization,
Power Networks,
Online Optimization.
M. Picallo and F. Dörfler.
Sieving out unncessary constraints in scenario optimiztion with an application to power systems,
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Flow Optimization,
Power Networks,
Online Optimization.
J. W. Simpson-Porco,
B. K. Poolla,
N. Monshizadeh,
and F. Dörfler.
Quadratic Performance Analysis of Secondary Frequency Controllers,
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Frequency Control,
Power Networks,
Distributed Control Algorithms,
Online Optimization.
I. Subotic,
D. Gross,
M. Colombino,
and F. Dörfler.
A Lyapunov framework for nested dynamical systems on multiple time scales with application to converter-based power systems,
November 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Power Networks,
Nonlinear Control Design,
Complex Oscillator Networks,
Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Virtual Oscillator Control.
A. Tayyebi,
D. Gross,
A. Anta,
F. Kupzog,
and F. Dörfler.
Interactions of Grid-Forming Power Converters and Synchronous Machines -- A Comparative Study,
February 2019.
Note: Available at
Keyword(s): Low-Inertia Systems,
Power Electronics Control,
Power Networks.
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Most articles are also available via my Google Scholar profile.
Last modified: Mon Jan 6 10:35:21 2025
Author: Florian Dorfler.
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