Contents | Multi-Parametric Toolbox Auxiliary Functions |
di_sim_fun | DI_SIM_FUN Example of a function to model arbitrary dynamics |
identifyRegion | IDENTIFYREGION plots the number of the polytopes into the current figure |
mousepoly | MOUSEPOLY Allows to specify polytope by mouse-clicks |
mpt_addTset | MPT_ADDTSET Adds terminal set constraint to Matrices |
mpt_allcombs | MPT_ALLCOMBS All combinations of discrete-valued inputs |
mpt_defaultField | MPT_DEFAULTFIEL Sets default value of field of a structure |
mpt_defaultOptions | MPT_DEFAULTOPTIONS Sets default values of undefined fields of Options structure |
mpt_dlqr | MPT_DLQR Linear-quadratic regulator design for discrete-time systems. |
mpt_dummyCS | MPT_DUMMYCS Returns a dummy controller structure |
mpt_error | MPT_ERROR Function called if MPT toolbox is not initialized |
mpt_evalPWA | MPT_EVALPWA Evaluates a PWA function at a given location |
mpt_evalSystem | MPT_EVALSYSTEM Extracts data from sysStruct and probStruct structures |
mpt_feasibleStates | MPT_FEASIBLESTATES returns equidistantly spaced data points in feasible set |
mpt_getCommonLyapFct | MPT_GETCOMMONLYAPFCT Computes common Lyapunov function for PWA system |
mpt_getFullRankSubset | MPT_GETFULLRANKSUBSET Removes rows from matrix Gt until it has full row rank |
mpt_getOptimizer | MPT_GETOPTIMIZER For a given state, extracts the optimizer obtained by a multi-parametric solver |
mpt_greedyMerging | MPT_GREEDYMERGING Greedy merging of polyhedra |
mpt_ineq2eq | MPT_INEQ2EQ Detects inequality constraints whihc form equalities |
mpt_isValidCS | MPT_ISVALIDCS Checks if input argument is a valid controller structure |
mpt_iscombequal | MPT_ISCOMBEQUAL Are two vectors combinatorially equal |
mpt_isnoise | MPT_ISNOISE Checks if noise object is not empty |
mpt_issysstruct | MPT_ISSYSSTRUCT Returns true if input argument is a sysStruct structure |
mpt_lrs | MPT_LRS Matlab implementation of the LRS algorithm |
mpt_lti2pwa | MPT_LTI2PWA Converts an LTI system to a PWA system |
mpt_mergeCS | MPT_GLUECS Merges a cell array of ctrlStruct structures |
mpt_mldsim | MPT_MLDSIM Simulates an MLD system for one time step |
mpt_mplp_ver1 | MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP) |
mpt_mplp_ver2 | MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP) |
mpt_mplp_ver3 | MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP) |
mpt_mplp_ver4 | MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP) |
mpt_mplp_ver5 | MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP) |
mpt_mplp_ver6 | MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP) |
mpt_mplp_ver7 | MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP) |
mpt_mpsol2ctrl | MPT_MPSOL2CTRL Convert solution of multi-parametric program into a controller structure |
mpt_norm2pwa | MPT_NORM2PWA transformes a linear norm into an equivalent PWA fcn representation |
mpt_optControlPWAold | MPT_OPTCONTROLPWA Solves the CFTOC problem for a given PWA system |
mpt_options | MPT_OPTIONS Read / modify solver settings for MPT |
mpt_patch2eps | Exporting 3-dimensional transparent patches to eps for use in LaTeX |
mpt_performance | MPT_PERFORMANCE Computes performance (i.e. sum of closed-loop costs) associated to a given controller |
mpt_prepareDU | MPT_PREPAREDU Extends system and problem matrices to deal with deltaU constraints |
mpt_prepareTracking | MPT_PREPARETRACKING Extends system and problem matrices to deal with tracking |
mpt_pwa2hys | MPT_PWA2HYS Converts a PWA system described in sysStruct into a HYSDEL model |
mpt_qphess | MPT_QPHESS Computes the Hessian |
mpt_randLTISys | MPT_RANDLTISYS Generates random LTI systems |
mpt_randPWASys | MPT_RANDPWASYS generates random PWA systems |
mpt_solveLPi | MPT_SOLVELPi Interface to various LP solvers (version without errorchecks) |
mpt_solveLPs | MPT_SOLVELPS Interface to various LP solvers ("safe" version) |
mpt_solverInfo | MPT_SOLVERINFO returns information about a given solver |
mpt_statusbar | Status bar function |
mpt_sysStructInfo | MPT_SYSSTRUCTINFO Returns information about system structure |
mpt_update | MPT_UPDATE Checks for updates of the Multi-Parametric Toolbox |
mpt_verifyProbStruct | MPT_VERIFYPROBSTRUCT Verifies the probStruct structure |
mpt_verifySysProb | MPT_VERIFYSYSPROB Verifies system and problem structures |
mpt_verifySysStruct | MPT_VERIFYSYSSTRUCT Verifies the sysStruct structure |
mpt_version | MPT_VERSION Returns version of MPT |
mpt_yalmip2mpt | mpt_yalmip2mpt - expand YALMIP model and convert it to MPT format |
mpt_yalmipDU | MPT_YALMIPDU Augmentes the system to cope with deltaU constraints |
mpt_yalmipTracking | MPT_YALMIPTRACKING Extends system and problem matrices to deal with tracking |
sbprogress | [nph,nfh] = function SBPROGRESS(ph,x,msg,fh,title,modal) |
sub_computeTrajectory | sub_COMPUTETRAJECTORY Calculates time evolution of state trajectories subject to control |
sub_getyalmipdata | SUB_GETYALMIPDATA Internal function |
sub_setyalmipdata | Copyright is with the following author(s) |
unitbox | UNITBOX Creates a unit box centered at origin |
within | |