MPT_GETOPTIMIZER For a given state, extracts the optimizer obtained by a multi-parametric solver [U,feasible,region]=mpt_getOptimizer(Pn,Fi,Gi,x0,Options) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the given state x0, this function extracts the optimizer $U = Fi x + Gi$ from a solution obtained by a multi-parametric solver --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pn - polyhedral partition Fi, Gi - cells containing the associated control law x0 - initial state Options.lpsolver - Solver for LPs (see help mpt_solveLP for details) Options.abs_tol - absolute tolerance Options.verbose - Level of verbosity Note: If Options is missing or some of the fields are not defined, the default values from mptOptions will be used --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- U - control input computed as U=F*x0 + G, region - index of a region which contains the optimal control input associated to the given state x0 feasible - returns 1 if the there is at least one control law associated to a given state x0, 0 otherwise see also MPT_MPLP, MPT_MPQP, MPT_GETINPUT