UNITBOX Creates a unit box centered at origin
function P=unitbox(dimension, boxsize)
This function calls:
- dimension DIMENSION Returns dimension of the given polytope
- end END Returns the last element in a given polytope array
- polytope POLYTOPE Default constructor for the POLYTOPE object
This function is called by:
- lt LT Checks if polytope P is a strict subset of polytope Q
- Double_Integrator_addU DOUBLE_INTEGRATOR_ADDU 2nd order LTI example with additive uncertainty
- ThirdOrder_addU THIRDORDER_ADDU 3rd order LTI example with additive uncertainty
- two_tanks TWO_TANKS 2nd order PWA example
- ownmpc8
- softconstr1
- reachdemo1 reachability computation demo
- reachdemo2 reachability computation demo
- verifdemo1 verification demo
- verifdemo2 verification demo
- mpt_mplp_ver1 MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP)
- mpt_mplp_ver7 MPT_MPLP Explicitly solves the given linear program (LP)
- mpt_norm2pwa MPT_NORM2PWA transformes a linear norm into an equivalent PWA fcn representation
- sub_computeTrajectory sub_COMPUTETRAJECTORY Calculates time evolution of state trajectories subject to control
- mpt_pwa2sys MPT_PWA2SYS Converts structure generated by hys2pwa.m to a sysStruct structure
- mpt_boolMinTime MPT_BOOLMINTIME Computes minimum time controller for systems with discrete inputs
- hull HULL Converts vertices/polytope array into an H-representation polytope
- mpt_delaunay MPT_DELAUNAY Computes the delaunay triangulation of a polytope
- mpt_voronoi MPT_VORONOI Computes the voronoi diagram via mpLP
- mpt_computeTrajectory MPT_COMPUTETRAJECTORY Calculates time evolution of state trajectories subject to control
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