MPT_EVALSYSTEM Extracts data from sysStruct and probStruct structures
function [A,B,C,D,Q,R,ymin,ymax,umin,umax,dumin,dumax,bndA,bndb]=mpt_evalSystem(sysStruct,probStruct)
This function calls:
- double DOUBLE Function used to access internal properties of the given polytope
- end END Returns the last element in a given polytope array
- mpt_verifyProbStruct MPT_VERIFYPROBSTRUCT Verifies the probStruct structure
- mpt_verifySysStruct MPT_VERIFYSYSSTRUCT Verifies the sysStruct structure
This function is called by:
- mpt_prepareTracking MPT_PREPARETRACKING Extends system and problem matrices to deal with tracking
- mpt_constructMatrices MPT_CONSTRUCTMATRICES Constructs matrices for the finite time constrained optimal control problem
- mpt_iterative MPT_ITERATIVE Computes a time-optimal or low-complexity explicit controller for LTI systems
- mpt_optControl MPT_OPTCONTROL Solves the CFTOC problem for a given LTI system
- mpt_optInfControl MPT_OPTINFCONTROL Solves the infinite-time constrained optimal control problem for LTI systems
- mpt_computeTrajectory MPT_COMPUTETRAJECTORY Calculates time evolution of state trajectories subject to control
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