MPT_GETCOMMONLYAPFCT Computes common Lyapunov function for PWA system [LP,feasible]=mpt_getCommonLyapFct(Fi,Ain,Bin,Options) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function attempts to compute a quadratic Lyapunov function V(x)=x'lPx which guarantees exponential stability. PWQ(x) = x'LPx PWQ(x(k+1)) - PWQ(x(k)) <= rho * x^2 (i.e. rho must be negative to guarantee exponential stability) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fi - optimal feedback law given by u=Fi{i}*x Ain, Bin - system dynamics are given by x(k+1)=Ain{l}x(k)+Bin{l}u(k) In case of polytopic uncertainty, you may pass a whole cell array with different dynamics. This function will then attempt to identify a Lyapunov function with negative decay for all dynamics in the cell array. Options.abs_tol - Absolute tolerance Options.lpsolver - Which LP solver to use (see help mpt_solveLP) Options.debug_level - If this is set to 1, the solution provided by the LMI solver will be double-checked manually. We strongly advise to set this to 1, since we've experienced numerous numerical issues with certain LMI solvers. Note: If Options is missing or some of the fields are not defined, the default values from mptOptions will be used --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LP - Quadratic Lyapunov function: Q(x)=x'LP{r}x% feasible - 1: stable 0: no statement about stability possible --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LITERATURE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatica, Volume 38, issue 12, pp. 2139 - 2146 "Analysis of discrete-time piecewise affine and hybrid systems", Ferrari-Trecate G., F.A. Cuzzola, D. Mignone and M. Morari, see also MPT_GETPWQLYAPFCT, MPT_GETSTABFEEDBACK