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MPT_PLOTTRAJECTORY Graphical interface for piloting trajectories for LTI and PWA systems subject to control


function [X,U,cost,trajectory]=mpt_plotTrajectory(ctrl,Options)


MPT_PLOTTRAJECTORY Graphical interface for piloting trajectories for LTI and PWA systems subject to control


 This function allows the user to graphically enter an initial state in the
 state space. Then, for the given state, the state evolution trajectory is
 computed and displayed.

 To enter the point, click on an open plot of the state space.

 Note: Press right mouse button if you want to abort.

 If the system is subject to additive disturbance, random uncertainty
 is added to the state vector by default. To suppress this, use
 Options.randdist = 0;

 ctrl              - Explicit controller (MPTCTRL object)
 Options.x0        - defines initial state (if provided, mouse interface
                     will be disabled)
 Options.randdist  - If set to 1, randomly generated additive disturbance
                       vector will be added to the state equation
 Options.lpsolver  - Solver for LPs (see help mpt_solveLP)
 Options.abs_tol   - absolute tolerance
 Options.openloop  - If 1, the open-loop solution will be computed
 Options.minnorm   - If closed-loop trajectory is computed, we stope evolution
                       if norm of a state decreases below this value
 Options.verbose   - Level of verbosity
 Options.horizon   - If infinity, computes evolution of the state to origin.
                       Set this value to a positive integer if you want
                       to plot just the first Options.horizon points
 Options.newfigure - If set to 1, opens a new figure window
 Options.legend    - If set to 1, legend will be verboseed
 Options.showPn    - If set to 1 (default), plots the polyhedral partition over
                     which the control law is defined.

 Note: If Options is missing or some of the fields are not defined, the default
       values from mptOptions will be used

 X, U       - matrices containing evolution of states and control inputs
 cost       - contains cost from the given initial state to the origin
 trajectory - indices specifying in which region of PA the given state lies



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