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MPT_COMPUTETRAJECTORY Calculates time evolution of state trajectories subject to control


function [X,U,Y,D,cost,trajectory,feasible,dyns,reason,details]=mpt_computeTrajectory(ctrlStruct,x0,horizon,Options)


MPT_COMPUTETRAJECTORY Calculates time evolution of state trajectories subject to control


 For the given state x0, the state, input and output evolution trajectories
 are computed.

 ctrlStruct        - Controller structure as generated by mpt_control
 x0                - initial state
 horizon           - for how many steps should the state evolution be computed
                     If horizon=Inf, computes evolution of the state to origin
 Options.reference - If tracking is requested, provide the reference point
                     in this variable (e.g. Options.reference = [5;0])
 Options.sysStruct - If provided, we use this system model for simulations
                     instead of sysStruct which was used to compute the
 Options.sysHandle - Handle of a simulation function. If provided, we call this
                     function to obtain the state update. E.g.:
                        Options.sysHandle = @di_sim_fun
                     where "di_sim_fun.m" mut be a function which takes "xk"
                     and "uk" as input arguments and produces exactly two
                     outputs - "xn" (state update x(k+1)) and "yn" (output
                     y(k)). It's the user's responsibility to make sure that
                     dimensions of state/inputs/outputs match dimensions of the
                     control law. Take a look at 'help di_sim_fun' for more
 Options.randdist  - If set to 1, randomly generated additive disturbance
                       vector will be added to the state equation
 Options.openloop  - If 1, the open-loop solution will be computed, 0 for
                       closed-loop trajectory (default is Options.openloop=0)
 Options.stopInTset- If set to 1 and user-specified terminal set was
                     provided when computing the controller, evolution of
                     states will be stopped as soon as all states lie in the
                     terminal set for two consecutive steps (i.e. states will
                     not be driven to the origin).
 Options.samplInTset - if Options.stopInTset is on, this option defines how
                       many CONSECUTIVE states has to lie in the terminal set
                       before the evolution terminates. Default is 2
 Options.minnorm   - If closed-loop trajectory is computed, we stop the
                     evolution if norm of a state decreases below this value
 Options.verbose   - Level of verbosity
 Options.lpsolver  - Solver for LPs (see help mpt_solveLP for details)
 Options.abs_tol   - absolute tolerance
 Options.useXU     - if 1, use a control input based on an XUset istead of the 
                     usual (optimization) based control action. (default 0)
 Note: If Options is missing or some of the fields are not defined, the default
       values from mptOptions will be used

 X, U       - matrices containing evolution of states and control moves
 Y, D       - matrices containing evolution of outputs and disturbances
 cost       - contains cost from the given initial state to the origin
 trajectory - vector of indices specifying in which region of Pn the given state lies
 feasible   - 1: the control law was feasible for all time instances, 0: otherwise



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