MPT_PLOTPARTITION Plots a polyhedral partition obtained by mpt_control
function handle=mpt_plotPartition(ctrl,Options)
This function calls:
- get GET Get MPTCTRL properties
- isexplicit ISEXPLICIT Returns true if the controller is an explicit controller
- length LENGTH Returns number of regions over which the explicit control law is defined
- plot PLOT Plots regions of the explicit controller
- set SET Set a field of MPTCTRL objects
- dimension DIMENSION Returns dimension of the given polytope
- end END Returns the last element in a given polytope array
- fliplr FLIPLR Flips array of polytopes
- get GET Get polytope properties
- length LENGTH Returns number of elements in a polytope array
- plot PLOT Plots polytopes in 2D or 3D
- set SET Used to modify internal properties of a given polytope object
- size SIZE Returns size of the given polytope object
- mpt_error MPT_ERROR Function called if MPT toolbox is not initialized
- mpt_isValidCS MPT_ISVALIDCS Checks if input argument is a valid controller structure
This function is called by:
- plot PLOT Plots regions of the explicit controller
- mpt_demo3 MPT_DEMO3 Explains control routines for LTI systems
- mpt_plotTrajectory MPT_PLOTTRAJECTORY Graphical interface for piloting trajectories for LTI and PWA systems subject to control
- runExample RUNEXAMPLE Demonstrates MPT control routines
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