Home > mpt > extras > graphics > mpt_plotTimeTrajectory.m



MPT_PLOTTIMETRAJECTORY Plots trajectories of states, inputs, outputs and disturbances


function [X,U,Y,cost,trajectory]=mpt_plotTimeTrajectory(ctrl,x0,horizon,Options)


MPT_PLOTTIMETRAJECTORY Plots trajectories of states, inputs, outputs and disturbances


 For a given initial state x0, computes and graphicale plots time evolution of
 states, inputs and outputs, as well as disturbances.

 ctrl              - An Explicit or an on-line controller
 x0                - initial state
 horizon           - for how many steps should the state evolution be computed
                     If horizon=Inf, computes evolution of the state to origin
 Options.reference - If tracking is requested, provide the reference point
                     in this variable (e.g. Options.reference = [5;0])
 Options.randdist  - If set to 1, randomly generated additive disturbance
                       vector will be added to the state equation
 Options.openloop  - If 1, the open-loop solution will be computed
 Options.minnorm   - If closed-loop trajectory is computed, we stop the
                       evolution if norm of a state decreases below this value
 Options.verbose   - Level of verbosity
 Options.bigfonts  - 1 for big fonts, 0 for standard fonts
 Options.newfigure - If set to 1, opens a new figure window
 Options.lpsolver  - Solver for LPs (see help mpt_solveLP)
 Options.abs_tol   - absolute tolerance
 Options.legend    - if set to true (default), legend will be displayed on each
                     subplot. set this option to 0 to disable the legends.

 Note: If Options is missing or some of the fields are not defined, the default
       values from mptOptions will be used

 X, U, Y    - matrices containing evolution of states, control inputs and
              system outputs
 cost       - contains cost from the given initial state to the origin
 trajectory - indices specifying in which region of PA the given state lies



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