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ISINSIDE Checks if a given point lies in the interior of a given polytope


function [isin, inwhich, closest] = isinside(P,x0,Options)


ISINSIDE Checks if a given point lies in the interior of a given polytope

 [isin, inwhich, closest] = isinside(P,x0,Options)

 Checks if the given point x0 lies in the interior of the polytope P

 P                 - Polytopes
 x0                - given point, if not specified: Options.clickx0=1
 Options.abs_tol   - absolute tolerance
 Options.fastbreak - if set to 1 and P is a polyarray, returns only the first
                     element of P in which x0 lies in
 Options.clickx0   - find the region by clicking in the plot
 Options.newfigure - if a new figure for clicking is desired (default = 1)

 Note: If Options is missing or some of the fields are not defined, the default
       values from mptOptions will be used

 isin      - logical statement indicating if P.H*x0<=P.K was satisfied
 inwhich   - indices of polytopes in P (if P is an array of polytopes) in which
             the points lies [i.e. P(inwhich) will return all elements of P which
             contain the given point x0]
 closest   - if the point does not belong to P, index of the polytope which is
             closest to the point x is returned

 see also POLYTOPE


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