Home > mpt > extras > control > mpt_optInfControlPWA.m



MPT_OPTINFCONTROLPWA Solves the infinite-time constrained optimal control problem for PWA systems


function ctrlStruct = mpt_optInfControlPWA(sysStruct, probStruct, Options)


MPT_OPTINFCONTROLPWA Solves the infinite-time constrained optimal control problem for PWA systems


 Computes the solution to the constraned infinite time optimal control problem
 for a given PWA system 
       x(k+1) = A_i x(k) + B_i u(k) + f_i
       y(k)   = C_i x(k) + D_i u(k) + g_i
       for i such that guardX(i) x(k) + guardU(i) u(k) <= guardC(i)  
       (ymin, ymax, umin, umax, dumin, dumax)

 sysStruct           - System structure in the sysStruct format
 probStruct          - Problem structure in the probStruct format

 Options.verbose     - Level of verbosity (see help mpt_init for more details)
 Options.maxiterations - Maximum number of iterations (default is 1000)
 Options.coregen     - If set to 1 (default), core of the infinite time
                       solution (i.e. the starting part) is generated
                       automatically by the algorithm
 Options.onlycore    - Breaks and returns once the core has been found
                       (Default: 0)
 Options.coreiters   - Maximum allowed number of iterations in core generation
 Options.core        -  Starting core can be provided here. It has to be a
                        valid controller structure object!
 Options.details     - If set to 1, solution of each iteration is stored in the
                       details fields of the resulting controller structure 
                       (Default: 0)
 Options.lowmem      - defines memory saving mode
                         0 - no memory saving - fast computation (default)
                         1 - slight memory saving
                         2 - heavy memory saving (slow computation)

 Note: If Options is missing or some of the fields are not defined, the default
       values from mptOptions will be used

 ctrlStruct    - controller structure with the following fields:
   Pn,Fi,Gi    - for region Pn(i).H*x <= Pn.K(i) computed input is U=Fi{i}*x+Gi{i}   
   Ai,Bi,Ci    - cost associated to each region (x'Aix + Bi*x + Ci)
                 Note that Ai and Bi are zero matrices, Ci contains the
                 step distance to the origin
   Pfinal      - The maximum control invariant set as a polytope or a polyarray
   dynamics    - Dynamics active in region Pn(i)
   details     - A structure with additional details about the solution
     details.runTime - total run time of the algorithm
     details.Horizon - a cell array of ctrlStruct's corresponding to each
                       time step of the algorithm



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