< Master index Index for mpt/@polytope >

Index for mpt/@polytope

Matlab files in this directory:

 ContentsMulti-Parametric Toolbox Polytope library
 analyticCenterANALYTICCENTER Computes an analytic center of a polytope
 andAND Intersection of n polytopes
 bounding_boxBOUNDING_BOX Compute a bounding box for a given polytope
 chebyballCHEBYBALL Computes center and radius of the largest ball inscribed in a polytope
 dimensionDIMENSION Returns dimension of the given polytope
 displayDISPLAY Displays details about the given polytope
 distanceDISTANCE Distance between two sets
 distribpointsDISTRIBPOINTS Distribute n points such that distances between them are maximized
 dointersectDOINTERSECT Checks if two polytopes / polyarrays intersect
 domainDOMAIN Computes polytope that is mapped to an another polytope using affine map
 doubleDOUBLE Function used to access internal properties of the given polytope
 endEND Returns the last element in a given polytope array
 envelopeENVELOPE Computes envelope of n polytopes
 eqEQ Checks if two polytopes are equal
 extremeEXTREME Calculates extreme points of a given polytope
 facetcircleFACETCIRCLE Returns largest circle inside facet 'ind' of polytope P
 facetvoronoiFACETVORONOI Computes an equivalent of voronoi diagrams for facets
 fliplrFLIPLR Flips array of polytopes
 flipudFLIPUD Flips array of polytopes
 geGE Checks if polytope P is a superset of polytope Q
 getGET Get polytope properties
 getInnerEllipsoidGETINNERELLIPSOID Computes the largest ellipsoid inscribed in a polytope
 getOutterEllipsoidGETOUTTERELLIPSOID Computes the smallest ellipsoid which covers the polytope P
 gtGT Checks if polytope P is a strict superset of polytope Q
 horzcatHORZCAT Concatenates polytopes into a polytope array
 hullHULL Convex hull of n polytopes
 intersectINTERSECT Intersection of 2 polytopes or polytope arrays
 isboundedISBOUNDED Checks if a polytope is bounded
 isconvexISCONVEX Checks if a polytope array forms a convex union
 isfulldimISFULLDIM Checks if a polytope is full dimensional
 isinsideISINSIDE Checks if a given point lies in the interior of a given polytope
 isminrepISMINREP Checks if a given polytope is in minimal representation
 isnormalISNORMAL Checks if a given polytope is in normalized description
 isredundantISREDUNDANT Check if a constraint is redundant
 leLE Checks if polytope P is a subset of polytope Q
 lengthLENGTH Returns number of elements in a polytope array
 loadobjLOADOBJ load filter for POLYTOPE objects.
 ltLT Checks if polytope P is a strict subset of polytope Q
 mergeMERGE merges polytopes together
 minusMINUS Pontryagin difference
 mldivideMLDIVIDE Set difference
 mtimesMTIMES Polytope multiplication
 nconstrNCONSTR Returns number of constraints that form an H-representation of a polytope
 neNE Checks if two polytopes are not equal
 normalizeNORMALIZE Normalizes a given polytope
 orOR Convex union of n polytopes
 pelemfunPELEMFUN Execute the specified function on each element of a polytope array
 plotPLOT Plots polytopes in 2D or 3D
 plusPLUS Minkowski sum of two polytopes
 polytopePOLYTOPE Default constructor for the POLYTOPE object
 projectionPROJECTION Projection of a polytope or a polytope array
 rangeRANGE Affine transformation of a polytope
 reduceREDUCE Reduces the polytope by removing redundant inequalities
 reduceunionREDUCEUNION Removes redundant elements from a polytope array
 regiondiffREGIONDIFF Region difference
 regiondiffXUREGIONDIFFXU Computes region difference in lifted XU space
 setSET Used to modify internal properties of a given polytope object
 sizeSIZE Returns size of the given polytope object
 sliceSLICE cuts a polytope (polytope array) at prespecified values
 subsasgnSUBSASGN Indexed assignments for polytope objects
 subsrefSUBSREF Indexed referencing for polytope objects
 triangulateTRIANGULATE Calculates triangulation of arbitrary polytopes
 uminusUMINUS Unary minus for a polytope
 unionUNION convex union computation
 uniqueUNIQUE Removes redundant entries from a polytope array
 uplusUPLUS Unary plus for a polytope
 vertcatVERTCAT Concatenates polytopes into a polytope array
 volumeVOLUME Calculates volume of a polytope

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