MPT_OPTINFCONTROL Solves the infinite-time constrained optimal control problem for LTI systems
function ctrlStruct=mpt_optInfControl(sysStruct,probStruct,Options)
This function calls:
- length LENGTH Returns number of regions over which the explicit control law is defined
- chebyball CHEBYBALL Computes center and radius of the largest ball inscribed in a polytope
- double DOUBLE Function used to access internal properties of the given polytope
- end END Returns the last element in a given polytope array
- envelope ENVELOPE Computes envelope of n polytopes
- facetcircle FACETCIRCLE Returns largest circle inside facet 'ind' of polytope P
- isfulldim ISFULLDIM Checks if a polytope is full dimensional
- isinside ISINSIDE Checks if a given point lies in the interior of a given polytope
- length LENGTH Returns number of elements in a polytope array
- nconstr NCONSTR Returns number of constraints that form an H-representation of a polytope
- polytope POLYTOPE Default constructor for the POLYTOPE object
- size SIZE Returns size of the given polytope object
- mpt_getReachSubset MPT_GETREACHSUBSET Computes a subset of P which enters Pfin
- mpt_infset MPT_INFSET Calculates the maximal positively invariant set for an LTI system
- mpt_dlqr MPT_DLQR Linear-quadratic regulator design for discrete-time systems.
- mpt_error MPT_ERROR Function called if MPT toolbox is not initialized
- mpt_evalSystem MPT_EVALSYSTEM Extracts data from sysStruct and probStruct structures
- mpt_getFullRankSubset MPT_GETFULLRANKSUBSET Removes rows from matrix Gt until it has full row rank
- mpt_iscombequal MPT_ISCOMBEQUAL Are two vectors combinatorially equal
- mpt_isnoise MPT_ISNOISE Checks if noise object is not empty
- mpt_statusbar Status bar function
- mpt_verifyProbStruct MPT_VERIFYPROBSTRUCT Verifies the probStruct structure
- mpt_verifySysStruct MPT_VERIFYSYSSTRUCT Verifies the sysStruct structure
- mpt_constructMatrices MPT_CONSTRUCTMATRICES Constructs matrices for the finite time constrained optimal control problem
- mpt_solveQP MPT_SOLVEQP Interface to various QP solvers
This function is called by:
- mpt_control MPT_CONTROL Main control routine. Computes explicit controller for a given problem
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