Home > mpt > extras > control > optmerge > mpt_exHyperAdv.m





function [M, color, HypArr, dom] = mpt_exHyperAdv(Hi, Ki, PA, color, PAhull, Opt)



 Title:        mpt_exHyper
 Project:      Optimal merging of polyhedra with the same PWA dynamics

 Input:        Hi, Ki: definition of the polyhedral partition
               color.Reg: color of each region
               color.Table: regions with the same color 
               Opt.verbose: 0: silent
                            1: verbose only important information
                            2: verbose everything
               Opt.cdd: 0: don't use cdd
                        1: use cdd

 Output:       M: set of markings. The entries have the following meaning: 
                  -1:   polyhedron is on the - side of the hyperplane; 
                        the hyperplane is a facet of the polyhedron
                  -0.5: polyhedron is on the - side of the hyperplane;
                        the hyperplane is redundant
                   0:   polyhedron is cut by the hyperplane
                  +0.5: polyhedron is on the + side of the hyperplane;
                        the hyperplane is redundant
                  +1:   polyhedron is on the + side of the hyperplane;
                        the hyperplane is a facet of the polyhedron
               color: as for the input
               HypArr: hyperplane arrangement Hi*[xr; ur] = Ki
               dom: domain (redundant hyperplanes have been removed)

 Authors:      Tobias Geyer <geyer@control.ee.ethz.ch>, Fabio D. Torrisi


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