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Multi-Parametric Toolbox Polytope library


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 Multi-Parametric Toolbox Polytope library
 Version 2.6 (R14SP3) 30-Mar-2006

 Constructor and data accessing methods
   polytope     - Default constructor for polytope objects
   double       - Function used to access internal properties of the given polytope
   display      - Displays details about the given polytope
   isbounded    - Checks if a polytope is bounded
   isconvex     - Checks if a polytope array forms a convex union
   isfulldim    - Checks if a polytope is full dimensional
   isinside     - Checks if a given point lies in the interior of a given polytope
   isminrep     - Checks if a given polytope is in minimal representation
   isnormal     - Checks if a given polytope is in normalized description
   dimension    - Returns dimension of the given polytope
   nconstr      - Returns number of constraints that form an H-representation of a polytope
   length       - Returns number of elements in a polytope array
   size         - Returns size of the given polytope object
   get          - Get polytope properties
   set          - Used to modify internal properties of a given polytope object

 Computational geometry functions
   bounding_box - Compute a bounding box for a given polytope
   domain       - Computes polytope that is mapped to an another polytope using affine map
   envelope     - Computes envelope of n polytopes
   extreme      - Calculates extreme points of a given polytope
   facetvoronoi - Calculates a "voronoi diagram for facets of a polytope"
   hull         - Convex hull of n polytopes
   intersect    - Intersection of 2 polytopes
   plus         - Minkowski sum
   minus        - Pontryagin difference
   mldivide     - Set difference
   mtimes       - Polytope multiplication
   projection   - Projection of a polytope or a polytope array
   range        - Affine transformation of a polytope
   regiondiff   - Region difference
   regiondiffXU - Computes region difference in lifted XU space
   slice        - Orthogonal cut through polytope(s)
   triangulate  - Calculates triangulation of arbitrary polytopes
   union        - convex union computation

 Overloaded relational operators
   eq           - Checks if two polytopes are equal                        (==)
   ge           - Checks if polytope P is a superset of polytope Q         (>=)
   gt           - Checks if polytope P is a strict superset of polytope Q  (>)
   le           - Checks if polytope P is a subset of polytope Q           (<=)
   lt           - Checks if polytope P is a strict subset of polytope Q    (<)
   ne           - Checks if two polytopes are not equal                    (~=)

 Basic polytope functions
   chebyball    - Computes center and radius of the largest ball inscribed in a polytope
   normalize    - Normalizes a given polytope
   reduce       - Reduces the polytope by removing redundant inequalities
   isredundant  - Check if a constraint is redundant
   plot         - Plots polytope(s)

 Other overloaded operators and functions
   and          - Intersection of n polytopes                              (&)
   or           - Convex union of n polytopes                              (|)
   plus         - Minkowski sum                                            (+)
   minus        - Pontryagin difference                                    (-)
   mldivide     - Set difference                                           (\)
   mtimes       - Polytope multiplication                                  (*)
   uminus       - Unary minus for a polytope (flips given polytope around the origin)
   uplus        - Unary plus for a polytope (reduces the given polytope)
   horzcat      - Concatenates polytopes into a polytope array             [,]
   vertcat      - Concatenates polytopes into a polytope array             [;]
   end          - Returns the last element in a given polytope array
   fliplr       - Flips array of polytopes
   flipud       - Flips array of polytopes
   subsasgn     - Indexed assignments for polytope objects
   subsref      - Indexed referencing for polytope objects

 Other functions
   distribpoints - Distribute n points such that distances between them are maximized
   facetcircle   - Returns largest circle inside facet 'ind' of polytope P
   pelemfun      - Execute an arbitrary function on each element of a polyarray
   reduceunion   - Removes some redundant elements from a polytope array
   unique        - Keeps only unique elements of a polytope array
   volume        - Calculates volume of a polytope

 see help mpt

 Authors: Michal Kvasnica, Pascal Grieder, Mato Baotic
 kvasnica@control.ee.ethz.ch, grieder@control.ee.ethz.ch, baotic@control.ee.ethz.ch

 For support, write to: mpt@control.ee.ethz.ch


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