MERGE merges polytopes together
function [Pm,details] = merge(Pn,Options)
This function calls:
- length LENGTH Returns number of regions over which the explicit control law is defined
- end END Returns the last element in a given polytope array
- hull HULL Convex hull of n polytopes
- isfulldim ISFULLDIM Checks if a polytope is full dimensional
- length LENGTH Returns number of elements in a polytope array
- mpt_greedyMerging MPT_GREEDYMERGING Greedy merging of polyhedra
- mpt_optMerge ===============================================================================
- hull HULL Converts vertices/polytope array into an H-representation polytope
This function is called by:
- minus MINUS Pontryagin difference
- mpt_infsetPWA MPT_INFSETPWA Computes (robust) positive invariant subset for PWA systems
- mpt_greedyMerging MPT_GREEDYMERGING Greedy merging of polyhedra
- mpt_iterativePWA MPT_ITERATIVEPWA Computes a time-optimal or low-complexity explicit controller for PWA systems
- mpt_simplify MPT_SIMPLIFY simplifies a given explicit controller by merging regions with identical control law
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