Spoiled GRE Cartesian Readout#

In this notebook the sequence is composed with cmrseq and the input is a shepp-logan phantom, constructed with the phantominator package link Reconstruction is performed with regular iFFt, as k-space sampling is uniform.


[ ]:
!pip install cmrseq --index-url https://gitlab.ethz.ch/api/v4/projects/30300/packages/pypi/simple
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../../")
sys.path.insert(0, "../../../cmrseq")

import os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "3"
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = "3"

import tensorflow as tf
gpu = tf.config.get_visible_devices("GPU")
if gpu:
    tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu[0], True)
from copy import deepcopy
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from pint import Quantity
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Project library cmrsim
import cmrsim
import cmrseq
from cmrsim.utils import particle_properties as part_factory

Construct Sequence#

In this example a spoiled gradient echo (FLASH / sGRE) is used. To obtain the sequence definition, corresponding function of the cmrseq package is used. The number of dummy shots (n_dummy) defines the amount of time used for reaching steady state, which has a significant impact on the simulation result.

# Define MR-system specifications
system_specs = cmrseq.SystemSpec(max_grad=Quantity(40, "mT/m"),
                                 max_slew=Quantity(200., "mT/m/ms"),
                                 grad_raster_time=Quantity(0.01, "ms"),
                                 rf_raster_time=Quantity(0.01, "ms"))

# Define most important sequence parameters
fov = Quantity([202, 202], "mm")
matrix_size = (51, 51)
res = fov / matrix_size
adc_duration = Quantity(2., "ms")
pulse_duration = Quantity(1.5, "ms")
slice_thickness = Quantity(2, "cm")
flip_angle = Quantity(12, "degree").to("rad")

print("Resolution:", res)

# Call sequence definitions
n_dummy = 5
sequence_list = cmrseq.seqdefs.sequences.flash(system_specs,
                                               echo_time=Quantity(2., "ms"),
                                               repetition_time=Quantity(4.5, "ms"),

# Add crusher gradients
crusher_area = Quantity(np.pi * 6, "rad") / system_specs.gamma_rad / res[0]
crusher = cmrseq.bausteine.TrapezoidalGradient.from_area(system_specs, orientation=np.array([1., 0., 0.]),
                                                         area=crusher_area.to("mT/m*ms"), delay=Quantity(4.5, "ms"))
sequence_list = [seq + cmrseq.Sequence([deepcopy(crusher)], system_specs) for seq in sequence_list]

k_grad, k_adc, t_adc = sequence_list[n_dummy+1].calculate_kspace()
t_center = Quantity(t_adc[matrix_size[0]//2], "ms")

combined_sequence_dummyshots = deepcopy(sequence_list[0])

combined_sequence = deepcopy(sequence_list[n_dummy])

# Plot the sequence

fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(15, 8))
gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2)
f3_ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
f3_ax1.set_title('Sequence Per TR')
f3_ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
f3_ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:2])
f3_ax3.set_title('Full Sequence')

axes = fig.axes

cmrseq.plotting.plot_sequence(sequence_list[0],  axes[0], legend_position="lower left")
for tr_idx, s in enumerate(sequence_list[1:]):
    cmrseq.plotting.plot_sequence(s,  [fig.axes[-1], axes[0], axes[0], axes[0]], format_axes=False, add_legend=False)
    if tr_idx > n_dummy:
        cmrseq.plotting.plot_kspace_2d(s, ax=axes[1], k_axes=[0, 1])
_ = cmrseq.plotting.plot_sequence(combined_sequence, axes=axes[2], format_axes=True)
Resolution: [3.9607843137254903 3.9607843137254903] millimeter
CMRSeq Warning : FLASH Sequence: Echo time too short to be feasible, set TE to 2.14 millisecond
Extending Sequence: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 340.63it/s]
Extending Sequence: 100%|██████████| 50/50 [00:00<00:00, 317.22it/s]

Set up Phantom#

import phantominator
x, y, z = 600, 600, 5
m0, t1, t2 = phantominator.shepp_logan(N=(x, y, z), MR=True, B0=1)
r = np.stack(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, x), np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, y),
                         np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, z)), axis=-1).astype(np.float32)

choose = np.where(m0 > 0)
r, m0, t1, t2 = [_[choose] for _ in (r, m0, t1, t2)]
n_new = r.shape[0]
random_offsets = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(n_new, 3)) * 1e-4
r += random_offsets

properties = {"M0": m0.flatten().astype(np.float32),
              "T1": t1.flatten().astype(np.float32) * 1000,
              "T2": t2.flatten().astype(np.float32) * 1000,
              "magnetization": part_factory.norm_magnetization()(n_new)}
m_init = properties.pop("magnetization")
print(f"Phantom with {n_new} particles")
Phantom with 466820 particles

Grid sequence and configure Bloch Module#

The dummy shot simulation and the TRs containing an acquisition bloch are captured by one Bloch module each, where the TRs are indexed in the simulation loop using the rep_idx

t_comb_dummy, rf_comb_dummy, grad_comb_dummy, adc_on_comb_dummy = [np.stack(v) for v in cmrseq.utils.grid_sequence_list([combined_sequence_dummyshots, ])]
t_comb, rf_comb, grad_comb, adc_on_comb = [np.stack(v) for v in cmrseq.utils.grid_sequence_list(sequence_list[n_dummy:])]

print([v.shape for v in [t_comb, rf_comb, grad_comb, adc_on_comb]])

module_dummy = cmrsim.bloch.GeneralBlochOperator(name="dummy_shot_module", gamma=system_specs.gamma_rad.m_as("rad/mT/ms"),
                                                 time_grid=t_comb_dummy[0], gradient_waveforms=grad_comb_dummy,
                                                 rf_waveforms=rf_comb_dummy, device="GPU:0")

module_acq = cmrsim.bloch.GeneralBlochOperator(name="testmodule", gamma=system_specs.gamma_rad.m_as("rad/mT/ms"),
                                               time_grid=t_comb[0], gradient_waveforms=grad_comb,
                                               rf_waveforms=rf_comb, adc_events=adc_on_comb, device="GPU:0")
[(51, 566), (51, 566), (51, 566, 3), (51, 566, 2)]

Run Simulation#

print(f"Simulating {t_comb_dummy.shape[0] + t_comb.shape[0]*t_comb.shape[1]} steps for {m_init.shape[0]} isochromates")

for rbatch, mbatch, dict_batch in tqdm(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((r, m_init, properties)).batch(int(1.5e6)), "Phantom Batches"):
    mbatch, rbatch = module_dummy(initial_position=rbatch, magnetization=mbatch, repetition_index=0, **dict_batch)

    for rep_idx in tqdm(range(t_comb.shape[0]), desc="TR index", leave=False):
        _ = module_acq(initial_position=rbatch, magnetization=mbatch, repetition_index=rep_idx, run_parallel=False, **dict_batch)
Simulating 28867 steps for 466820 isochromates
WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
I0000 00:00:1712826959.366766 2053534 device_compiler.h:186] Compiled cluster using XLA!  This line is logged at most once for the lifetime of the process.

Reconstruct Image#

# Non uniform combined
time_signal = tf.stack(module_acq.time_signal_acc, axis=0).numpy().reshape(matrix_size[::-1])
centered_projection = tf.signal.fft(time_signal).numpy()
centered_k_space = tf.signal.fft(centered_projection).numpy()
image = tf.signal.fftshift(tf.signal.ifft2d(tf.roll(tf.signal.ifftshift(centered_k_space, axes=(0, 1)),  -1, axis=1)), axes=(0, 1)).numpy()
time_per_seg = t_adc - t_center.m_as("ms")
freq_per_seg = np.fft.fftfreq(n=time_per_seg.shape[0], d=time_per_seg[1]-time_per_seg[0])
print(time_signal.shape, centered_projection.shape, time_per_seg.shape, freq_per_seg.shape, image.shape)
(51, 51) (51, 51) (51,) (51,) (51, 51)

Plot 2D representation of specific single line acquisitions#

If the configured adc only acquires the exact k-space locations the acquired time signal equals the k-space line

# Plot 2D Lines
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(14, 2.5))
[a.grid(True) for a in axes]
[a.set_title(t) for a, t in zip(axes, ["temporal signal", "specturm", "k-space line", "spatial projection"])]
[a.legend(["real", "Imaginary"]) for a in axes]
for ky in range(0, time_signal.shape[0], 10):
    axes[0].plot(time_per_seg, np.real(time_signal[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[0].plot(time_per_seg, np.imag(time_signal[ky]), color="C1", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[1].plot(freq_per_seg, np.real(centered_projection[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[1].plot(freq_per_seg, np.imag(centered_projection[ky]), color="C1", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[2].plot(np.arange(freq_per_seg.shape[0]), np.real(centered_k_space[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[2].plot(np.arange(freq_per_seg.shape[0]), np.imag(centered_k_space[ky]), color="C1", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[3].plot(np.arange(freq_per_seg.shape[0]), np.real(image[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[3].plot(np.arange(freq_per_seg.shape[0]), np.imag(image[ky]), color="C1", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)

Plot 3D representation of simulation results#

If the configured adc only acquires the exact k-space locations the acquired time signal equals the k-space line

# Plot all PE-lines in 3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 4, subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'}, figsize=(14, 4))
[a.set_title(t) for a, t in zip(axes, ["temporal signal", "specturm", "k-space line", "spatial projection"])]

for ky in range(time_signal.shape[0]):
    axes[0].plot(time_per_seg, np.ones_like(time_signal[ky].real) * ky, np.abs(time_signal[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[1].plot(freq_per_seg, np.ones_like(centered_projection[ky].real) * ky, np.abs(centered_projection[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[2].plot(np.arange(freq_per_seg.shape[0]), np.ones_like(centered_k_space[ky].real) * ky, np.abs(centered_k_space[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)
    axes[3].plot(np.arange(freq_per_seg.shape[0]), np.ones_like(image[ky].real) * ky, np.abs(image[ky]), color="C0", linestyle="-", alpha=0.7)

Plot Image#

# Show images
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 5))

kspace_plot = axes[0].imshow(np.log(np.abs(np.squeeze(centered_k_space))), cmap="gray")
fig.colorbar(kspace_plot, ax=axes[0], fraction=0.045, pad=0.04)

abs_plot = axes[1].imshow(np.abs(np.squeeze(image)), cmap="gray")
fig.colorbar(abs_plot, ax=axes[1], fraction=0.045, pad=0.04)
phase_plot = axes[2].imshow(np.angle(np.squeeze(image)), cmap="twilight", vmin=-np.pi, vmax=np.pi)
fig.colorbar(phase_plot, ax=axes[2], fraction=0.045, pad=0.04)
[_.axis("off") for _ in axes]
[_.set_title(t) for _, t in zip(axes, ["k-space", "Magnitude", "Phase"])]

Create Thumbnail#


fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(15, 12))
gs = fig.add_gridspec(4, 6)
fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0:3])
fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 3:])
fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:])
fig.add_subplot(gs[2:, 0:2])
fig.add_subplot(gs[2:, 2:4])
fig.add_subplot(gs[2:, 4:6])

axes = fig.axes
[a.set_title(t) for a, t in zip(axes, ['Sequence Per TR', 'k-space-vectors', 'Full Sequence', "k-space", "Magnitude", "Phase"])]

cmrseq.plotting.plot_sequence(sequence_list[0],  axes[0])
for tr_idx, s in enumerate(sequence_list[1:]):
    cmrseq.plotting.plot_sequence(s,  [fig.axes[-1], axes[0], axes[0], axes[0]], format_axes=False)
    if tr_idx > n_dummy:
        cmrseq.plotting.plot_kspace_2d(s, ax=axes[1], k_axes=[0, 1])
_ = cmrseq.plotting.plot_sequence(combined_sequence, axes=axes[2], format_axes=True)

kspace_plot = axes[3].imshow(np.log(np.abs(np.squeeze(centered_k_space))), cmap="gray")
fig.colorbar(kspace_plot, ax=axes[3], fraction=0.045, pad=0.04, location="bottom")
abs_plot = axes[4].imshow(np.abs(np.squeeze(image)), cmap="gray")
fig.colorbar(abs_plot, ax=axes[4], fraction=0.045, pad=0.04, location="bottom")
phase_plot = axes[5].imshow(np.angle(np.squeeze(image)), cmap="twilight", vmin=-np.pi, vmax=np.pi)
fig.colorbar(phase_plot, ax=axes[5], fraction=0.045, pad=0.04, location="bottom")
[_.axis("off") for _ in axes[3:]]
[ ]: