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function [PAmer, colorMer] = mpt_optMerge(PA, Opt)



 function [PAmer, colorMer] = mpt_optMerge(PA, Opt)
 Title:        mpt_optMerge
 Project:      Optimal merging of a set of polyhedra 

 Input:        PA: polyhedral array
               Opt: Options with the following fields
                 .color: color of polyhedra
                         this is an integer 1,2,... 
                         the algorithm will merge polyhedra with the same color 
                         if color is not specified, it is assumed to be 1
                         for all polyhedra.
                 .PAdom: the set of polyhedra (the so called domain) the problem 
                         is defined in. If not given, the algorithm assumes the 
                         domain is given by the hull (or envelope if the hull 
                         computation fails) of PA.
                 .PAcompl:  polyhedral array that is within the domain and not 
                            in PA - it is the so called complement. If not specified, 
                            the algorithm assumes PAcompl is empty. Then the 
                            complement is filled up optimally by the merging algorithm.
                            Refer also to the second remark below.
                 .verbose: 0: silent (=default)
                           1: verbose only important information
                           2: verbose everything
                 .algo: 0:        overlapping merging (boolean minimization)
                        [1, inf]: optimal merging, with the given upper bound on nodes
                                  (default is inf)

 Output:       PAmer: merged polyhedra array
               colorMer: colors with the following fields
                 .Reg:   color of each region
                 .Table: regions with the same color 

 Authors:      Tobias Geyer <geyer@control.ee.ethz.ch>, Fabio D. Torrisi


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