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MPT_SIMPLIFY simplifies a given explicit controller by merging regions with identical control law


function [simpleCtrl,details] = mpt_simplify(ctrl, how, Options)


MPT_SIMPLIFY simplifies a given explicit controller by merging regions with identical control law

   simplectrl = mpt_simplify(ctrl)
   simplectrl = mpt_simplify(ctrl, how)
   simplectrl = mpt_simplify(ctrl, Options)
   simplectrl = mpt_simplify(ctrl, how, Options)
   [simplectrl, details] = mpt_simplify(ctrl, how, Options)

 Simplifies a given explicit controller by merging regions which have the
 same control law. By doing so, all stability and feasibility properties
 of the controller are maintained, but complexity is greatly reduced.

 NOTE: Information about the value function will be lost when doing region

 ctrl             - Explicit controller (an MPTCTRL object)
 how              - which method to use for merging. allowed values are:
                      'greedy'  - greedy merging based on heuristics 
                                  (default setting) 
                      'optimal' - optimal merging based on boolean minimization
 Options.trials   - for greedy merging, defines number of trials to
                    improve the solution (default is 1, corresponds to 1 run)
 Options.verbose  - level of verbosity {0|1|2}
 Options.nu       - number of system inputs (when simplifying partitions which
                    are not necessarily controller objects)

 simpleCtrl       - simplified explicit controller
 details.before   - number of polytopes before merging
 details.after    - number of polytopes after merging
 details.runTime  - run time of the algorithm
 details.alg      - string, either 'greedy' or 'optimal'

 see also MERGE


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