Home > mpt > extras > control > optmerge > mpt_hyparr2.m





function delta = hyparr2(Hyp, P, dom, Opt)



 Title:        hyparr
 Project:      Transformation of HYSDEL model into PWA model

 Purpose:      Dervive hyperplane arrangement

 Input:        Hyp: hyperplanes Hyp.A(i,:)*x = Hyp.B(i), for i = 1...rows(Hyp.A)
                    that define a hyperplane arrangement
               P: constraints P.A*x <= P.B define polyhedron
                  P=[] is possible 
               dom: constraints dom.A*x <= dom.B defines the domain
                    these constraints are only used if dom.constr exists
               minR: minimal required radius of Chebycheff ball of polyhedra

 Output:       delta: hyperplane arrangement, or the markings of the regions 
                      generated by the hyperplanes Hyp, where delta(:,j) 
                      represents the j-th region of the arrangement as a 
                      {-1, 1} vector. 
                      Only the markings of the regions having feasible points 
                      in P and dom are returned.

                   delta = [1  1 -1;
                            1 -1 -1] 
                   means that there were 2 hyperplanes and that they induce 3 
                   1. A x <= B;
                   2. A(1,:) <= B(1),  A(2,:) >= B(2);
                   3. A(1,:) >= B(1),  A(2,:) >= B(2);

               Note: This definition is contrary to the one in optMerge 
                     (and Ziegler)

 Comments:     By default, the reverse search tool by Komei Fukuda is currently 
               not used, as it does not work realiably for large problems.
               Instead, the feasibility of the regions is checked by solving LPs.
               The efficiency is improved by the following means:
               * if dom.constr=1, only regions with feasible points in dom are 
               * large hyperplane arrangements are stored in the function 
               * in a last step, only the regions with feasible points in P are 
                 returned (thus allowing the storage of already computed
                 hyperplane arrangements)

 Authors:      Tobias Geyer <geyer@control.ee.ethz.ch>, Fabio Torrisi


This function calls: This function is called by:
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