< Master index Index for mpt/@mptctrl >

Index for mpt/@mptctrl

Matlab files in this directory:

 analyzeANALYZE Analyzes a given explicit controller and suggests further actions
 cancompileCANCOMPILE Returns true if a given controller can be compiled
 charCHAR Provides textual description of a given controller
 displayDISPLAY Displays details about a given MPT controller
 getGET Get MPTCTRL properties
 horzcatHORZCAT Concatenation of MPTCTRL objects
 infoINFO Displays more detailed information a given MPT controller
 isexplicitISEXPLICIT Returns true if the controller is an explicit controller
 isinvariantISINVARIANT Decides if a given explicit controller is invariant
 isstabilizableSTABILIZES Decides if a given controller is stabilizable
 lengthLENGTH Returns number of regions over which the explicit control law is defined
 modifyMODIFY Modifies an MPTCTRL object
 mptctrlMPTCTRL Constructor for the MPT controller object
 plotPLOT Plots regions of the explicit controller
 plotjPLOTJ Plots value function associated to a given controller
 plotuPLOT Plots value of the control action
 runtimeRUNTIME returns runtime needed to compute a given explicit controller
 setSET Set a field of MPTCTRL objects
 simSIM Simulates a given controller
 simplotSIMPLOT Plots a simulated trajectory
 subsasgnSUBSASGN Indexed assignments for MPTCTRL objects
 subsrefSUBSREF Indexed referencing for MPTCTRL object
 vertcatVERTCAT Concatenation of MPTCTRL objects

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