PWA2D_ADDU 2nd order PWA example with 2 PWA dynamics and an additive uncertainty --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The example is taken from: author = {D.Q. Mayne and S. Rakovi\'{c}}, year = 2003, title = {Model predicitve control of constrained piecewise affine discrete-time systems}, journal = {Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control}, volume = 13, number=3, month=apr, pages = {261--279} Default values are: * Norm = 2 * Prediction horizon N = Inf * Weight in the cost function Q = I, R = 0.1 * No bounds on x0 * Level of suboptimality = 1 (needed for PWA systems!) * Additive uncertainty noise = unitbox(2,0.1) USAGE: pwa2d_addU ctrlStruct = mpt_control(sysStruct,probStruct); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- none --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sysStruct, probStruct - system and problem definition structures stores in the workspace