THIRDORDER 3rd order LTI example --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd order LTI system with 3 states and 2 control inputs Correct results: probStruct.N : 5 | Inf | Inf | Inf probStruct.subopt_lev : 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 # regions : 35 | 35 | 38 | 23 Default values are: * Prediction horizon N = 5 * Weight in the cost function Q = I, R = 0.1I * Norm = 2 * No bounds on x0 * Level of suboptimality = 0 * No uncertainty USAGE: ThirdOrder ctrlStruct = mpt_control(sysStruct,probStruct); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- none --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sysStruct, probStruct - system and problem definition structures stores in the workspace