Encoding Modules#


cmrsim.analytic.encoding.BaseSampling(...[, ...])

Base Module for implementing a time-dependent sampling in k-space.

cmrsim.analytic.encoding.EPI(field_of_view, ...)

Encoding Module implementing a single shot echo planar imaging trajectory.


Encoding Module that assumes the handed in signal tensor in images space to be calculated according to one process per k-space line.


" Interface to use cmr-seq definitions of k-space samples as encoder


class BaseSampling(absolute_noise_std, name=None, k_space_segments=1, device=None, orientation_matrix=None)[source]#

Base Module for implementing a time-dependent sampling in k-space. Is meant to be inherited from when specifying standard trajectories.

  • absolute_noise_std (Union[float, Iterable[float]]) – if < 0, add_noise() will leave signal unchanged

  • name (str) – (str) defining the module name-scope

  • k_space_segments (int) – Number of segments in k-space. Total number of samples divided by the number of segments must be an integer value

  • device (str) – str e.g. ‘GPU:0’

  • orientation_matrix (ndarray) –


__call__(m_transverse, r_vectors)

Fourier transforms the handed batch of object points / isochromates,

add_noise(s_of_k, **kwargs)

Adds noise to k-space-samples, expands the number of axis by one and appends the different noise instantiations as second last axis.

call_single_segment(...[, segment_index])

Calculates fourier phases for given object-representation at r-vectors.


Getter for sampling times.

set_orientation_matrix(slice_position, ...)

type slice_position:



Assigns values to trajectory vectors.



Spatial acquisition offset (corresponds to frequency offset)


Name of the device that the module is executed on (defaults to: GPU:0 - CPU:0)


Number of segments used to subdivide the simulation memory load


Number of k-space samples that are defined by the _calculate trajectory method


Orientation matrix (3, 4) performing the transformation from slice to global coordinates

__call__(m_transverse: Tensor, r_vectors: Tensor)[source]#

Fourier transforms the handed batch of object points / isochromates,

  • m_transverse (Tensor) –

  • r_vectors (Tensor) –


tf.Tensor of shape (#repetitions, #k-space-samples)

add_noise(s_of_k, **kwargs)[source]#

Adds noise to k-space-samples, expands the number of axis by one and appends the different noise instantiations as second last axis.


s_of_k (Tensor) – Tensor containing all encoded k-space samples



call_single_segment(transverse_magnetization: Tensor, r_vectors: Tensor, segment_index: int | Tensor = 0, **kwargs) Tensor[source]#

Calculates fourier phases for given object-representation at r-vectors. For multiple different contrasts #repetitions is the representing axis.

Motion during encoding is captured in the r_vectors input axis #k-space-samples. If this axis has size=1, this position is reused for all sampling ADC events. If #repetitions = 1 in r_vectors, the same trajectory/constant position is reused for all contrasts.

  • transverse_magnetization (Tensor) – (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples) of type tf.complex; #repetitions, #k-space-samples can be 1

  • r_vectors (Tensor) – (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples, 3), axis #repetitions and #k-space-samples can be 1 to broadcast for coordinate reuse.

  • segment_index (Union[int, Tensor]) – int

Return type:



tf.Tensor (…, k-space-points in segment)


Getter for sampling times. Defines format that should be used for all Signal modules that need the timing of the sampling events.


  • tf.RaggedTensor or numpy.ndarray

  • sampling times as numpy.ndarray in case the trajectory is not segmented.

set_orientation_matrix(slice_position, slice_normal, readout_direction)[source]#
  • slice_position (Quantity) – (3, )

  • slice_normal (ndarray) –

  • readout_direction (ndarray) –


Assigns values to trajectory vectors. Should be used after modifying the parameters of the encoding module. :return:

acq_position: Variable = <tf.Variable 'Variable:0' shape=(3,) dtype=float32, numpy=array([0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32)>#

Spatial acquisition offset (corresponds to frequency offset)

device: str#

Name of the device that the module is executed on (defaults to: GPU:0 - CPU:0)

k_space_segments: Variable#

Number of segments used to subdivide the simulation memory load

number_of_samples: Tensor#

Number of k-space samples that are defined by the _calculate trajectory method

ori_matrix: Variable#

Orientation matrix (3, 4) performing the transformation from slice to global coordinates

class EPI(field_of_view, sampling_matrix_size, absolute_noise_std, read_out_duration=None, bandwidth_per_pixel=None, blip_duration=0.0, acquisition_start=0.0, **kwargs)[source]#

Encoding Module implementing a single shot echo planar imaging trajectory. The subdivision into segments is solely used to manage memory limitation during simulation.

class SingleLinePerShot(field_of_view, sampling_matrix_size, absolute_noise_std, read_out_duration=None, repetition_time=0.0, acquisition_start=0.0, orientation=<tf.Tensor: shape=(3, 3), dtype=float32, numpy= array([[1., 0., 0.],        [0., 1., 0.],        [0., 0., 1.]], dtype=float32)>, **kwargs)[source]#

Encoding Module that assumes the handed in signal tensor in images space to be calculated according to one process per k-space line. Number of segments in this implementation corresponds to number of acquired k-space lines

class GenericEncoding(name, sequence, absolute_noise_std, k_space_segments=None, device=None)[source]#

“ Interface to use cmr-seq definitions of k-space samples as encoder

  • name (str) –

  • sequence (Sequence | Iterable[Sequence]) –

  • absolute_noise_std (Variable) –

  • k_space_segments (Variable) –

  • device (str) –