Source code for cmrsim.analytic.encoding.cartesian

""" This module contains all modules that are related to cartesian sampling strategies.

__all__ = ["EPI", "SingleLinePerShot"]

from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Optional
import warnings 

import tensorflow as tf

from cmrsim.analytic.encoding.base import BaseSampling

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class SingleLinePerShot(BaseSampling): """ Encoding Module that assumes the handed in signal tensor in images space to be calculated according to one process per k-space line. Number of segments in this implementation corresponds to number of acquired k-space lines """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, field_of_view: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float]], sampling_matrix_size: Union[Tuple[int, int], List[int], 'numpy.ndarray'], absolute_noise_std: float, read_out_duration: float = None, repetition_time: float = 0., acquisition_start: Optional[float] = 0., orientation: tf.Tensor = tf.eye(3, 3, dtype=tf.float32), **kwargs): self.fov = tf.Variable(tf.constant(field_of_view), dtype=tf.float32, name='field_of_view') self.matrix_size = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sampling_matrix_size), dtype=tf.int32, name='acquisition_matrix') self.readout_duration = tf.Variable(tf.constant(read_out_duration), dtype=tf.float32, name='readout_duration') self.acquisition_time_offset = tf.Variable(tf.constant(acquisition_start), dtype=tf.float32, name='acquisition_offset') self.repetition_time = tf.Variable(tf.constant(repetition_time), dtype=tf.float32, name='repetition_time') self.orientation = tf.constant(orientation, dtype=tf.float32) super().__init__(absolute_noise_std, name="single_line_pershot", k_space_segments=sampling_matrix_size[1], **kwargs) def _calculate_trajectory(self) -> (tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor): """ Calculates the 2D k-space trajectory for a cartesian readout. The k_z component of all 3D-k-space sampling points is set to 0 to calculate averaging in z-direction. For even as well as uneven matrix dimension, the first k-space sample is acquired at [-k_max, -k_max, 0] and it is guaranteed, that the mid, or mid+1/2 sampling point is at the k-space center. :return: k-space-vectors, sampling-times (tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor) """ ro_steps = tf.cast(self.matrix_size[0], tf.float32) pe_steps = tf.cast(self.matrix_size[1], tf.float32) # Calculate k-space-vectors k_x, k_y, k_z = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(self.matrix_size[0]), tf.range(self.matrix_size[1]), 1, indexing='xy') k_vectors = tf.stack((k_x, k_y, k_z), -1) k_vectors = k_vectors - tf.constant([int(ro_steps), int(pe_steps), 0], shape=(3,)) // 2 delta_k = tf.math.divide_no_nan(1., self.fov) k_vectors = tf.cast(k_vectors, tf.float32) * tf.concat((delta_k, [0.]), 0) k_vectors = tf.reshape(k_vectors, [-1, 3]) # Calculate Sampling times from matrix size, ADC-duration, blip-duration # and leading time offset dwell_time_borders = tf.range(0., ro_steps + 1.) / ro_steps * self.readout_duration dwell_time_centers = dwell_time_borders[:-1] + \ (dwell_time_borders[1:] - dwell_time_borders[:-1]) / 2 sampling_times = tf.tile(dwell_time_centers, [self.matrix_size[1], ]) - self.readout_duration.read_value() / 2 k_vectors = tf.einsum('ij, nj -> ni', tf.transpose(self.orientation), k_vectors) return k_vectors, sampling_times
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class EPI(BaseSampling): """ Encoding Module implementing a single shot echo planar imaging trajectory. The subdivision into segments is solely used to manage memory limitation during simulation. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, field_of_view: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float]], sampling_matrix_size: Union[Tuple[int, int], List[int], 'numpy.ndarray'], absolute_noise_std: float, read_out_duration: float = None, bandwidth_per_pixel: float = None, blip_duration: Optional[float] = 0., acquisition_start: Optional[float] = 0., **kwargs): """ Calculates a trajectory for a 2D cartesian sampling and initializes a BaseSampling object with the given k-space vectors. :param field_of_view: Total length in (RO, PE) directions :param sampling_matrix_size: Integers determining the number of uniform sampling points in RO and PE directions :param absolute_noise_std: Passed through to build class. :param read_out_duration: in ms, used to calculate sampling times (centers of dwell time intervals) :param bandwidth_per_pixel: in Hz, used to calculate read_out_duration (only one can be specified) :param blip_duration: in ms, time between readout events :param acquisition_start: in ms, leading offset prior to acquisition (defaults to 0.) """ warnings.warn("Consider using the cmrsim.analytic.encoding.GenericEncoding class in" "combination with a cmrseq.sequence definition", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if ((bandwidth_per_pixel is None and read_out_duration is None) or (bandwidth_per_pixel is not None and read_out_duration is not None)): raise ValueError(f'Only exactly one of the arguments (pixel_bandwith/read_out_duration)' f' must be specified. Instead pixel_bandwith: {bandwidth_per_pixel} ' f'and read_out_duration: {read_out_duration}, was given!') self.fov = tf.Variable(tf.constant(field_of_view), dtype=tf.float32, name='field_of_view') self.matrix_size = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sampling_matrix_size), dtype=tf.int32, name='acquisition_matrix') if read_out_duration is None: read_out_duration = 1000. / bandwidth_per_pixel # noqa self.readout_duration = tf.Variable(tf.constant(read_out_duration), dtype=tf.float32, name='readout_duration') self.acquisition_time_offset = tf.Variable(tf.constant(acquisition_start), dtype=tf.float32, name='acquisition_offset') self.blip_duration = tf.Variable(tf.constant(blip_duration), dtype=tf.float32, name='blip_duration') super().__init__(absolute_noise_std, name="epi", **kwargs) def _calculate_trajectory(self) -> (tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor): """ Calculates the 2D k-space trajectory for a cartesian readout. The k_z component of all 3D-k-space sampling points is set to 0 to calculate averaging in z-direction. For even as well as uneven matrix dimension, the first k-space sample is acquired at [-k_max, -k_max, 0] and it is guaranteed, that the mid, or mid+1/2 sampling point is at the k-space center. :return: k-space-vectors, sampling-times (tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor) """ ro_steps = tf.cast(self.matrix_size[0], tf.float32) pe_steps = tf.cast(self.matrix_size[1], tf.float32) # Calculate k-space-vectors k_x, k_y, k_z = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(self.matrix_size[0]), tf.range(self.matrix_size[1]), 1, indexing='xy') k_vectors = tf.stack((k_x, k_y, k_z), axis=-1) k_vectors = k_vectors - tf.constant([int(ro_steps), int(pe_steps), 0], shape=(3,)) // 2 delta_k = tf.math.divide_no_nan(1., self.fov) k_vectors = tf.cast(k_vectors, tf.float32) * tf.concat((delta_k, [0.]), 0) k_vectors = tf.reshape(k_vectors, [-1, 3]) # Calculate Sampling times from matrix size, ADC-duration, blip-duration # and leading time offset dwell_time_borders = tf.range(0., ro_steps + 1.) / ro_steps * self.readout_duration dwell_time_centers = dwell_time_borders[:-1] + \ (dwell_time_borders[1:] - dwell_time_borders[:-1]) / 2 pe_offsets = tf.range(0., pe_steps) * (self.blip_duration + self.readout_duration) sampling_time_matrix = dwell_time_centers[tf.newaxis] + pe_offsets[:, tf.newaxis] alternating_sign = tf.reshape( tf.stack([tf.ones(self.matrix_size[1], dtype=tf.float32), -tf.ones(self.matrix_size[1], dtype=tf.float32)], axis=1), [-1, 1])[0:self.matrix_size[1]] sampling_time_matrix = tf.where(alternating_sign > 0., sampling_time_matrix, tf.reverse(sampling_time_matrix, axis=[1, ])) sampling_times = tf.reshape(sampling_time_matrix, [-1]) - self.acquisition_time_offset return k_vectors, sampling_times