Source code for cmrsim.analytic.encoding.base

""" This module contains the base implementation of the encoding mechanism of the simulation"""
__all__ = ["BaseSampling",]

from typing import Union, Iterable, Tuple
import abc
import math

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from pint import Quantity

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class BaseSampling(tf.Module): """Base Module for implementing a time-dependent sampling in k-space. Is meant to be inherited from when specifying standard trajectories. :param absolute_noise_std: if < 0, add_noise() will leave signal unchanged :param name: (str) defining the module name-scope :param k_space_segments: Number of segments in k-space. Total number of samples divided by the number of segments must be an integer value :param device: str e.g. 'GPU:0' """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes #: Flat and unsegmented tensor of all sampling-event times. Is set by a call of # abstract function self._calculate_trajectory. Expected shape: (-1, ) sampling_times: tf.Variable #: Flat and unsegmented tensor of 3D k-space vectors corresponding to sampling-events. # Is set by a call of abstract function self._calculate_trajectory. Expected shape: (-1, 3) k_space_vectors: tf.Variable #: absolute values for the standard deviation of the sampled noise distributions added # to the k-space signal absolute_noise_std: tf.Variable #: Number of segments used to subdivide the simulation memory load k_space_segments: tf.Variable #: Number of k-space samples that are defined by the _calculate trajectory method number_of_samples: tf.Tensor #: Name of the device that the module is executed on (defaults to: GPU:0 - CPU:0) device: str #: Spatial acquisition offset (corresponds to frequency offset) acq_position: tf.Variable = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(3), dtype=tf.float32) #: Orientation matrix (3, 4) performing the transformation from slice to global coordinates ori_matrix: tf.Variable _segmented_sampling_times = None # set in update _segmented_k_vectors = None # set in update def __init__(self, absolute_noise_std: Union[float, Iterable[float]], name: str = None, k_space_segments: int = 1, device: str = None, orientation_matrix: np.ndarray = None): """ :param absolute_noise_std: if < 0, add_noise() will leave signal unchanged :param name: (str) defining the module name-scope :param k_space_segments: int :param device: str e.g. 'GPU:0' """ if device is None: if tf.config.get_visible_devices('GPU'): self.device = 'GPU:0' else: self.device = 'CPU:0' else: self.device = device super().__init__(name=name) if isinstance(absolute_noise_std, float): absolute_noise_std = [absolute_noise_std, ] with tf.device(self.device): self.absolute_noise_std = tf.Variable(tf.constant(absolute_noise_std), dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, shape=[None, ], name='absolute_noise_std') self.k_space_segments = tf.Variable(tf.constant(k_space_segments), dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False) self.k_space_vectors = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((1, 3), tf.float32), shape=[None, 3], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name='k_space_vectors') self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.zeros((1,), tf.float32), shape=[None, ], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name='sampling_times') self.update() self.ori_matrix = orientation_matrix
[docs] def update(self): """ Assigns values to trajectory vectors. Should be used after modifying the parameters of the encoding module. :return: """ k_space_vectors, sampling_times = self._calculate_trajectory() self.k_space_vectors.assign(k_space_vectors) self.sampling_times.assign(sampling_times) self.number_of_samples = tf.size(self.sampling_times.read_value()) assert (self.number_of_samples % self.k_space_segments == 0) # Define segmented k-space trajectory for lower GPU memory requirements segment_size = tf.cast(tf.math.ceil(self.number_of_samples / self.k_space_segments.read_value()), tf.int32) total_element_count = self.k_space_segments.read_value() * segment_size difference = total_element_count - self.number_of_samples row_lengths = tf.constant([int(segment_size) for _ in tf.range(self.k_space_segments.read_value() - 1)] + [int(segment_size - difference), ], dtype=tf.int32) self._segmented_sampling_times = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths( self.sampling_times.read_value(), row_lengths) self._segmented_k_vectors = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths( self.k_space_vectors.read_value(), row_lengths)
[docs] @tf.function(jit_compile=False) def __call__(self, m_transverse: tf.Tensor, r_vectors: tf.Tensor): """ Fourier transforms the handed batch of object points / isochromates, :param m_transverse: :param r_vectors: :return: tf.Tensor of shape (#repetitions, #k-space-samples) """ with tf.device(self.device): # Allocate k-space-Tensor # s_of_k_segments = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.complex64, size=n_segments, dynamic_size=False) samples_per_segment = tf.cast(self.number_of_samples / self.k_space_segments, tf.int32) accumulator_shape = tf.stack([self.k_space_segments, tf.shape(m_transverse)[1], samples_per_segment], axis=0) s_of_k_segments = tf.zeros(accumulator_shape, dtype=tf.complex64) max_mtrans_index = tf.math.reduce_min(tf.stack([tf.shape(m_transverse)[-1], self.k_space_segments])) max_rvectrans_index = tf.math.reduce_min(tf.stack([tf.shape(r_vectors)[-2], self.k_space_segments])) # Loop over k-space segments, defined by k-space trajectory in self.encoding_module for segment_index in tf.range(self.k_space_segments): mseg_idx = tf.reduce_min(tf.stack([segment_index + 1, max_mtrans_index])) rseg_idx = tf.reduce_min(tf.stack([segment_index + 1, max_rvectrans_index])) m_segment = m_transverse[..., samples_per_segment * (mseg_idx - 1): samples_per_segment * mseg_idx] r_segment = r_vectors[..., samples_per_segment * (rseg_idx - 1):samples_per_segment*rseg_idx, :] k_space_segment = self.call_single_segment(m_segment, r_segment, segment_index=segment_index) s_of_k_segments = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(s_of_k_segments, [[segment_index], ], k_space_segment[tf.newaxis]) # Concat all segments and transpose axes to match needed format return tf.reshape(tf.transpose(s_of_k_segments, [1, 0, 2]), [accumulator_shape[1], -1])
[docs] @tf.function(jit_compile=False) def call_single_segment(self, transverse_magnetization: tf.Tensor, r_vectors: tf.Tensor, segment_index: Union[int, tf.Tensor] = 0, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: """Calculates fourier phases for given object-representation at r-vectors. For multiple different contrasts #repetitions is the representing axis. Motion during encoding is captured in the r_vectors input axis #k-space-samples. If this axis has size=1, this position is reused for all sampling ADC events. If #repetitions = 1 in r_vectors, the same trajectory/constant position is reused for all contrasts. :param transverse_magnetization: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples) of type tf.complex; #repetitions, #k-space-samples can be 1 :param r_vectors: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples, 3), axis #repetitions and #k-space-samples can be 1 to broadcast for coordinate reuse. :param segment_index: int :return: tf.Tensor (..., k-space-points in segment) """ with tf.device(self.device): n_repetitions = tf.shape(transverse_magnetization)[1] fourier_factors = self._calculate_fourier_phases(r_vectors=r_vectors, segment_index=segment_index) with tf.name_scope('shape_handling'): if tf.shape(fourier_factors)[1] < n_repetitions: multiples = n_repetitions // tf.shape(fourier_factors)[1] fourier_factors = tf.tile(fourier_factors, [1, multiples, 1]) if tf.shape(transverse_magnetization)[2] == 1: n_samples = tf.size(self._segmented_sampling_times[segment_index]) transverse_magnetization = tf.tile(transverse_magnetization, [1, 1, n_samples]) fourier_transform_batch = tf.einsum('vrk, vrk -> rk', transverse_magnetization, fourier_factors) return fourier_transform_batch
def _calculate_fourier_phases(self, r_vectors: tf.Tensor, segment_index: tf.Tensor): # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string """ Calculates the phase factor for encoding a static (during read-out) object for the k-space-trajectory defined by self.k_space_vectors .. math:: f = e^{2 \pi j\ k_r(t) \cdot r(t) } :param r_vectors: (#batch, #repetition, #kspace, 3) :param segment_index: int :return: """ with tf.name_scope('calculate_fourier_phase'): segment_batch_size = tf.size(self._segmented_sampling_times[segment_index]) if self.ori_matrix is not None: # augment dummy entry (x,y,z,1) r_vectors = r_vectors - tf.reshape(self.ori_matrix[:, 3], [1, 1, 3]) r_vectors = tf.einsum('ij, brkj -> brki', self.ori_matrix[:3, :3], r_vectors) if tf.shape(r_vectors)[2] == 1: # tile if #kspace-samples is 1 r_vectors = tf.tile(r_vectors, [1, 1, segment_batch_size, 1]) elif tf.shape(r_vectors)[2] != segment_batch_size: start = segment_batch_size * segment_index r_vectors = r_vectors[..., start:start + segment_batch_size, :] r_vectors = r_vectors - tf.reshape(self.acq_position, [1, 1, 1, 3]) fourier_phases = tf.einsum('vrkj, kj -> vrk', r_vectors, self._segmented_k_vectors[segment_index]) fourier_phases = 1j * tf.cast( tf.scalar_mul(tf.constant(2. * math.pi, tf.float32), fourier_phases), tf.complex64) fourier_factors = tf.exp(-fourier_phases) return fourier_factors
[docs] def add_noise(self, s_of_k: tf.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Adds noise to k-space-samples, expands the number of axis by one and appends the different noise instantiations as second last axis. :param s_of_k: Tensor containing all encoded k-space samples :return: tf.Tensor """ with tf.name_scope('add_noise'): old_shape = tf.shape(s_of_k) s_of_k = tf.expand_dims(s_of_k, axis=-2) if tf.reduce_any(tf.math.greater(self.absolute_noise_std, tf.constant(0.))): seed = kwargs.get("seed", None) # Set values less that 0 to exactly zero to scales sampled noise vector correctly clean_noise_std = tf.where( tf.math.greater(self.absolute_noise_std, tf.constant(0.)), self.absolute_noise_std, tf.zeros_like(self.absolute_noise_std)) noise_vector_shape = tf.concat( ((2,), old_shape, (tf.size(self.absolute_noise_std),)), 0) noise_vector = tf.random.normal(noise_vector_shape, mean=0., stddev=1., seed=seed) # Transposition of last two axis on purpose for subsequent addition # Einsum indices: real/imag channel, image_batch, ... # ... repetitions, pixels, noise_instantiations n_half = tf.cast(tf.size(self.sampling_times), tf.float32) / 2. noise_vector = tf.einsum('crpn, n -> crnp', noise_vector, clean_noise_std * tf.sqrt(n_half)) complex_noise_vector = tf.complex(noise_vector[0], noise_vector[1]) s_of_k = s_of_k + complex_noise_vector return s_of_k
@abc.abstractmethod def _calculate_trajectory(self): """ Calculates the k_space_trajectory with the given variables of the module. The trajectory is given as tensor of shape (#samples, 3). Additionally it should return a tensor of times corresponding to the samples (#samples, 1) in ms :return: k_space_vectors, sampling_times """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_sampling_times(self): """Getter for sampling times. Defines format that should be used for all Signal modules that need the timing of the sampling events. :return: - tf.RaggedTensor or numpy.ndarray - sampling times as numpy.ndarray in case the trajectory is not segmented. """ if int(self.k_space_segments) > 1: # noqa return self._segmented_sampling_times return self.sampling_times.read_value()
[docs] def set_orientation_matrix(self, slice_position: Quantity, slice_normal: np.ndarray, readout_direction: np.ndarray): """ :param slice_position: (3, ) :param slice_normal: :param readout_direction: """ from cmrsim.utils.coordinates import compute_orientation_matrix # Strip the last row to make it a (3, 4) matrix trafo_mat = compute_orientation_matrix(slice_normal, slice_position, readout_direction)[:3] if self.ori_matrix is None: self.ori_matrix = tf.Variable(trafo_mat.astype(np.float32), shape=(3, 4), dtype=tf.float32) else: self.ori_matrix.assign(trafo_mat.astype(np.float32))