Publications (reverse chronological order)

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  • R.H. Luchsinger, D. Aregger, F. Bezard, D. Costa, C. Galliot, F. Gohl, J. Heilmann, H. Hesse, C. Houle, T.A. Wood, and R.S. Smith, “Pumping Cycle Kite Power with Twings,” in Airborne Wind Energy, R. Schmehl (Ed.), pp. 603–621, Springer 2018.












  • A.S. Ghersin, R.S. Smith, R.S. Sánchez Peña, “Classical, Robust and LPV control of a Magnetic Bearing Experiment,” in Identification and Control: The Gap between Theory and Practice, R.S. Sánchez Peña, J.Q. Casin & V.P. Cayuelo (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 275–322, 2007.

  • R.S. Smith, M.V. Subbotin and F.Y. Hadaegh, “The Design of Decentralized Estimation and Communication Architectures for Precision Formation Control,” Trans. Soc. Instrument & Control Engineers (SICE), vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 860–869, November, 2007.


  • J.W. Kelly, J.M. Loomis, A.C. Beall, Roy S. Smith and Kristen L. Macuga, “Simultaneous measurement of steering performance and perceived heading on a curving path,” ACM Trans. on Applied Perception, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 83–94, April, 2006.



  • T. Namerikawa, M. Fujita, R.S. Smith and K. Uchida, “On the \(H_{\infty}\) Control System Design Attenuating Initial State Uncertainties,” Trans. Soc. Instrument & Control Engineers (SICE), vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 307–314, March 2004.

  • A. Stefanopoulou, O. Storset and R. Smith, “Pressure and Temperature based Adaptive Observer of Air Charge for Turbocharged Diesel Engines,” Int. J. Robust & Nonlinear Control, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 543–560, April, 2004.

  • O. Storset, A. Stefanopoulou and R. Smith, “Adaptive Air Charge Estimation for Turbocharged Diesel Engines,” ASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement & Control, vol. 126, no. 3, pp. 633–643, June, 2004.

  • R.S. Smith and F.Y. Hadaegh, “Reconfigurable topologies for decentralized control of spacecraft formations in deep space,” in Proc. American Astronautical Society Guidance & Control Conf., vol. 118 of Advances in the Astronomical Sciences, pp. 3–19, paper no: AAS 04-001, Feb. 2004.



  • T. Namerikawa, M. Fujita, R. Smith and U. Kenko, “A Generalized \(H_{\infty}\) Control System Design Attenuating Initial State Uncertainties,” in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 2204–2209, May 2002.

  • T. Namerikawa, M. Fujita, and R. Smith, “\(H_{\infty}\) Control Attenuating Initial State Uncertainties and its Application to the Magnetic Suspension System,” in Proc. Eight Int. Symposium Magnetic Bearings, pp. 459–464, August 2002.

  • R. Smith and F. Hadaegh, “Distributed Control Topologies for Deep Space Formation Flying Spacecraft,” First Int. Symposium Formation Flying, Toulouse, France, Oct., 2002.


  • Y. Wang, A. Stefanopoulou and R. Smith, “Inherent Limitations and Control Design for a Camless Engine Idle Speed Dynamics,” Int. J. Robust & Nonlinear Control, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1023–1042, Sept. 2001.

  • T. Namerikawa, M. Fujita and R.S. Smith, “\(H_{\infty}\) Control System Design Attenuating Initial State Uncertainties: Evaluation by a Magnetic Suspension System,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 87–92, Dec. 2001.


  • A. Stefanopoulou and R. Smith, “Maneuverability and Smoke Emission Constraints in Marine Diesel Propulsion,” Control Engineering Practice, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1023–1031, 2000.

  • O. Storset, A. Stefanopoulou, R. Smith, “Air-charge Estimation for Turbo Charged Diesel Engines,” in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 39–44, June 2000.

  • N. Morse Thibeault and R. Smith, “Robustness Comparison of a Magnetic Bearing System in Various Measurement Configurations,” in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 3002–3003, June 2000.

  • S.A. Miller and R.S. Smith, “Solving large structured semidefinite programs using an inexact spectral bundle method,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 5027–5032, Dec. 2000.


  • G. Dullerud and R. Smith, “The Validation of Model Sets on the Basis of Closed-loop Feedback System Generated Data”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, pp. 28–33, Aug. 1999.

  • N. Morse Thibeault, R. Smith, B. Paden and J. Antaki, “Achievable Robustness Comparison of Position Sensed and Self-Sensing Magnetic Bearing Systems,” in Proc. 5th Int. Symposium Magnetic Bearings, pp. 761-766, Dec., Santa Barbara, CA, 1999.


  • R. Smith and G.E. Dullerud, “Modeling and Validation of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems,” in Proc. Math. Theory of Networks & Systems Conf., A. Beghi, L. Finesso, G. Picci (Eds), pp. 875–878, 1998.

  • Li Chen, R. Smith, and G. Dullerud, “A Linear Perturbation Model for a Nonlinear System Linearized at an Equilibrium Neighborhood,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 4105–4106, Dec. 1998.

  • N. Morse, R. Smith, B. Paden and J. Antaki, “Magnetic Bearing Output Configurations and Associated Robustness and Performance Limitations,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 2599–2604, Dec. 1998.


  • R.S. Smith, G. Dullerud, S. Rangan and K. Poolla, “Model Validation for Dynamically Uncertain Systems,” Math. Modelling of Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 43–58, January, 1997.

  • G. Dullerud and R. Smith, “Invalidation Techniques for Assessing Linear Perturbation Models of Nonlinear Systems,” in Proc. American Control Conf., vol. 3 pp. 2078–2082, 1997.

  • Li Chen and R. Smith, “Closed-Loop Model Validation for an Inverted Pendulum Experiment via a Linear Matrix Inequality Approach,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 2565–2566, 1997.


  • M.S. Gaffney, C.M. Reaves, A.L. Holmes, Jr., R.S. Smith and S.P. DenBaars, “Real-time Composition and Thickness Control Techniques in a Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Process,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proc., vol. 406; Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials Processing, pp. 133–138, Mar. 18, 1996.

  • B. Paden, N. Morse and R. Smith, “Magnetic Bearing Experiment for Integrated Teaching and Research Laboratories,” in Proc. Conf. Control Applications, pp. 421–425, 1996.


  • R. Smith and K. Poolla, “Recent Results on Model Validation,” J. Society Instrument & Control Engineers (SICE), vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 176–181, March, 1995.

  • P. Blixt, J.E. Bowers, E. Bodtker, O. Sahlen and R. Smith, “Optical Data Synchronization using Tunable Transmitters and Non-Zero Dispersion Links,” IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 2214–2221, Sept., 1995.

  • M.A. Erickson, R.S. Smith and A.J. Laub, “Power Methods for Calculating Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Spectral Operators on Hilbert Spaces,” Int. J. Control, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 1117–1128, 1995.

  • R.S. Smith and G. Dullerud, “Validation of Continuous-time Control Models by Finite Experimental Data,” in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 2549–2553, June, 1995.

  • M.S. Gaffney, R.S. Smith, A.L. Holmes Jr., C.M. Reaves, and S.P. DenBaars, “Improved Composition and Thickness Control of III-V Epitaxy in a Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Process,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 2490–2495, Dec. 1995.

  • G. Dullerud and R. Smith, “The Experimental Validation of Robust Control Models for a Heat Experiment: A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 3486–3491, Dec. 1995.


  • R. Smith and M. Dahleh, Editors, The Modeling of Uncertainty in Control Systems: Proceedings of the 1992 Santa Barbara Workshop, 391 pgs., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.

  • R.S. Smith, “An Informal Review of Model Validation” in The Modeling of Uncertainty in Control Systems; Proceedings of the 1992 Santa Barbara Workshop, R.S. Smith and M. Dahleh (Eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 51–59, 1994.

  • J.C. Doyle, K. Glover and R. Smith, Xmu Manual, 302 pgs., Integrated Systems Inc., CA, 1994.

  • C. Kenney and R.S. Smith, “Review of ‘Uncertain Models for Robust Control’,” SIAM Review, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 127–128, 1994.

  • R.S. Smith, “An Alternative Characterization of the Structured Singular Value,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 2149–2150, Dec., 1994.


  • R. Smith, “Matlab in an Introductory Feedback Control Course,” in Using Matlab in the Classroom, pp. 27–40, Prentice Hall, NJ. 1993.

  • G.J. Balas, J.C. Doyle, K. Glover, A. Packard and R. Smith, Mu-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox, 434 pgs., The Mathworks, Inc., MA. 1993.

  • R.S. Smith, “Model Validation for Robust Control: An Experimental Process Control Application,” in Proc. IFAC Control World Congress, vol. 9, pp. 61–64, Sydney, Australia, July, 1993.

  • M.A. Erickson, R.S. Smith and A.J. Laub, “Finite-Dimensional Approximation and Error Bounds for Spectral Systems,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 1848–1853, Dec., 1993.


  • R.S. Smith, “Model Validation and Identification for Systems in \(H_{\infty}\) and \(l_1\),” in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 2852–2856, June, 1992.

  • M. Erickson, R.S. Smith and A.J. Laub, “Calculating Finite-Dimensional Approximations to Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems,” in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 157–161, June, 1992.

  • M.A. Erickson, A.J. Laub and R.S. Smith, “Calculating Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Hyperbolic Systems,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 145–146, Dec., 1992.


  • J.L. Fanson, B.J. Lurie, J.F. O’Brien, C-C. Chu, and R.S. Smith. “System Identification and Control of the JPL Active Structure,” in Proc. 32nd SDM Conf., paper no. AIAA 91-1231, 1991.

  • G.J. Balas, A.K. Packard, J.C. Doyle, K. Glover, and R.S. Smith, “Development of Advanced Control Design Software for Researchers and Engineers,” in Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 996–1001, 1991.

  • R.S. Smith, “Modeling Real Parameter Variations in Flexible Structures with Complex Valued Perturbations,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 1638–1639, December, 1991.

  • R.S. Smith, C-C. Chu, and J.L. Fanson, “An Experimental Evaluation of Uncertainty Models for a Flexible Structure Control Problem,” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 1658–1659, December, 1991.

  • M. Newlin and R.S. Smith, “Model Validation and Generalized \(\mu\),” in Proc. Conf. on Decision & Control, pp. 1257–1258, December, 1991.


  • J.L. Fanson, C-C. Chu, R.S. Smith, and E.H. Anderson. “Active Member Control of a Precision Structure with an \(H_{\infty}\) Performance Objective,” in Proc. AIAA Dynamics Specialists Conf., pp. 322–333, paper no. AIAA 90–1224–CP, 1990.

  • C-C. Chu, R.S. Smith, and J.L. Fanson. “Robust Control of an Active Truss Structure,” in Proc. American Control Conf., vol. 3, pp. 2490–2495, 1990.

  • J.L. Fanson, H.C. Briggs, C-C. Chu, B.J. Lurie, R.S. Smith, D.B. Eldred, and D. Liu, “JPL CSI Phase-0 Experiment Results and Real Time Control Computer,” in Proc. 4th NASA/DoD Control/Structures Interaction Technology Conf., pp. 614–628, 1990.


  • R.S. Smith and J. Doyle. “Model Invalidation: A Connection between Robust Control and Identification,” in Proc. American Control Conf., vol. 2, pp. 1435–1440, 1989.



  • R.S. Smith, J.C. Doyle, M. Morari, and A. Skjellum. “A Case Study using \(\mu\): Laboratory Process Control Problem,” in Proc. IFAC Control World Congress, vol. 8, pp. 403–415, 1987.