Multi-Parametric Toolbox Visualization functions mpt_plotPartition - Plots a polyhedral partition obtained by mpt_control mpt_plotPWA - Plots a PWA function defined over a given polyhedral partition mpt_plotPWQ - Plots a PWQ function defined over polyhedral partition mpt_plotTrajectory - Graphical interface for piloting trajectories for LTI and PWA systems subject to control mpt_plotTimeTrajectory - Plots trajectories of states, inputs, outputs and disturbances mpt_plotJ - Plots value function associated to a given controller mpt_plotU - For a given explicit controller, plots value of the control action mpt_plotLyapunov - Plot Lyapunov function associated to a given explicit controller mpt_plotArrangement - Plots hyperplane arrangement of a polytope in H-representation mpt_plotSysStruct - Plots the system partitions of a PWA system mpt_plotellip - Plots a given ellipsoid Authors: Michal Kvasnica, Pascal Grieder, Mato Baotic,, Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Michal Kvasnica, Pascal Grieder, Mato Baotic For support, write to: