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function [S, W] = mpc_checkSysWeight(S, W, verbose)


 function [S, W] = mpc_checkSysWeight(S, W, verbose)

 Title:        checkMLD.m                                                 
 Project:      Control of MLD systems
 Purpose:      Given the MLD system in the MLD structure and the weights, 
               checks the dimensions and adds missing 0-matrices 
 Author:       Domenico Mignone, Tobias Geyer
 History:      date         subject                                       
               2003.11.19   first public release 
               2003.03.18   initial version
 Usage:        Given the MLD system in the MLDsystem structure, checks the 
               dimensions and adds missing 0-matrices. Thus, the dimensions of 
               all the MLD systems in the structure need to be the same.

 Input:        S: Structure or cell structure with MLD system descriptions
               W: Structure or cell structure with the weight matrices
               verbose: 0: don't display any messages
                        1: display messages

 Output:       S: Updated cell structure with MLD system descriptions
               W: Updated cell strucutre with the weights
               Ext: additional outputs with the following fields:
                    ... not used yet

 Assumptions:  A valid models contains A and B1
               The matrices B2, B3, B5, C, D1, D2, D3, D5, E1, E2, E3, E4 and E5
               are NOT mandatory. Therefore, the whole framework can also be used
               for discrete-time linear systems.

 Contact:      Tobias Geyer
               Automatic Control Laboratory
               ETH Zentrum, 
               Zurich, Switzerland


               Comments and bug reports are highly appreciated


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