Home > mpt > extras > control > hys2pwa > remAL.m





function S = remAL(S)



 Title:        remAL
 Project:      Transformation of HYSDEL model into PWA model

 Purpose:      Detect and remove algebraic loops

 Input:        S: structure containing MLD model generated by HYSDEL compiler 

 Output:       structure S with
                   * nxr real states
                   * nxb binary states
                   * nur real inputs
                   * nub binary inputs,
                   where n?or are original real ones,
                       n?ar are aux. real ones, 
                       n?ob are original binary ones and
                       n?ab are aux. binary ones.
                   in general: nxr = nxor + nxar etc.

 Overview:     1.) check whether there are algebraic loops
               2.) build vertex table
               3.) build adjacency matrix
               4.) find feedback arc set
               5.) set computational order
               6.) add auxiliary inputs
               7.) replace feedback arcs by equality constraints

 Authors:      Tobias Geyer <geyer@control.ee.ethz.ch>


This function calls: This function is called by:
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