PURPOSE ![^](../../up.png)
MPT_SOLVELP Interface to various LP solvers
SYNOPSIS ![^](../../up.png)
function [xopt,fval,lambda,exitflag,how]=mpt_solveLP(f,A,B,Aeq,Beq,x0,lpsolver,lb,ub)
DESCRIPTION ![^](../../up.png)
This function calls:
- length LENGTH Returns number of regions over which the explicit control law is defined
- end END Returns the last element in a given polytope array
- length LENGTH Returns number of elements in a polytope array
- size SIZE Returns size of the given polytope object
- mpt_error MPT_ERROR Function called if MPT toolbox is not initialized
- mpt_solveLPi MPT_SOLVELPi Interface to various LP solvers (version without errorchecks)
- mpt_solveLPs MPT_SOLVELPS Interface to various LP solvers ("safe" version)
This function is called by:
- distance DISTANCE Distance between two sets
- mpt_dlyap_infnorm Lyapunov equation with inf-norm for discrete-time LTI systems
- mpt_verify MPT_VERIFY Verifies if states enter a given set in a given number of steps
- hys2pwa HYS2PWA Transformation of HYSDEL model into PWA model
- mpt_optControlPWA MPT_OPTCONTROLPWA Solves the CFTOC problem for a given PWA system
- mpt_simplexContr MPT_SIMPLEXCONTR Computes a piecewise affine feedback law defined over simplices
- mpt_solveMPC MPT_SOLVEMPC Solves the on line optimization MPC problem
- intersectHP1 Tobias Geyer, 2003-2004
- mpt_optMergeDivCon ===============================================================================
- mpt_getInput MPT_GETINPUT For a given state, extracts the (optimal) output from a controller structure
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