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Multi-Parametric Toolbox


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 Multi-Parametric Toolbox
 Version 2.6 (R14SP3) 30-Mar-2006

   README.TXT             - Installation tips etc.
   HISTORY.TXT            - Version history.
   BUGS.TXT               - Known bugs and limitations

 Graphical User Interface
   mpt_studio             - MPT Graphical User Interface
   mpt_setup              - Main MPT configuration routine

 Control routines
   mpt_control            - Computes an explicit or an on-line MPC controller
   mpt_ownmpc             - "Design your own MPC problem" function

 Simulink library and code generation
   mpt_sim                - MPT Simulink library
   mpt_exportc            - Exports a given explicit controller to C-code

   mpt_mplp               - Multi-Parametric LP solver
   mpt_mpqp               - Multi-Parametric QP solver
   mpt_mpmilp             - Multi-Parametric Mixed-Integer LP solver
   mpt_mpmiqp             - Multi-Parametric Mixed-Integer QP solver
   mpt_solveLP            - Interface to various LP solvers
   mpt_solveQP            - Interface to various QP solvers
   mpt_solveMILP          - Interface to various MILP solvers
   mpt_solveMIQP          - Interface to various MIQP solvers

 Analysis and post-processing
   mpt_invariantSet       - Computes invariant set for a given explicit controller
   mpt_reachSets          - Computes sets of reachable states for a given system / controller
   mpt_verify             - Verification of hybrid systems
   mpt_simplify           - Simplifies a given explicit controller
   mpt_searchTree         - Generate a binary search tree for fast region identification

 Setting up the optimization problem
   mpt_constructMatrices  - Constructs matrices for the finite time constrained optimal control problem
   mpt_blockingMatrices   - Constructs matrices for the CFTOC problem for move blocking strategies

 Lyapunov analysis routines
   mpt_lyapunov           - Interface for Lyapunov-type function computation

 Application of control law
   mpt_getInput           - For a given state, extracts the optimal output from controller structure
   mpt_computeTrajectory  - Calculates time evolution of state trajectories subject to control
   mpt_simSys             - Simulates evolution of a given system
   mpt_plotTimeTrajectory - Plots open-loop or closed-loop trajectories
 Visualization functions
   mpt_plotPartition      - Plots a polyhedral partition obtained by mpt_control
   mpt_plotTrajectory     - Graphical interface for piloting trajectories for LTI and PWA systems subject to control
   mpt_plotPWA            - Plots a PWA function defined over a given polyhedral partition
   mpt_plotPWQ            - Plots a PWQ function defined over polyhedral partition
   mpt_plotJ              - Plots value function associated to a given controller
   mpt_plotU              - For a given explicit controller, plots value of the control action
   mpt_plotArrangement    - Plots hyperplane arrangement of a polytope in H-representation
   mpt_plotSysStruct      - Plots the system partitions of a PWA system

 Toolbox interface methods
   mpt_init               - Initializes the MPT toolbox
   mpt_update             - Checks for updates of the Multi-Parametric Toolbox
   mpt_version            - Returns version of MPT
   mpt_options            - Read / modify solver settings for MPT

 Geometry functions
   mpt_getInnerEllipsoid  - Computes the largest ellipsoid inscribed in a polytope
   mpt_getOutterEllipsoid - Computes the smallest ellipsoid which covers the polytope P
   mpt_plotellip          - Plots a given ellipsoid
   mpt_delaunay           - Computes the delaunay triangulation of a polytope 
   mpt_voronoi            - Computes the voronoi diagram via mpLP

   hull                   - Converts vertices into an H-representation polytope
   mousepoly              - allows to "draw" a polytope in 2D by mouse
   unitbox                - Creates a hypercube of given dimension centered at origin
   mpt_removeOverlaps     - Removes overlaps from (a set of) polyhedral partitions with associated linear cost
   mpt_randLTISys         - Generates random LTI systems
   mpt_randPWASys         - Generates random PWA systems

 Demos and Examples
   runExample             - Demonstrates MPT control routines
   runMoveBlocking        - Demonstrates MPT Move Blocking routines
   mpt_demo1              - Explains basic manipulation with polytopes
   mpt_demo2              - A tour through visualization capabilities of the toolbox
   mpt_demo3              - Explains control routines for LTI systems
   mpt_demo4              - Explains control routines for PWA systems
   mpt_demo5              - Explains tracking functionality
   mpt_demo6              - Illustrates implementation and visualization of the control law
   reachdemo1, reachdemo2 - Reachability analysis demos
   verifdemo1, verifdemo2 - Verification demos
   ballandplatedemo       - "Ball and plate" demo
   turbocardemo           - "Car with turbo" demo
   twotanksdemo           - "Two tanks" demo

   mpt_sysStruct          - Help file for the system structure sysStruct
   mpt_probStruct         - Description of the problem structure

 Polytope library
   see help mpt/polytope

 Authors: Michal Kvasnica, Pascal Grieder, Mato Baotic
 kvasnica@control.ee.ethz.ch, grieder@control.ee.ethz.ch, baotic@control.ee.ethz.ch

 Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Michal Kvasnica, Pascal Grieder, Mato Baotic

 For support, write to: mpt@control.ee.ethz.ch


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