MPT installation notes

Important: Remove any previous copies of MPT from your disk before installing the new version. Also remove any MPT directories from your Matlab path!

Steps to install:
  1. Extract the downloaded zip package, a directory called mpt will be created
  2. Add path to the new directory (mpt) along with all subdirectories. Either use the Matlab GUI , or run the following command on the Matlab prompt:
    >> addpath(genpath('/path/to/mpt/'));
    >> addpath(genpath('/home/username/matlab/mpt/'));
    for Linux/Solaris, or
    >> addpath(genpath('c:\MatlabFiles\mpt\'));
    for Windows.
  3. Run
    >> mpt_init
    to initialize the toolbox. If you get any errors or warnings, check if all MPT subdirectories are in your Matlab path and you have proper file permissions set.
  4. In case of any problems feel free to send an e-mail to