As you can see below, we are a sizable and well-interconnected team with everyone being either formally co-advised or being integrated through various collaborations. I suppose that's the way we roll.

Aside from the people listed below, we are also supported by many bachelor and master students completing their thesis projects in our group.

Doctoral Students

  • Ezzat Elokda (co-advised with Saverio Bolognani, Andrea Censi, and Emilio Frazzoli)

  • Andrea Martin (co-advised with Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate and John Lygeros)

  • Sophie Hall (co-advised with Giuseppe Belgioioso and Dominic Liao-McPherson)

  • Zhiyu He (co-advised with Michael Muhlebach)

  • Jons Matt (co-advised with Saverio Bolognani)

Postdoctoral Advisees

  • Keith Moffat (soon to start a professorship at University of Melbourne)

  • Sarah Li (co-advised with John Lygeros; soon to start a professorship at Georgia Tech)

Senior Researchers

  • Alberto Padoan (co-advised with John Lygeros; soon to start a professorship at University of British Columbia)

Current Long-Term Visitors

We always have a lot of visiting scientists passing through. Below you find only those that are currently staying for a longer term:

To join us soon

Starting in the next few months…

  • Antonia Holsten (co-advised with Saverio Bolognani, Andrea Censi, and Emilio Frazzoli)

  • Andrey Kharitenko (co-advised with Nia He and Zebang Shen)

  • Kai Zhang (co-advised with Saverio Bolognani, Andrea Censi, and Emilio Frazzoli)

Former Group Members

  • Ivan Markovsky (now Research Professor at International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Spain)

  • Dominic Gross (now professor at University of Wisconsin Madison)

Complex Systems Control Group

... at least that's our official name.

Group Picture 2018

Note to Prospective Students

I am always looking for outstanding doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars. If you are interested in joining my research group, please send me an email with your resume, transcript of courses, a statement of research interests, as well as a list of reference contacts.