The authors of SURF apologize, but cannot give any
further support to install or re-implement the SURF
code. We hope the code as you find it here will work
fine for you.
SURF Version 1.0.9 (Linux, GCC 4, 32 bit) (12/20/2006)
SURF Version 1.0.9 (Windows, VC 7.0 DLL) (12/20/2006)
SURF Version 1.0.9 (Windows, VC 8.0 DLL) (07/25/2006)
- Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get written permission from the copyright holder.
- The library was compiled using GCC 4.0.2; its use requires GCC 4.x.x.
- SURF was compiled for processors starting from Pentium 4.
- A GPU-based implementation is available.