MPT 2.0.3 Changelog

Unified exitflag output from mpt_solveLP

mpt_solveLP now outputs the following exitflag codes:

isconvex decides whether a union of polytope is convex

For a given union of polytopes the command isconvex returns true if the union is convex, false is returned otherwise.
  >> flag = isconvex(P);

facetvoronoi computes something like a "voronoi diagram for facets"

For a given bounded polytope P the function splits the polytope into parts such that every point from each part is closer to a given facet than to any other facets of P
  >> V = facetvoronoi(P);

mpt_evalPWA evaluates a PWA function at a given location

A PWA function defined over a polyhedral partition Pn by expression V = F{i}*x + G{i} can now be evaluated quickly by this command:
  >> value = mpt_evalPWA(Pn, F, G);

Major speedup of invariant sets computation

The speedup was achived using isconvex to compute convex unions, which is superior to the approach which was used previously.

Important improvements and bug fixes


We are grateful to the following people for interesting comments and feedback: Alessandro Magnani, Alessandro Pinto, Antoine Rennuit, Arno van der Heijden, Leo Grady, Mario Vasak, Peter Ortner, Viviana Miranda Ureta .