Source code for cmrsim.utils.particle_properties

""" Module containing factory functions to define particle properties used"""

__all__ = ["uniform", "norm_magnetization", "t2star_lorentzian"]

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from typing import Tuple

[docs] def uniform(default_value: float, additional_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (), dtype: np.dtype = np.float32): """ Factory function to create an array containing the property of n_new particles """ def ret_func(n_new): return np.ones([n_new, *additional_shape], dtype=dtype) * default_value return ret_func
[docs] def norm_magnetization(dtype: np.dtype = np.complex64): """ """ def ret_func(n_new): single_mag = np.array([[0 + 0j, 0 + 0j, 1 + 0j], ], dtype=np.complex64) return np.tile(single_mag, [n_new, 1]) return ret_func
[docs] def t2star_lorentzian(T2p: float, prctile_cutoff: float = 0.01, dtype: np.dtype = np.float32): def ret_func(n_new: int): pos_on_distribution_support = tf.random.uniform([n_new], minval=0 + prctile_cutoff, maxval=1 - prctile_cutoff) - 0.5 omega_t2s = 1. / T2p * tf.tan(np.pi * pos_on_distribution_support) return np.array(omega_t2s).astype(dtype) return ret_func