Source code for cmrsim.trajectory._diffusion

"""Contains trajectory modules that model diffusional motion"""

__all__ = ["DiffusionTaylor"]

from typing import List

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from pint import Quantity
from tqdm import tqdm

from cmrsim.trajectory._taylor import TaylorTrajectoryN

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class DiffusionTaylor(TaylorTrajectoryN): """Combines gaussian diffusional motion with bulk-motion defined as reference-particle trajectories. The diffusion motion is implemented by sampling random-walk steps from a gaussian distribution and adding them to the reference particle motions, where the number of diffusion particles per reference position can be specified on instantiation. The random-walk displacements are translated and rotated in space according to a temporal evolution of a local basis per reference particle, which must be specified on instantiation. .. dropdown:: Example Usage .. code:: t, r = ... # (steps, ) (particles, steps, 3) diff_eigenbasis = ... # (particles, steps, 9) diffusivity = Quantity(np.repeat([[0.18, 0.12, 0.07],], r.shape[0], axis=0), "mm^2/s") mod = cmrsim.trajectory.DiffusionTaylor(order=5, time_grid=t, particle_trajectories=r, local_basis_over_time=diff_eigenbasis, diffusivity=diffusivity, particles_per_node=100) :param time_grid: (T, ) time-points corresponding to the snapshots of motion states :param particle_trajectories: (N, T, 3) trajectory snapshots describing the motion state of the reference nodes :param local_basis_over_time: (N, T, 9) Eigen-basis of diffusion tensors per snapshot of reference particle motion state :param diffusivity: (N, 3) diffusion constant in the direction of the eigen-basis of diffusion tensors per reference node :param particles_per_node: Number of additional particles per reference node used as random walkers """ #: Diffusion constants per diffusivity_per_particle: tf.Variable def __init__(self, order: int, time_grid: Quantity, particle_trajectories: Quantity, local_basis_over_time: np.ndarray, diffusivity: Quantity, particles_per_node: int, batch_size: int = None): _array_to_fit = np.concatenate([particle_trajectories, Quantity(local_basis_over_time, "m")], axis=-1) super().__init__(order, time_grid.m_as("ms"), _array_to_fit, batch_size, fit_on_init=True) self.diffusivity_per_particle = tf.Variable( diffusivity.m_as("m^2/ms").astype(np.float32), dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 3), trainable=False ) self._particle_offsets = tf.Variable( tf.zeros((particles_per_node, *particle_trajectories[:, 0].shape), dtype=tf.float32), dtype=tf.float32, shape=(particles_per_node, None, 3), trainable=False ) self.parts_per_node = tf.Variable(particles_per_node, dtype=tf.int32, shape=(), trainable=False)
[docs] @tf.function(jit_compile=False, reduce_retracing=True) def increment_particles(self, particle_positions: tf.Tensor, dt: tf.Tensor, return_eigenbasis: bool = False, **kwargs) -> (tf.Tensor, dict): """Evaluates the internally stored taylor-series to obtain the deterministic reference positions and diffusion tensor eigen-basis. Additionally, a new random-walk step according to the stored diffusivity is sampled and then transformed (rotated) according to the orientation change of the eigen-basis. **Note**: increments the variable self.current_time :param dt: :param return_eigenbasis: if True, the eigen-basis at the new position is returned as entries off the additional_fields dictionary :return: (#ref, #subparts, 3), additional_fields """ self.current_time_ms.assign_add(dt) temp = self._evaluate_trajectory(tf.reshape(self.current_time_ms, [1, ]))[:, 0] deterministic_position = temp[..., :3] fiber_dir = temp[..., 3:6] sheet_dir = temp[..., 6:9] ev3_dir = temp[..., 9:12] # Sample random step in 3 Dimensions and scale with diffusivities # Shape: (#parts_per_node, #nodes, 3) where the last dimension indexes the # directions (fibers, sheet, ev3) random_step = tf.random.normal(shape=tf.shape(self._particle_offsets)) random_step = random_step * self.diffusivity_per_particle[tf.newaxis] self._particle_offsets.assign_add(random_step) # Stack local basis # Shape: (#nodes, len(fibers, sheets, ev3)=3, len(x,y,z)=3) eigen_basis = tf.stack([fiber_dir, sheet_dir, ev3_dir], axis=-1) # Scale local basis vectors with the random steps # Shapes: (#parts_per_node, #nodes, 3) (1, #nodes, 3, 3) offset_per_dir = self._particle_offsets[..., tf.newaxis, :] * eigen_basis # Evaluate the total 3D displacement as vector sum over local directions offset_position = tf.reduce_sum(offset_per_dir, axis=-1) additional_fields = {} if return_eigenbasis: additional_fields["fibers"] = fiber_dir additional_fields["sheets"] = sheet_dir additional_fields["ev3"] = ev3_dir return deterministic_position + offset_position, additional_fields
[docs] def __call__(self, timing: tf.Tensor, dt_max: tf.Tensor, return_eigenbasis: bool = False, **kwargs) -> (tf.Tensor, List[dict]): """Repeatedly evaluates the increment_particle method to obtain positions at specified times. The resulting trajectories consist of the deterministic part and a random-walk according to local diffusion tensor definitions: :param timing: Sequence of time-points at which the particle positions shall be return. :param dt_max: maximal temporal step-length used to evaluated the increment particles method :param return_eigenbasis: if true the rotated eigen-basis is returned as entry in the additional field dictionary :return: particle trajectory (#steps, #ref_pos, #subparts, #3), additional-field dictionary """ # Define time-definition with maximal step width and including the time points time_grid = np.arange(0., timing[-1], dt_max) insertion_index = np.searchsorted(time_grid, timing) time_grid = np.unique(np.insert(time_grid, insertion_index, timing)) saving_indices = iter(enumerate(np.concatenate([np.searchsorted(time_grid, timing), [-1]]))) # Allocate array for result positions = np.empty([timing.shape[0], *self._particle_offsets.read_value().shape[0:2], 3], dtype=np.float32) # Loop over steps to increment particle positions self.current_time_ms.assign(0.) temp = self._evaluate_trajectory(tf.reshape(self.current_time_ms, [1, ])) particle_positions = temp[:, 0, 0:3] additional_fields = [] result_idx, current_save_index = next(saving_indices) if current_save_index == 0: positions[result_idx] = particle_positions.numpy() result_idx, current_save_index = next(saving_indices) if return_eigenbasis: additional_fields.append(dict(fibers=temp[:, 0, 3:6], sheets=temp[:, 0, 6:9], ev3=temp[:, 0, 9:12])) for step_idx, dt in tqdm(enumerate(np.diff(time_grid).astype(np.float32)), total=time_grid.shape[0] - 1): particle_positions, fields = self.increment_particles(None, dt, return_eigenbasis) if step_idx + 1 == current_save_index: positions[result_idx] = particle_positions result_idx, current_save_index = next(saving_indices) if return_eigenbasis: additional_fields.append(fields) trajectories = np.transpose(positions, [0, 1, 2, 3]) return trajectories, additional_fields