Source code for cmrsim.trajectory._breathing

__all__ = ["SimpleBreathingMotionModule"]

from typing import Dict

from pint import Quantity
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from cmrsim.trajectory import BaseTrajectoryModule

[docs] class SimpleBreathingMotionModule(BaseTrajectoryModule): """Trajectory module wrapping another trajectory module with a global pure translational breathing motion. Arbitrary 3D breathing curves can be specified on a regular time grid. This curve is linearly interpolated on calling the module. The wrapped trajectory module is assumed to gracefully handle potential out-of bound time-points (e.g. by assuming periodicity) :param sub_trajectory: Instance of a BaseTrajectoryModule-subclass :param breathing_curve: (t, 3) Tensor containing the 3D points of the breathing trajectory assumed to be on a uniform temporal grid :param breathing_cycle_duration: Duration of the given breathing trajectory in milliseconds """ #: Reference to the wrapped trajectory module sub_trajectory: BaseTrajectoryModule #: Duration of the given breathing trajectory in milliseconds breathing_cycle_duration: tf.Tensor #: (t, 3) Tensor containing the 3D points of the breathing #: trajectory assumed to be on a uniform temporal grid breathing_curve: tf.Tensor #: Keeps track of the current timing when increment_particles is called. current_time_ms: tf.Variable def __init__(self, sub_trajectory: BaseTrajectoryModule, breathing_curve: tf.Tensor, breathing_cycle_duration: tf.Tensor): """ :param sub_trajectory: Trajectory module able to gracefully handle out-of bound time-points (e.g. by assuming periodicity) :param breathing_curve: (t, 3) :param breathing_cycle_duration: (t, ) """ self.sub_trajectory = sub_trajectory self.breathing_cycle_duration = tf.constant(breathing_cycle_duration, dtype=tf.float32) self.breathing_curve = tf.constant(breathing_curve, dtype=tf.float32) self.current_time_ms = tf.Variable(0., dtype=tf.float32, shape=(), trainable=False)
[docs] def __call__(self, initial_positions: tf.Tensor, timing: tf.Tensor, **kwargs) -> (tf.Tensor, Dict): positional_offset = self._interpolate_breathing_curve(timing) sub_trajectory_r, additional_fields = self.sub_trajectory(initial_positions=initial_positions, timing=timing, **kwargs) return positional_offset[tf.newaxis] + sub_trajectory_r, additional_fields
[docs] def increment_particles(self, particle_positions: tf.Tensor, dt: tf.Tensor, **kwargs) -> (tf.Tensor, Dict): prev_positional_offset = self._interpolate_breathing_curve(self.current_time_ms) particle_positions = particle_positions - prev_positional_offset _t = tf.reshape(self.current_time_ms.assign_add(dt), [1, ]) positional_offset = self._interpolate_breathing_curve(_t) sub_trajectory_r, additional_fields = self.sub_trajectory.increment_particles(particle_positions, dt, **kwargs) return positional_offset + sub_trajectory_r, additional_fields
def _interpolate_breathing_curve(self, timing: tf.Tensor): """ Assumes Regular grid definition in time of the breathing curve :param timing: (#batch, ) in ms """ timing = tf.math.floormod(timing, self.breathing_cycle_duration) n_refpoints, channels = tf.unstack(tf.shape(self.breathing_curve), axis=0) mint = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32) interval_width = (self.breathing_cycle_duration - mint) / tf.cast(n_refpoints - 1, tf.float32) t_norm = (timing - mint) / interval_width t_lref = tf.stop_gradient(tf.math.floor(t_norm)) interp_weights = (1. - (t_norm - t_lref))[..., tf.newaxis] t_rref = t_lref + 1 y_lref = tf.gather(self.breathing_curve, tf.cast(t_lref, tf.int32), batch_dims=0) y_rref = tf.gather(self.breathing_curve, tf.cast(t_rref, tf.int32), batch_dims=0) return y_lref * interp_weights + y_rref * (1 - interp_weights)
[docs] def current_offset(self): """Returns the positional breathing offset for the current time""" return self._interpolate_breathing_curve(self.current_time_ms)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sinosoidal_motion(cls, sub_trajectory: BaseTrajectoryModule, breathing_period: Quantity, breathing_direction: np.ndarray, breathing_amplitude: Quantity): """Instantiates a SimpleBreathingMotionModule from a sinusodial breathing curve""" breathing_period = tf.constant(breathing_period.m_as("ms"), dtype=tf.float32, shape=()) motion_vector = tf.constant(breathing_direction / np.linalg.norm(breathing_direction), dtype=tf.float32, shape=(3,)) motion_amplitude = tf.constant(breathing_amplitude.m_as("m"), dtype=tf.float32, shape=()) normalized_timing = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0, 1, 200), tf.float32) sin_arg = normalized_timing * 2. * tf.constant(np.pi, dtype=tf.float32) breathing_trajectory = tf.reshape(motion_amplitude * motion_vector, [1, 3]) * tf.reshape(tf.math.sin(sin_arg), [-1, 1]) return cls(sub_trajectory, breathing_curve=breathing_trajectory, breathing_cycle_duration=breathing_period)