Source code for cmrsim.datasets._flow

"""Contains convenience implementations to handle meshes for flow-simulations including
refilling and pruning """

__all__ = ["RefillingFlowDataset"]

import math
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import pyvista

from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] class RefillingFlowDataset(tf.Module): """ Wraps a vtk-mesh of containing a velocity field. Functionality tackles the problem of in-/ out-flow of particles for a given imaging slice. """ #: Reference to the original mesh, given as input original_mesh: 'pyvista.UnstructuredGrid' #: Spacing of the uniform grid used for defining the lookup-maps taken from original mesh lookup_map_spacing: np.ndarray #: Reference to the uniformly gridded input mesh gridded_mesh: 'pyvista.ImageData' #: Property storing the mean particle density in the specified seeding volume mean_density: float #: n_new: int #: n_drop: int #: Positional offset of the re-seeding volume in meter seeding_slice_position: np.ndarray #: Normal vector of the re-seeding volume (formulated as plane +/ slice thickness/2) seeding_slice_normal: np.ndarray #: Slice thickness the re-seeding volume in meter seeding_slice_thickness: float #: Maximal extend of the cartesian bounding box for the re-seeding slice. If not specified, #: the seeding volume includes the union of an infinite slice & the original mesh slice_bounding_box: np.ndarray #: Spacing of the uniform grid used for defining the seeding volume seeding_vol_spacing: np.ndarray #: Reference to the seeding volume represented as an uniform grid gridded_seeding_volume: 'pyvista.ImageData' #: Cell indices for the union of self.gridded_seeding_volume & original mesh. #: (Note: self.gridded_seeding_volume implements a uniform grid corresponding to the bounding # box for a part of the original mesh) _active_cells_indices: np.ndarray #: Coordinates of cells indexed by _active_cells_indices, this is used for uniformly seeding #: Particles _active_cell_centers: np.ndarray # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, mesh: 'pyvista.UnstructuredGrid', slice_position: np.ndarray, slice_normal: np.ndarray, slice_thickness: float, lookup_map_spacing: np.ndarray, seeding_vol_spacing: np.ndarray, field_list: List[Tuple[str, int]], particle_creation_callables: Dict[str, callable] = None, slice_bounding_box: np.ndarray = None): """ :param mesh: 'pyvista.UnstructuredGrid' 3D mesh of flow-field :param slice_position: (3, ) in meter :param slice_normal: (3, ) unit normal vector of the selected slice :param slice_thickness: float in meter :param lookup_map_spacing: (3, ) in meter - determines the pixel size of the uniformly gridded mesh representing the lookup maps :param seeding_vol_spacing: (3, ) in meter - determines the pixel size of the seeding volume, should be at least 4 times smaller that Voxel-size of the simulated image :param field_list: list of tuples for fields in mesh. tuples should be ("label", num elements) :param slice_bounding_box: (3, ) in meter - user defined bounding box for slicing mesh. Uses whichever is smaller between mesh limits and user defined box """ super().__init__(name="refilling_flow_field") if not all(f in mesh.array_names for f, _ in field_list): raise ValueError(f"Specified field_list {field_list} contains names that are not " f"contained in given mesh-arrays {mesh.array_names}") self.particle_properties = list(particle_creation_callables.keys()) self._particle_creators = [particle_creation_callables[k] for k in self.particle_properties] self.field_list = field_list self.update_mesh(mesh, lookup_map_spacing) self.slice_bounding_box = slice_bounding_box self.update_seeding_volume(seeding_vol_spacing, slice_position, slice_normal, slice_thickness, slice_bounding_box) # initialize mean density, which is correctly evaluated on __call__ self.mean_density = 0. self.n_new = 0 self.n_drop = 0
[docs] def update_mesh(self, mesh: 'pyvista.UnstructuredGrid', lookup_map_spacing: np.ndarray): """ Processes the mesh handed in as argument, and saves the nessecary information into class attributes. Sets the module attributes: - self.original_mesh - self.lookup_map_spacing - self.gridded_mesh :param mesh: 'pyvista.UnstructuredGrid' 3D mesh of flow-field :param lookup_map_spacing: (3, ) in meter - determines the pixel size of the uniformly gridded mesh :return: None """ image_box = np.max(mesh.points, axis=0) - np.min(mesh.points, axis=0) dims = (image_box / lookup_map_spacing).astype(int) resolution = image_box / dims origin = np.min(mesh.points, axis=0) uniform_grid = pyvista.ImageData(dimensions=dims, spacing=resolution, origin=origin) self.lookup_map_spacing = lookup_map_spacing uniform_grid = uniform_grid.sample(mesh) uniform_grid["in_mesh"] = np.array(uniform_grid["vtkValidPointMask"], dtype=np.float64) self.gridded_mesh = uniform_grid self.original_mesh = mesh print("Updated Mesh")
# pylint: disable=multiple-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def update_seeding_volume(self, seeding_vol_spacing: np.ndarray = None, slice_position: np.ndarray = None, slice_normal: np.ndarray = None, slice_thickness: float = None, slice_bounding_box: np.array = None): """ Creates a uniform grid which represents the surrounding cuboid of the selected slice from self.gridded_mesh. The pv.ImageData contains the arrays 'in_slice' and 'in_mesh'. Using logical_and on those, yields the condition for positions being inside the sliced flow field. Sets the module attributes: - self.gridded_seeding_volume - self.seeding_slice_position - self.seeding_slice_normal - self.seeding_slice_thickness - self.slice_bounding_box :param seeding_vol_spacing: (3, ) in meter - determines the pixel size of the seeding volume, should be at least 4 times smaller that Voxel-size of the simulated image :param slice_position: (3, ) in meter :param slice_normal: (3, ) :param slice_thickness: float in meter :param slice_bounding_box: (3, ) in meter - user defined bounding box for slicing mesh. """ if seeding_vol_spacing is not None: self.seeding_vol_spacing = seeding_vol_spacing if slice_position is not None: self.seeding_slice_position = slice_position if slice_normal is not None: self.seeding_slice_normal = slice_normal if slice_thickness is not None: self.seeding_slice_thickness = slice_thickness if slice_bounding_box is not None: self.slice_bounding_box = slice_bounding_box r_slice, _ = RefillingFlowDataset._select_slice(self.gridded_mesh.points, self.seeding_slice_normal, self.seeding_slice_position, self.seeding_slice_thickness, self.slice_bounding_box) # Create uniform grid with specified seeding slice boundaries image_box = np.max(r_slice, axis=0) - np.min(r_slice, axis=0) dims = (image_box / self.seeding_vol_spacing).astype(int) resolution = image_box / dims origin = np.min(r_slice, axis=0) gridded_seeding_volume = pyvista.ImageData(dimensions=dims + 1, spacing=resolution, origin=origin) self.gridded_seeding_volume = self.gridded_mesh.probe(gridded_seeding_volume) active_indx = np.where(self.gridded_seeding_volume.ptc().cell_data["in_mesh"] > 0.7) active_cell_centers = self.gridded_seeding_volume.cell_centers().ptc().points[active_indx] self._active_cell_centers, in_slice = self._select_slice(active_cell_centers, self.seeding_slice_normal, self.seeding_slice_position, self.seeding_slice_thickness, self.slice_bounding_box) self._active_cells_indices = np.where(in_slice) print("Updated Slice Position")
@staticmethod def _select_slice(all_points: np.ndarray, slice_normal: np.ndarray, slice_position: np.ndarray, slice_thickness: float, slice_bounding_box: Tuple[float, float, float] = None): """ For given :param all_points: [-1, 3] :param slice_normal: (x, y, z) :param slice_position: (x, y, z) :param slice_thickness: float :param slice_bounding box: () """ slice_normal = slice_normal / np.linalg.norm(slice_normal) distance = np.einsum("ni, i", all_points - slice_position[np.newaxis, :], slice_normal) in_slice = np.abs(distance) <= slice_thickness / 2 if slice_bounding_box is not None: masked_lower = > (slice_position - slice_bounding_box / 2)[np.newaxis], axis=-1) masked_upper = < (slice_position + slice_bounding_box / 2)[np.newaxis], axis=-1) in_bb = np.logical_and(masked_lower, masked_upper) in_slice = np.logical_and(in_slice, in_bb) r_slice = all_points[np.where(in_slice)] return r_slice, in_slice # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def __call__(self, particle_density, residual_particle_pos=None, particle_properties=None, distance_tolerance: float = 5e-3, reseed_threshold: float = 1): """ Checks given particle positions and drops all that are out of bounds and sufficiently far away from the reseeding box. :param particle_density: target values for particle per 1/mm^3 cell of the grid :param residual_particle_pos: np.ndarray - Shape (-1, 3) :param particle_properties: dictionary of arrays (magnetization, T1, T2) :param distance_tolerance: float maximal distance to slice of particles that are reused :param reseed_threshold: [0,1], threshold as a fraction of particle density below which reseeding will occur. Positions with higher density than reseed_threshold*particle_density will not reseed :return: If no residual particles are handed in the returned tuple of properties is set to default values only. otherwise it contains the properties of the particles selected to keep Tuple[np.ndarray, (np.ndarray)] - Shape[(-1, 3), (-1, 3)] (particle_positions, (particle_properties), in_tolerance) """ sampled_particle_pos = self._uniformly_sample_slice(particle_density) # No particles are kept --> only new particles if residual_particle_pos is None: n_new = len(sampled_particle_pos) return_pos = sampled_particle_pos in_tolerance = None self.mean_density = particle_density return_properties = [fnc(n_new) for fnc in self._particle_creators] # Suitable particles are kept --> new particles according to target density else: # Check for particles within defined distance of original slice in_tolerance = self._filter_positions_by_distance_to_slice(residual_particle_pos, distance_tolerance) self.n_drop = residual_particle_pos.shape[0] - in_tolerance[0].shape[0] # Re-seed particles in un-populated areas with Monte-Carlo rejection: # 1. Estimate current particle density within slice self._estimate_particle_density(residual_particle_pos[in_tolerance]) sampled_particle_pos = self.gridded_seeding_volume.probe(sampled_particle_pos) density = np.array(sampled_particle_pos["density"]) decision_boundaries = density / particle_density # 2. To prevent unintentionally increasing particle density, set the decision boundary # to 1 where it is larger than the defined threshold decision_boundaries[decision_boundaries > reseed_threshold] = 1 # 3. MC-rejection step based on density mc_samples = np.random.uniform(0., 1., size=len(sampled_particle_pos.points)) is_accepted = np.where(np.array(mc_samples > decision_boundaries, dtype=bool)) n_new = len(is_accepted[0]) # Keep properties of particles in tolerance and concatenate new particles return_pos = np.concatenate([residual_particle_pos[in_tolerance], sampled_particle_pos.points[is_accepted]]) return_properties = [np.concatenate([particle_properties[k][in_tolerance], fnc(n_new)]) for k, fnc in zip(self.particle_properties, self._particle_creators)] # Update mean density after reseeding (to check for density increase) density_pre = self.gridded_seeding_volume["density"][self._active_cells_indices] self.mean_density = np.mean(density_pre) self.n_new = n_new return (return_pos.astype(np.float32), {k: v for k, v in zip(self.particle_properties, return_properties)}, in_tolerance)
def _uniformly_sample_slice(self, particle_density: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Uniformly samples positions in each cell of gridded_seeding_volume that is inside the original mesh. The density of particles per mm^3 will be an integer multiple of rasterized cells within a cubic mm (defined by self.seeding_vol_spacing on object initialization). :param particle_density: float - particle positions per cubic mm to be sampled :return: np.ndarray """ n_active_cells = self._active_cell_centers.shape[0] cell_spacing = np.array(self.gridded_seeding_volume.spacing).reshape(3, 1) sampling_volume_mm3 = * 1e3) n_particles_per_cell = max([math.ceil(particle_density * sampling_volume_mm3), 1]) sampling_boundaries = cell_spacing * np.array([-0.5, 0.5]).reshape(1, 2) rnd_r = np.stack([np.random.uniform(lower, upper, size=n_active_cells * n_particles_per_cell) for lower, upper in sampling_boundaries], axis=-1) rnd_r = (self._active_cell_centers.reshape((-1, 1, 3)) + rnd_r.reshape((-1, n_particles_per_cell, 3))) # Density adjustment actual_density = n_particles_per_cell / sampling_volume_mm3 density_ratio = particle_density / actual_density n_keep = math.ceil(rnd_r.shape[0] * density_ratio) keep_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, rnd_r.shape[0]), n_keep, replace=False) rnd_r = rnd_r[keep_idx, :] return rnd_r.reshape(-1, 3) def _filter_positions_by_distance_to_slice(self, particle_positions: np.ndarray, max_distance: float): """ For given particle positions computes the distance to slice surface and evaluates following boolean: - particles are within specified maximal distance to slice - particles are inside bounding box of original mesh :param particle_positions: (#batch, 3) :param max_distance: :return: in_tolerance (#batch, ) """ relative_positions = particle_positions - self.seeding_slice_position[np.newaxis, :] distance_to_slice = np.einsum("ni, i", relative_positions, self.seeding_slice_normal) within_distance = (np.abs(distance_to_slice) < max_distance + self.seeding_slice_thickness / 2) bounds = np.array(self.original_mesh.bounds).reshape(3, 2) above_min = > bounds[np.newaxis, :, 0], axis=-1) under_max = < bounds[np.newaxis, :, 1], axis=-1) in_bounds = np.logical_and(above_min, under_max) accepted_particles = np.logical_and(within_distance, in_bounds) return np.where(accepted_particles) def _estimate_particle_density(self, particles: np.ndarray): """ Creates 3D histogram of positions inside the gridded slice and applies the gaussian smoothing filter to estimate the current particle density at grid locations After calling the method, the pyvista.ImageData self.gridded_seeding_volume contains the data arrays 'histogram' and 'density' """ sampling_volume = * 1e3) # in mm^3 bin_edges = [np.arange(0., self.gridded_seeding_volume.extent[2 * i + 1] + 1) * self.gridded_seeding_volume.spacing[i] + self.gridded_seeding_volume.origin[i] for i in range(3)] residual_histogram, _ = np.histogramdd(particles, bins=bin_edges) sigma = self.lookup_map_spacing / self.seeding_vol_spacing * 0.75 smoothed_histogram = gaussian_filter(residual_histogram / sampling_volume, sigma=sigma, truncate=2.5) self.gridded_seeding_volume.cell_data["density"] = smoothed_histogram.reshape(-1, order="F")
[docs] def get_lookup_table(self): """ Returns a C-ordered gridded 3D velocity-field and the corresponding physical extends of the grid. Assumes that the internally stored mesh/ImageData is stored in Fortran order. :return: Array of shape [X, Y, Z, 3+N] containing the lookup-tables for velocity and N additional entries """ fields = [] for entry in self.field_list: fields.append( self.gridded_mesh[entry[0]].reshape((*self.gridded_mesh.dimensions, entry[1]), order="F").astype(np.float32)) map_dimensions = np.array(self.gridded_mesh.bounds, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 2) return np.concatenate(fields, axis=3), map_dimensions
[docs] def initial_filling(self, particle_density: float, slice_dictionary: dict = None): """ Randomly uniform seeds particle into the rasterized version of the input mesh with the specified particle density. The density of particles per mm^3 will be an integer multiple of rasterized cells within a cubic mm (defined by lookup_map_spacing on object initialization). Along with the positions, particle properties are returned (defined by the factory functions passed on object initialization) :param particle_density: approximate density; will be rounded according to n_particles_per_cell = max([int(particle_density * sampling_volume_mm3), 1]) :param slice_dictionary: keys: (slice_normal, slice_position, slice_thickness, slice_bounding_box) :return: (-1, 3) particle positions, dict("T1": (-1), ...) particle properties """ active_indx = np.where(self.gridded_mesh.ptc().cell_data["in_mesh"] > 0.7) active_cell_centers = self.gridded_mesh.cell_centers().ptc().points[active_indx] if slice_dictionary is not None: active_cell_centers, _ = self._select_slice(active_cell_centers, **slice_dictionary) n_active_cells = active_cell_centers.shape[0] cell_spacing = np.array(self.gridded_mesh.spacing).reshape(3, 1) sampling_volume_mm3 = * 1e3) n_particles_per_cell = max([math.ceil(particle_density * sampling_volume_mm3), 1]) sampling_boundaries = cell_spacing * np.array([-0.5, 0.5]).reshape(1, 2) rnd_r = np.stack([np.random.uniform(lower, upper, size=n_active_cells * n_particles_per_cell) for lower, upper in sampling_boundaries], axis=-1) rnd_r = active_cell_centers.reshape(-1, 1, 3) + rnd_r.reshape((-1, n_particles_per_cell, 3)) rnd_r = rnd_r.reshape(-1, 3).astype(np.float32) # Adjust density which is >= target due to ceiling operation actual_density = n_particles_per_cell / sampling_volume_mm3 density_ratio = particle_density / actual_density n_keep = math.ceil(rnd_r.shape[0] * density_ratio) keep_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, rnd_r.shape[0]), n_keep, replace=False) rnd_r = rnd_r[keep_idx, :] return_properties = {k: fnc(rnd_r.shape[0]) for k, fnc in zip(self.particle_properties, self._particle_creators)} return rnd_r, return_properties
[docs] def project_density_to_mesh(self, particles: np.ndarray) -> pyvista.UnstructuredGrid: """ Evaluates the density of given particle positions and projects it onto the geometry of the original mesh :param particles: (-1, 3) """ sampling_volume = * 1e3) # in mm^3 bin_edges = [np.arange(0., self.gridded_mesh.extent[2 * i + 1] + 1) * self.gridded_mesh.spacing[i] + self.gridded_mesh.origin[i] for i in range(3)] residual_histogram, _ = np.histogramdd(particles, bins=bin_edges) sigma = self.lookup_map_spacing / self.seeding_vol_spacing * 0.75 smoothed_histogram = gaussian_filter(residual_histogram / sampling_volume, sigma=sigma, truncate=2.5) self.gridded_mesh.cell_data["density"] = smoothed_histogram.reshape(-1, order="F") return self.gridded_mesh.probe(self.original_mesh)