Source code for cmrsim.datasets._bloch

""" This module contains the base implementation of a Dataset containing a digital phantom defined
 as a dictionary of numpy arrays, fitting into RAM at once"""

__all__ = ["BlochDataset"]

from collections import OrderedDict
from cmrsim.datasets._base import BaseDataset

[docs] class BlochDataset(BaseDataset): def __init__(self, array_dictionary: OrderedDict, filter_inputs: bool = True): """ Initializes a callable module, that yields an iterable tf.Dataset on call. The target shape of the yielded batches is (#batch, ...) :raises: InvalidArgument - if shape of M0, magnetization entries of the dictionary do not match (#MaterialPoints, ), (#MaterialPoints, 3) :param array_dictionary: (OrderedDict) containing the required quantities as numpy arrays :param filter_inputs: If set to true, trivial material points are filtered (M0=0), on instantiation """ if len(array_dictionary["M0"].shape) != 1: raise ValueError("Shape of input array M0 invalid") if len(array_dictionary["magnetization"].shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Shape of input array magnetization invalid") if len(array_dictionary["T1"].shape) != 1: raise ValueError("Shape of input array T1 invalid") if len(array_dictionary["T2"].shape) != 1: raise ValueError("Shape of input array T2 invalid") self.set_size = array_dictionary["magnetization"].shape[0] self.map_names = tuple(array_dictionary.keys()) super().__init__(filter_inputs=filter_inputs, array_dictionary=array_dictionary)