Source code for cmrsim.datasets._analytic

__all__ = ["AnalyticDataset"]

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from cmrsim.datasets._base import BaseDataset

    from cmrsim.trajectory._base import BaseTrajectoryModule

[docs] class AnalyticDataset(BaseDataset): def __init__(self, array_dictionary: OrderedDict, filter_inputs: bool = True, expand_dimension: bool = False): """ Initializes a callable module, that yields an iterable tf.Dataset on call. The target shape of the yielded batches is (#batch, #repetitions, #kspace-samples, ...) :raises: InvalidArgument - if shape of M0 and r_vector entry of the dictionary do not match (#MaterialPoints, #Repetitions, #k-space-samples) (#MaterialPoints, #Repetitions, 3, #k-space-samples) InvalidArgumentError is raised :param array_dictionary: (OrderedDict) containing the required quantities as numpy arrays :param filter_inputs: If set to true, trivial material points are filtered (M0=0), on instantiation :param expand_dimension: :param trajectory_module: :param trajectory_signatures: """ if expand_dimension: if len(array_dictionary["M0"].shape) > 1: dtype_list = [f"{k}: {v.shape}" for k, v in array_dictionary.items()] raise ValueError("Arrays appear to have repetition/sample axis already. Please" "disable the expand-dims argument. Shapes \n\t".join(dtype_list)) array_dictionary = {k: v[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] for k, v in array_dictionary.items()} if array_dictionary["M0"].dtype != np.dtype(np.complex64): raise ValueError("M0 is not of required type complex64") if not all([v.dtype == np.dtype(np.float32) for k, v in array_dictionary.items() if k != "M0"]): dtype_list = [f"{k}: {v.dtype}" for k, v in array_dictionary.items() if k != "M0"] raise ValueError("Not all arrays are of required type np.float32: \n" + "\n\t".join(dtype_list)) if len(array_dictionary["M0"].shape) != 3: raise ValueError("Shape of input array M0 invalid") if (array_dictionary.get("initial_positions") is None and array_dictionary.get("r_vectors") is None): raise ValueError("Either 'r_vectors' or 'initial_positions' must be specified as mandatory" f"key in the dictionary conainting the arrays {list(array_dictionary.keys())}." "Where the first is used when positions are pre-computed proir to simulation" " and the latter is used in combination with a trajectory module supporting" "batched calls. ") if array_dictionary.get("r_vectors") is not None: if len(array_dictionary["r_vectors"].shape) != 4: raise ValueError("Shape of input array r_vectors invalid") if array_dictionary["r_vectors"].shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError(f"Last dimension of r-vectors is not 3, it is likely that the array" f"axes are wrongly ordered. Refer to doc-string.\n" f"Given shape: {array_dictionary['r_vectors'].shape}") super().__init__(filter_inputs=filter_inputs, array_dictionary=array_dictionary) self.set_size = self._array_dict["M0"].shape[0] self.map_names = tuple(self._array_dict.keys())