Source code for cmrsim.bloch._ideal

""" This module contains Ideal bloch operators making simplifying assumptions"""
__all__ = ["InstantaneousPulse", "PerfectSpoiling"]

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from cmrsim.bloch._base import BaseBlochOperator

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class InstantaneousPulse(BaseBlochOperator): """ Module designed debug simulation by assuming instananeous excitation with a given flip angle and slice-profile :param complex_flip_angle: (n, ) - tf.complex64 :param slice_position: :param slice_thickness: :param slice_normal: :param slice_profile: :param device: """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, complex_flip_angle: tf.Tensor, slice_position: tf.Tensor, slice_thickness: float, slice_normal: tf.Tensor, slice_profile: str = None, device: str = None): super().__init__(name="instantaneous_pulse", device=device) self.flip_angle = tf.Variable(complex_flip_angle, shape=(None, ), dtype=tf.complex64) self.slice_normal = tf.Variable(slice_normal, shape=(3,), dtype=tf.float32) self.slice_position = tf.Variable(slice_position, shape=(3,), dtype=tf.float32) self.slice_thickness = tf.Variable(slice_thickness, shape=(), dtype=tf.float32) self.n_steps = 1 self.slice_profile = slice_profile self.n_repetitions = complex_flip_angle.shape[0]
[docs] def __call__(self, trajectory_module: callable, initial_position: tf.Tensor, magnetization: tf.Tensor, repetition_index: tf.Tensor = 0, **kwargs): positions, _ = trajectory_module.increment_particles(initial_position, dt=0.) with tf.device(self.device): if self.flip_angle.shape[0] == 1: # override pulse index in case of single FA repetition_index = 0 flip_angle, phase = self._fa_from_slice_profile(positions, pulse_index=repetition_index) complex_alpha = tf.complex(flip_angle, 0.) * tf.exp(tf.complex(0., phase)) return self.hard_pulse(complex_alpha, magnetization)
def _fa_from_slice_profile(self, r_vectors: tf.Tensor, pulse_index: tf.Tensor = tf.constant(0, tf.int32)): distance_to_slice = tf.einsum("ni, i", r_vectors - self.slice_position[tf.newaxis, :], self.slice_normal) normalized_distance = tf.abs(distance_to_slice) / self.slice_thickness if self.slice_profile == "Sinc1": profile = np.sinc(normalized_distance) else: profile = tf.where(tf.abs(normalized_distance) < 0.5, tf.ones_like(distance_to_slice), tf.zeros_like(distance_to_slice)) flip_angle = tf.abs(self.flip_angle[pulse_index]) * profile phase = tf.math.angle(self.flip_angle[pulse_index]) * tf.ones_like(distance_to_slice) return flip_angle, phase
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class PerfectSpoiling(BaseBlochOperator): """ Module designed to debug simulations by making residual magnetization effects negligible"""
[docs] def __call__(self, magnetization: tf.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Simply sets the transverse magnetization to 0. :param magnetization: (#batch, 3) :return: (#batch, 3) """ mask_tensor = tf.reshape(tf.constant([0, 0, 1], dtype=tf.complex64), [1, 3]) return magnetization * mask_tensor