Source code for cmrsim.analytic.simulation

""" This module contains the Entry-point for defining and running simulations """
__all__ = ['AnalyticSimulation', ]
from typing import Tuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from abc import abstractmethod
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import tensorflow as tf

    from cmrsim.datasets import AnalyticDataset
    from cmrsim.analytic.encoding.base import BaseSampling
    from cmrsim.reconstruction.base import BaseRecon
    from cmrsim.analytic._composite_signal import CompositeSignalModel

from cmrsim.utils.display import SimulationProgressBarII

from time import perf_counter

[docs] class AnalyticSimulation(tf.Module): """ This module provides the entry point to build and call the simulations defined within the cmrsim framework. It is meant to be subclassed, where all subclasses need to implement the abstract method `_build` defining the building blocks of the simulation to run. Creates an instance of class either by using the given building Blocks or by calling the _build function to set up the simulation. :param name: :param building_blocks: Tuple containing one instance each of 'CompositeSignalModel', 'BaseSampling', 'BaseRecon' defining the actual simulation configuration if it is None, the memberfunction _build is called """ forward_model: 'CompositeSignalModel' = None encoding_module: 'BaseSampling' = None recon_module: 'BaseRecon' = None def __init__(self, name: str = None, building_blocks: Tuple['CompositeSignalModel', 'BaseSampling', 'BaseRecon'] = None, build_kwargs: dict = None): """ :param name: :param building_blocks: Tuple containing one instance each of 'CompositeSignalModel', 'BaseSampling', 'BaseRecon' defining the actual simulation configuration if it is None, the memberfunction _build is called """ super().__init__(name=name) if building_blocks is None: if build_kwargs is None: raise ValueError("Neither building blocks nor build kwargs are specified") self.forward_model, self.encoding_module, self.recon_module =**build_kwargs) else: self.forward_model, self.encoding_module, self.recon_module = building_blocks # Initialize progress bar n_k_space_segments = self.encoding_module.k_space_segments.read_value() self.progress_bar = SimulationProgressBarII(total_voxels=1, prefix='Run Simulation: ', total_segments=n_k_space_segments)
[docs] @abstractmethod def build(self, **kwargs) -> ('CompositeSignalModel', 'BaseSampling', 'BaseRecon'): """ Abstract method that needs to be defined in subclasses to configure specific simulations """ return -1
[docs] def __call__(self, dataset: 'AnalyticDataset', voxel_batch_size: int = 1000, unstack_repetitions: bool = True, trajectory_module=None, trajectory_signatures: dict = None, additional_kwargs: dict = None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Wrapper for the decorated (@tf.function) call of the simulation loop. :param dataset: :param voxel_batch_size: (int) see documentation of _simulate_segmented_k_space. :param unstack_repetitions: If False the returned shape will be (#images, #Reps, #noise_levels, #samples). If True refer to 'return' in docstring. :return: **(tf.Tensor)** | Stack of images with shape (#images, ..., #noise_levels, #X, #Y, #Z), or k-spaces with shape (#images, ..., #noise_levels, #samples) where the ellipsis (...) depends on the specific forward model. The order in which the *CompositeSignalModel* calls the submodules determines the order of dimensions and number of axis in the ellipsis. """ self._update() self._validate_dataset(dataset.map_names, trajectory_module is not None) # If wanted, disable graph construction with tf.function (designed for debugging) self.progress_bar.total_voxels.assign(dataset.set_size) # Run actual simulation k_space_shape = self.get_k_space_shape() batched_dataset = dataset(batchsize=voxel_batch_size) noise_less_k_space_stack = self._simulation_loop(batched_dataset, k_space_shape, trajectory_module, trajectory_signatures, additional_kwargs) # Act noise_instantiations k_space_stack = self.encoding_module.add_noise(noise_less_k_space_stack) if unstack_repetitions: k_space_stack = self.forward_model.unstack_repetitions(k_space_stack) if self.recon_module is not None: simulation_result = self._reconstruct(k_space_stack) else: simulation_result = k_space_stack return simulation_result
def _validate_dataset(self, map_names: Tuple[str], tr_mod: bool): # Check dataset inputs for missing parameter maps if tr_mod: if not all((rq in map_names for rq in self.forward_model.required_quantities if rq != 'r_vectors')): raise AssertionError( f'{map_names} does not contain all entries of' f' {self.forward_model.required_quantities}') else: if not all((rq in map_names for rq in self.forward_model.required_quantities)): raise AssertionError( f'{map_names} does not contain all entries of' f' {self.forward_model.required_quantities}') def _simulation_loop(self, dataset:, k_space_shape: tf.Tensor, trajectory_module=None, trajectory_signatures: dict = None, additional_kwargs: dict = None): """ Consumes all object-configuration data (images) and simulates the MR images. The simulation configuration is exclusively defined by the given modules forward_model and encoding. If the optional reconstruction module is given, the returned tensor contains images otherwise it will return the k-space data. :param dataset: tf.Dataset that yields corresponding to the `cmrsim.datasets.BaseDataset.__call__` :return: Stack of noise_less k-space-images as tensor with shape (#repetitions, #samples). The returned images are only 3D if the input data, encoding and recon module are 3D as well. """ if additional_kwargs is None: additional_kwargs = {} # Allocate tensor array to store the simulated images s_of_k_temp = tf.zeros(k_space_shape, tf.complex64) self.progress_bar.reset_voxel() # Loop over material points in dataset for batch_idx, batch_dict in dataset.enumerate(): if trajectory_module is not None: batch_dict = self._map_trajectories(batch_idx, batch_dict, trajectory_module, trajectory_signatures, additional_kwargs) m_transverse = self.forward_model(batch_dict["M0"], segment_index=0, **batch_dict) s_of_k_temp += self.encoding_module(m_transverse, batch_dict["r_vectors"]) self.progress_bar.update(add_voxels=tf.shape(batch_dict['M0'])[0]) self.progress_bar.print() self.progress_bar.print_final() return s_of_k_temp @staticmethod def _map_trajectories(idx: int, batch: dict, trajectory_module, trajectory_signatures: dict, additional_kwargs: dict): """ :warning: Only the last entry of the trajectory signatures dict :param idx: :param batch: :param trajectory_module: :param trajectory_signatures: :param additional_kwargs: :return: """ init_r = batch.pop("initial_positions") for k, t in trajectory_signatures.items(): new_shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(init_r)[0:1], tf.shape(t), [3, ]], axis=0) # Iterate over repetitions as for some reason this might cause troubles if tried # using the flattened time-samples pos, add_lookups = [], [] for t_ in t: p, alup = trajectory_module(initial_positions=tf.reshape(init_r, (-1, 3)), timing=tf.reshape(t_, (-1, )), **additional_kwargs, batch_index=tf.cast(idx, tf.int32)) pos.append(p) add_lookups.append(alup) pos = tf.stack(pos, axis=1) pos = tf.reshape(pos, new_shape) batch.update({k: pos}) lookup_shapes = [tf.concat([new_shape[:-1], tf.shape(add_lookups[-1][k])[2:]], 0) for k in add_lookups[-1].keys()] add_lookups = {k: tf.reshape(tf.stack([alup[k] for alup in add_lookups]), lus) for k, lus in zip(add_lookups[-1].keys(), lookup_shapes)} batch.update(add_lookups) return batch
[docs] def get_k_space_shape(self): """ Calculates the expected result shape of the simulated k-space, given the configuration of encoding and forward-model modules :return: tf.Tensor specifying the shape (#repetitions, #k_space_samples) """ n_reps = tf.cast(self.forward_model.expected_number_of_repetitions, tf.int32) n_samples = tf.cast(self.encoding_module.number_of_samples, tf.int32) expected_k_space_shape = tf.stack([n_reps, n_samples], axis=0) return expected_k_space_shape
def _reconstruct(self, simulated_k_spaces): return self.recon_module(simulated_k_spaces) def _update(self): """ In case there are dependencies between the modules of the simulation, this function offers the entry point to adapt all Variables after changes """ self.forward_model.update() self.encoding_module.update()
[docs] def save(self, checkpoint_path: str): """ Saves a tf checkpoint of the current simulation configuration :param checkpoint_path: str """ checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=self) checkpoint.write(checkpoint_path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_checkpoint(cls, checkpoint_path: str): """ Creates instance of the class and loads variables from the specified checkpoint :param checkpoint_path: str :return: Instance of class """ new_model = cls(build_kwargs=dict()) new_checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=new_model) new_checkpoint.restore(checkpoint_path) return new_model
@property def configuration_summary(self) -> OrderedDict: """ Creates a summary of the configured variables in the submodules as dictionaries :return: dict """ summary = OrderedDict() temp = {'modules': []} for module in self.forward_model.submodules: temp['modules'].append( temp.update({ {}}) for variable in module.variables: temp[].update( { {'name':, 'dtype': str(variable.dtype), 'shape': str(variable.shape), 'is_trainable': str(variable.trainable), 'value': variable.numpy().tolist()}}) summary.update({'forward model': temp}) summary.update({'encoding': {'name':}}) for variable in self.encoding_module.variables: summary['encoding'].update( { {'name':, 'dtype': str(variable.dtype), 'shape': str(variable.shape), 'is_trainable': str(variable.trainable), 'value': variable.numpy().tolist()}}) return summary
[docs] def write_graph(self, dataset, graph_log_dir: str): """ Traces the graph of the simulation for one batch and saves it as graphdef to the specified folder """ # If set to True log the graph with tf.summary os.makedirs(graph_log_dir, exist_ok=True) writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(graph_log_dir) print("Graph Tracing activated...") tf.summary.trace_on(graph=True) batch_dict, = [_ for _ in dataset(100).take(1)] m_transverse = self.forward_model(batch_dict["M0"], segment_index=0, **batch_dict) _ = self.encoding_module(m_transverse, batch_dict["r_vectors"]) with writer.as_default(): # pylint: disable not-context-manager tf.summary.trace_export(name='graph_def', step=0) print(f'\nSaved Graph-definition to {graph_log_dir}')