Source code for cmrsim.analytic.contrast.phase_tracking

""" This modules contains signal model based signal modification due to bulk-motion """
__all__ = ["PhaseTracking"]

import tensorflow as tf

from cmrsim.analytic.contrast.base import BaseSignalModel

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class PhaseTracking(BaseSignalModel): # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string """ Evalulates Phase accrual for pre-defined particle trajectories Phase calculation for a simple spatially constant gradient wave form and for moving particles according to: .. math:: \phi(t) = \int \\vec{G}(t) \\cdot \\vec{r}(t) dt :param wave_form: (#repetition, #steps, [t, x, y, z]) - time and wave-form-grid :param gamma: Gyromagnetic ratio in rad/ms/mT """ required_quantities = ('trajectory', ) #: (#repetitions, #time-steps, 4[t, x, y, z]) wave_form: tf.Variable #: gyromagnetic ratio in rad/mT/ms gamma: tf.Tensor def __init__(self, expand_repetitions: bool, wave_form: tf.Tensor, gamma: float, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string """ :param wave_form: (#repetition, #steps, [t, x, y, z]) - time and wave-form-grid :param gamma: Gyromagnetic ratio in rad/ms/mT """ super().__init__(expand_repetitions=expand_repetitions, name="phase_tracking", **kwargs) with tf.device(self.device): self.wave_form = tf.Variable(wave_form, shape=(None, None, 4), dtype=tf.float32, name='wave_form') self.n_steps = tf.Variable(0, shape=(), dtype=tf.int64, name="n_steps") self.gamma = tf.constant(gamma, dtype=tf.float32) self.expansion_factor = tf.shape(self.wave_form)[0] self.update() # @tf.function(jit_compile=True)
[docs] def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, trajectory: tf.Tensor, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: """ Evaluates the phase integration for given trajectories :param signal_tensor: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples) last two dimensions can be 1 :param trajectory: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples, #time-steps, 3) last dimension corresponds to (x, y, z) in meter #time-steps must be the same as self.wave_form :return: - if expand_repetitions == True: (#voxel, #repetitions \* self.wave_form.shape[0], #k-space-samples) - if expand_repetitions == False: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples) """ with tf.device(self.device): tf.Assert(tf.shape(trajectory)[-2] == tf.shape(self.wave_form.read_value())[1], ["[PhaseTracking] Wave-form and trajectory grid dont match!"]) input_shape = tf.shape(signal_tensor) k_space_axis_tiling = tf.cast((tf.floor(input_shape[2]/tf.shape(trajectory)[2])), tf.int32) # trapezoidal integration tf.Assert(tf.shape(trajectory)[1] == 1 or tf.shape(trajectory)[1] == self.expansion_factor, ["Shape missmatch for input argument trajectory"]) delta_t = self.wave_form[:, 1:, 0] - self.wave_form[:, 0:-1, 0] g_dot_r = tf.einsum('...ti, b...kti -> b...kt', self.wave_form[:, :, 1:], trajectory) phases = tf.reduce_sum(delta_t[tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis] * (g_dot_r[..., 1:] + g_dot_r[..., :-1]) / 2, axis=-1) * self.gamma complex_phase = tf.exp(tf.complex(0., phases)) complex_phase = tf.tile(complex_phase, [1, 1, k_space_axis_tiling]) # Case 1: expand-dimensions if self.expand_repetitions or self.expansion_factor == 1: temp = tf.einsum('vrk, vnk -> vrnk', signal_tensor, complex_phase) result = tf.reshape(temp, (input_shape[0], -1, input_shape[2])) # Case 2: repetition-axis of signal_tensor must match self.expansion_factor else: tf.Assert(input_shape[1] == self.expansion_factor, ["Shape missmatch for input argument signal_tensor for case no-expand", input_shape, self.expansion_factor]) result = signal_tensor * complex_phase return result
[docs] def update(self): super().update() self.n_steps.assign(self.wave_form.read_value().shape[1]) self.expansion_factor = tf.shape(self.wave_form)[0]