Source code for cmrsim.analytic.contrast.offresonance

__all__ = ["OffResonanceProperty", ]

from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import tensorflow as tf

from cmrsim.analytic.contrast.base import BaseSignalModel

    import numpy as np

[docs] class OffResonanceProperty(BaseSignalModel): """ Initializes a module to calculate the phase contribution of an offresonance according to: .. math:: M_{xy}^{i, \\prime} = M_{xy}^{i} exp(-j\gamma \\Delta B \\delta t), where :math:`\\delta t` is the duration from the RF-excitation center for GRE sequences while it is the temporal distance to the echo-center for SE sequences. .. note:: This module does not expand the repetition axis, but it always broad-casts the internal calculations to work for all #repetions > 0 :param sampling_times: timing of acquisition (ADC) events in milliseconds of shape (#reps, #k-space-points) :param gamma: Gyromagnetic ratio in rad/ms/mT """ #: Tuple of names specifying the input quantities that must be passed as keyword-arguments to #: the __call__ method of the operator instance. required_quantities = ('deltaB0', ) #: timing of acquisition (ADC) events in milliseconds #: Assumes the duration from the RF-excitation center for GRE sequences and the temporal #: distance to the echo-center for SE sequences. sampling_times: tf.Variable def __init__(self, sampling_times: Union[tf.Tensor, 'np.ndarray'], gamma: float, expand_repetitions: bool, **kwargs): """ :param sampling_times: timing of acquisition (ADC) events in milliseconds of shape (#reps, #k-space-points) :param gamma: Gyromagnetic ratio in rad/ms/mT """ super().__init__(expand_repetitions=expand_repetitions, name="offres", **kwargs) if not(len(sampling_times.shape) == 1 or len(sampling_times.shape) == 2): raise ValueError("Invalid shape for specified sampling_times. " "Must either be only (#k-space-points) or " f"(#repetitions, #k-space-points), but is: {sampling_times.shape}") if len(sampling_times.shape) == 1: sampling_times = tf.reshape(sampling_times, [1, -1]) with tf.device(self.device): self.gamma = tf.constant(gamma, dtype=tf.float32) self.sampling_times = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sampling_times, tf.float32), shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.float32) self.expansion_factor = sampling_times.shape[0]
[docs] def update(self): super().update() self.expansion_factor == tf.shape(self.sampling_times.read_value())[0]
# pylint: disable=signature-differs
[docs] @tf.function(jit_compile=True) def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, deltaB0: tf.Tensor, **kwargs): """ Evaluates the off-resonance operator under the assumption :param signal_tensor: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples) #repetitions and #k-space-samples can be1 :param deltaB0: tf.Tensor (#voxel, 1, 1) in mT. :param segment_index: int, if k-space is segmented for Memory reasons. defaults to 0 :return: signal_tensor (#voxel, #repetition, #k-space-samples) with #k-space-samples > 1 """ with tf.device(self.device): input_shape = tf.shape(signal_tensor) n_samples = tf.shape(self.sampling_times)[-1] tf.Assert(tf.shape(deltaB0)[1] == 1 or tf.shape(deltaB0)[1] == self.expansion_factor, ["Shape missmatch for input argument T2star, repetitions axis assumed to be 1 or ", self.expansion_factor, "but revceived ", tf.shape(deltaB0)]) tf.Assert(input_shape[2] == 1 or input_shape[2] == n_samples, ["Shape missmatch for input argument signal_tensor and self.sampling_times", input_shape, tf.shape(self.sampling_times)]) off_res_phase = self.sampling_times * deltaB0 * self.gamma phase_factor = tf.exp(-tf.complex(0., off_res_phase)) # (p, self.exp, k) if self.expand_repetitions or self.expansion_factor == 1: result = signal_tensor[:, :, tf.newaxis, :] * phase_factor[:, tf.newaxis, :, :] new_shape = tf.stack([input_shape[0], input_shape[1] * self.expansion_factor, n_samples], axis=0) result = tf.reshape(result, new_shape) else: tf.Assert(input_shape[1] == self.expansion_factor, ["Shape missmatch for input argument signal_tensor for case no-expand"]) result = signal_tensor * phase_factor return result