Source code for cmrsim.analytic.contrast.diffusion_weighting

""" This modules contains signal model based signal modification due to Diffusion """
__all__ = ["GaussianDiffusionTensor"]

import tensorflow as tf

from cmrsim.analytic.contrast.base import BaseSignalModel

# pylint: disable=abstract-method, disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
[docs] class GaussianDiffusionTensor(BaseSignalModel): """ Model based Gaussian diffusion contrast. Instantiates a module that evaluates the diffusion signal representation: .. math:: F = \exp(-\mathbf{b}^T\mathbf{D}\mathbf{b}) Assumes the b-vector to be the diffusion direction be scaled with the square-root of the b-value: :math:`\mathbf{b} = \sqrt{b}\mathbf{d}` Instead of two dimensions for direction and b-value just uses one dimension of scaled b-vectors. :param b_vectors: - (#directions * #bvalues, 3) in units sqrt(s/mm*2) :param expand_repetitions: See BaseSignalModel for explanation """ required_quantities = ('diffusion_tensor', ) def __init__(self, b_vectors: tf.Tensor, expand_repetitions: bool, **kwargs): """ :param b_vectors: - (#directions * #bvalues, 3) in units sqrt(s/mm*2) :param expand_repetitions: See BaseSignalModel for explanation """ super().__init__(name="dti_gauss", expand_repetitions=expand_repetitions, **kwargs) with tf.device(self.device): self.b_vectors = tf.Variable(b_vectors, shape=(None, 3), dtype=tf.float32, name='b_vectors') self.update()
[docs] @tf.function(jit_compile=True) def __call__(self, signal_tensor: tf.Tensor, diffusion_tensor: tf.Tensor, **kwargs)\ -> tf.Tensor: """ Evaluates the diffusion operator. :param signal_tensor: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples) last two dimensions can be 1 :param diffusion_tensor: diffusion_tensor (#voxels, #repetitions, #k_space_samples, 3, 3) :return: - if expand_repetitions == True: (#voxel, #repetitions * #self.b_vectors, #k-space-samples) - if expand_repetitions == False: (#voxel, #repetitions, #k-space-samples) """ with tf.device(self.device): # All Cases : --> repetitions-axis of argument diffusion_tensor must be either 1 or # equal to self.expansion_factor tf.Assert(tf.shape(diffusion_tensor)[1] == 1 or tf.shape(diffusion_tensor)[1] == self.expansion_factor, ["Shape missmatch for input argument diffusion_tensor"]) input_shape = tf.shape(signal_tensor) k_space_axis_tiling = tf.cast((tf.floor(input_shape[2]/tf.shape(diffusion_tensor)[2])), tf.int32) # Case 1: expand-dimensions if self.expand_repetitions or self.expansion_factor == 1: exponent = tf.einsum('ni, vrkij, nj -> vrnk', self.b_vectors, diffusion_tensor, self.b_vectors) decay_factor = tf.cast(tf.exp(-exponent), tf.complex64) decay_factor = tf.tile(decay_factor, [1, 1, 1, k_space_axis_tiling]) temp = tf.einsum('v...k, v...nk -> v...nk', signal_tensor, decay_factor) result = tf.reshape(temp, (input_shape[0], -1, input_shape[2])) # Case 2: repetition-axis of signal_tensor must match self.expansion_factor else: tf.Assert(input_shape[1] == self.expansion_factor, ["Shape missmatch for input argument signal_tensor for case no-expand"]) exponent = tf.einsum('...i, v...kij, ...j -> v...k', self.b_vectors, diffusion_tensor, self.b_vectors) decay_factor = tf.cast(tf.exp(-exponent), tf.complex64) decay_factor = tf.tile(decay_factor, [1, 1, k_space_axis_tiling]) result = signal_tensor * decay_factor return result
[docs] def update(self): super().update() self.expansion_factor = self.b_vectors.read_value().shape[0]